Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Pot calls the kettle black.

Being that pagans are simple minded, I try not to ask questions that are too complex.

Here are the questions again:

Do you believe that God is an anarchist? Do you believe that God didn't ordain civil government as one of three institutions (along with the Church and family) for the governance of men?

Are you an anarchist Sig, or do you believe government should just leave this particular pet sin of yours alone?



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Are you implying that it's my...


that irritates people instead of the message?

I think we are just very different people with different motivations and reasons for being here.

I see that you identify yourself as a "Christian/Other". Do you believe that there are responsibilities/duties that come along with being a Christian?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Do you believe that there are responsibilities/duties that come along with being a Christian?

Of course but not all ministries are the same. That would be boring.

Using the words of Selwyn Duke from his article:

Why many American Christians really are un-Christian

"Heck, if I thought religion was just a fancy name for opinion, I'd become a hedonist — or at least a Unitarian."

Duke continues with:

"Let us be blunt: It is simply not possible to espouse relativism — which holds that right and wrong are opinion — and be a true Christian.

Why? It's simple: Jesus did not die for our opinions. Jesus did not say that His blood was the blood of the new and everlasting covenant and that it would be shed for you and for all so that opinions may be forgiven; He did not say, I am a way, a truth, and a life; He did not say, let he who is without opinion cast the first stone; He did not say to that dark tempter, "It is said, 'Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God,'" but, hey, Satan, whatever works for you.

There are many doctrinal differences among the denominations, and good people could debate them ad nauseam and still not settle every one. Yet, if anything is central to Christianity, it's the belief that Truth is spelled with a capital "T," that it is absolute, universal and eternal. And also central is a corollary of this belief: that there is an absolute, universal and eternal answer to every moral question; that right and wrong are not a matter of opinion, that they don't change from time to time and place to place

Other than you not being an American, can you relate to the article?

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
Using the words of Selwyn Duke from his article:

Why many American Christians really are un-Christian

"Heck, if I thought religion was just a fancy name for opinion, I'd become a hedonist — or at least a Unitarian."

Duke continues with:

"Let us be blunt: It is simply not possible to espouse relativism — which holds that right and wrong are opinion — and be a true Christian.

Why? It's simple: Jesus did not die for our opinions. Jesus did not say that His blood was the blood of the new and everlasting covenant and that it would be shed for you and for all so that opinions may be forgiven; He did not say, I am a way, a truth, and a life; He did not say, let he who is without opinion cast the first stone; He did not say to that dark tempter, "It is said, 'Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God,'" but, hey, Satan, whatever works for you.

There are many doctrinal differences among the denominations, and good people could debate them ad nauseam and still not settle every one. Yet, if anything is central to Christianity, it's the belief that Truth is spelled with a capital "T," that it is absolute, universal and eternal. And also central is a corollary of this belief: that there is an absolute, universal and eternal answer to every moral question; that right and wrong are not a matter of opinion, that they don't change from time to time and place to place

Other than you not being an American, can you relate to the article?

Uh, not really. No.

I'm not even sure what it has to do with different people having different ministries.

Like I said...you do your thing, I'll do mine.


New member
Z2006 - Thanks for your thoughts. Does the need to have humans do God's work reduce His power?

God doesn't need humans to help, but he allows them to help.

Either God is not maximally great, or He doesn't know or He doesn't want to help or He doesn't care.

Or he is slowly restoring creation through a plan inaugurated by his covenant with Abraham.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Other than you not being an American, can you relate to the article?

Uh, not really. No.

I'm not even sure what it has to do with different people having different ministries.

Like I said...you do your thing, I'll do mine.

On that note I'll let you get back to your thread "Which TOL'er would you like to hang out with for a day?".


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
On that note I'll let you get back to your thread "Which TOL'er would you like to hang out with for a day?".

Don't mistake my kindness for weakness, aCW. My wisdom and knowledge were hard earned and I'm one of the strongest people you're likely to come across.

Looking at your list of TOL'ers that you'd like to hang out with for a day (2 pagans, an atheist and a pretend Christian), I recognize all 4 as having contributed* to this 3 part thread.

Arthur Brain, Rag Tag, Granite, Pure X,...

*Unfortunately their contribution wasn't on the side of God and decency.

Will you share God's Word with them, or remain silent out of concern that you'll no longer be popular?

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
Looking at your list of TOL'ers that you'd like to hang out with for a day, I recognize all 4 as having contributed* to this 3 part thread.

What can I say? I'm an edgy chick.


*Unfortunately their contribution wasn't on the side of God and decency.

Will you share God's Word with them, or remain silent out of concern that you'll no longer be popular?

I speak freely about my beliefs, I have nothing to hide.

I don't need to be 'popular' because my self esteem is based on who I am, not what others think of me.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
On that note I'll let you get back to your thread "Which TOL'er would you like to hang out with for a day?".

Looking at your list of TOL'ers that you'd like to hang out with for a day (2 pagans, an atheist and a pretend Christian), I recognize all 4 as having contributed* to this 3 part thread.


*Unfortunately their contribution wasn't on the side of God and decency.

Will you share God's Word with them, or remain silent out of concern that you'll no longer be popular?

I've done an absolute about turn on this aCW. It's about time that all of those flea ridden disease infested faggots crawled right back into their mouldy closets and kept their insidious and chosen perversion to themselves. Your threads finally done the trick.



I've done an absolute about turn on this aCW. It's about time that all of those flea ridden disease infested faggots crawled right back into their mouldy closets and kept their insidious and chosen perversion to themselves. Your threads finally done the trick.


(I can see why Thunder's Muse would want to meet with Art Brain, he's a real comedian).

Obviously you haven't been following my threads Art, as righteous laws, such as recriminalizing homosexuality, wil help those that are enslaved to a deadly lifestyle to be free from the perversion that they currently embrace.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
(I can see why Thunder's Muse would want to meet with Art Brain, he's a real comedian).

Obviously you haven't been following my threads Art, as righteous laws, such as recriminalizing homosexuality, wil help those that are enslaved to a deadly lifestyle to be free from the perversion that they currently embrace.

Well aye, of course! Lock the fairy's up right? Force them into 'reparative therapy' or chemically castrate the deviants if they don't turn from their chosen ways. That's the way to go isn't it?



(I can see why Thunder's Muse would want to meet with Art Brain, he's a real comedian).

Obviously you haven't been following my threads Art, as righteous laws, such as recriminalizing homosexuality, wil help those that are enslaved to a deadly lifestyle to be free from the perversion that they currently embrace.

He's one of my closest friends and probably knows more about me than anyone else on TOL :)

Then Art knows that you practice the "New Christianity" where you embrace pagans and atheists and make them feel better about themselves while never once bringing up repentance of sin and eternal salvation:

i.e. you're a "NALT Christian".




The evidence is emerging that homophobia is repressed sexual desire and resultant externalised self loathing.

I pity you.

:readthis: "Of course, having criticized homosexuality in public...I will now be accused of being a secret, self-hating closeted homosexual and the rest of the brownshirt psychobabble. But then I suppose that would make my critics secret, self-hating closet conservatives...".



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
(I can see why Thunder's Muse would want to meet with Art Brain, he's a real comedian).

Obviously you haven't been following my threads Art, as righteous laws, such as recriminalizing homosexuality, wil help those that are enslaved to a deadly lifestyle to be free from the perversion that they currently embrace.

Well aye, of course! Lock the fairy's up right? Force them into 'reparative therapy' or chemically castrate the deviants if they don't turn from their chosen ways. That's the way to go isn't it?


Need I remind you Art what happens to those who engage in homosexual behavior when righteous laws are not legislated?




It's called a "deathstyle" for a reason Art.
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