Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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But Al, those weren't my words, those were the words from the Centers For Disease Control in Atlanta, the most reputable US health organization. Surely you're not calling the CDC an "extremist" group are you Al?
So now, it seems, you want to use the CDC as a rock to crawl under aCW?
Reputable organisations can indeed be trusted to produce genuine reasonably accurate information, while imo you can only be trusted to selectively spin whatever it is into extremist misinformation.

Someone is lying here Al. Either homophobic bigots like me, "Porno Pete" LaBarbera and others who believe in the "imaginary sky god" are lying by saying that homosexuality is a extremely harmful behavior that causes disease and early death, or the CDC and other pro homosexual groups are lying by saying that it's us homophobic bigots that are the problem.

Which is it Al?
Clearly any form of unsafe sex, gay or straight, can be dangerous but it's homophobic bigots, like those you have so ably suggested, who are extremists, who concentrate all their efforts on only one form of sex because they personally want it to go away, who perhaps don't want to be reminded of their own gay side? :think:


New member
Shouldn't you be doing something constructive like planning a Rimbaud family reunion?

:madmad: Why, after I was so nice to you that day - so worried about you and PMed you and apologized and now you...........you...........you...............



New member
Thank you Traci. I think we can all agree (Al needs some convincing though) that it's us homophobic bigots who believe in the "imaginary sky god" that are the problem and strict hate crime laws MUST be enforced to silence us for the good of humanity.

who said anything about silencing? Your bigotry and les have consequences and as long as you continue to engage in hate based behavior good people will confront your lies with facts and continue to point out the sad consequences of your wicked acts


it's a well established fact that your above list of horrors (excluding promiscuity. Gays are no more promiscuous than straights) is not the result of someone being homosexual, rather it is the result of living with the hatred and bigotry that you promote.
You mean to say fagdum knows how to take care of themselves, and that AIDS is not big fraud caused by fagdum being just dumb.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Thank you Traci. I think we can all agree (Al needs some convincing though) that it's us homophobic bigots who believe in the "imaginary sky god" that are the problem and strict hate crime laws MUST be enforced to silence us for the good of humanity.

who said anything about silencing? Your bigotry and les have consequences and as long as you continue to engage in hate based behavior good people will confront your lies with facts and continue to point out the sad consequences of your wicked acts

You surely aren't against hate crime legislation are you Traci?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
But Al, those weren't my words, those were the words from the Centers For Disease Control in Atlanta, the most reputable US health organization. Surely you're not calling the CDC an "extremist" group are you Al?

So now, it seems, you want to use the CDC as a rock to crawl under aCW?
Reputable organisations can indeed be trusted to produce genuine reasonably accurate information, while imo you can only be trusted to selectively spin whatever it is into extremist misinformation.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Someone is lying here Al. Either homophobic bigots like me, "Porno Pete" LaBarbera and others who believe in the "imaginary sky god" are lying by saying that homosexuality is a extremely harmful behavior that causes disease and early death, or the CDC and other pro homosexual groups are lying by saying that it's us homophobic bigots that are the problem.

Which is it Al?

Clearly any form of unsafe sex, gay or straight, can be dangerous but it's homophobic bigots, like those you have so ably suggested, who are extremists, who concentrate all their efforts on only one form of sex because they personally want it to go away, who perhaps don't want to be reminded of their own gay side?

Obviously the hate that us homophobic bigots have comes from this book and the homophobic bigots that wrote it:


If it weren't for homophobic bigoted verses like Leviticus 18:22 or Matthew 19: 4-6, the world would be a much safer place for those who engage in buggery.

Don't you think Al that that book that spews nothing but HATE should be banned? I mean think of all of the people who are sitting in their homes teaching their children and grandchildren that homosexuality is wrong, solely because that book says so.

I think GFRimbaud7 and his buddies at the Traditional Youth Network should have a good ole fashioned book burning of that hateful homophobic bigoted book like the fuhrer did and anyone caught with that book should be imprisoned.

Right Al?



New member
Your post doesn't show but I went into quote and looked at it;
I am against all book burning. :AMR1:
Very clever change of my name :think:


What is with your post? It shows, it doesn't show, it shows, it doesn't show :freak:


New member
I think aCW should have a nice quite lie down somewhere dark, throw another book on the fire, a Bible should produce a nice warm glow.


In the above Blue Bloods episode, Police Commissioner Frank Reagan (played by Tom Selleck), complained at a news conference that the Catholic Church hadn't "evolved" when it came to the topic of homosexuality.

Pope Frank will make Police Commissioner Frank proud.

Vatican document challenges Church to change attitude to gays

Oct. 13, 2014

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - In a dramatic shift in tone, a Vatican document said on Monday that homosexuals had "gifts and qualities to offer" and asked if Catholicism could accept gays and recognize positive aspects of same-sex couples.

Roman Catholic gay rights groups around the world hailed the paper as a breakthrough, but Church conservatives called it a betrayal of traditional family values.

The document, prepared after a week of discussions at an assembly of 200 bishops on the family, said the Church should challenge itself to find "a fraternal space" for homosexuals without compromising Catholic doctrine on family and matrimony.

While the text did not signal any change in the Church's condemnation of homosexual acts or gay marriage, it used less judgmental and more compassionate language than that seen in Vatican statements prior to the 2013 election of Pope Francis.

"Homosexuals have gifts and qualities to offer the Christian community: are we capable of welcoming these people, guaranteeing to them a further space in our communities? Often they wish to encounter a Church that offers them a welcoming home," said the document, known by its Latin name "relatio".

"Are our communities capable of proving that, accepting and valuing their sexual orientation, without compromising Catholic doctrine on the family and matrimony?" it asked.
Read more: https://news.yahoo.com/vatican-docu...lYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDUzMF8x

Those who engage in homosexual behavior have "gifts and qualities to offer the Christian community"?

And here I thought that the gift of repentance and eternal salvation that Christ offers is what religious leaders are supposed to tell sinners about.

I guess there was a reason the sodomites at the Advocate named Pope Frank:



New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Thank you Traci. I think we can all agree (Al needs some convincing though) that it's us homophobic bigots who believe in the "imaginary sky god" that are the problem and strict hate crime laws MUST be enforced to silence us for the good of humanity.

You surely aren't against hate crime legislation are you Traci?

Your bigotry and lies have consequences and as long as you continue to engage in hate based behavior good people will confront your lies with facts and continue to point out the sad consequences of your wicked acts


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You surely aren't against hate crime legislation are you Traci?

Your bigotry and lies have consequences and as long as you continue to engage in hate based behavior good people will confront your lies with facts and continue to point out the sad consequences of your wicked acts

I guess I missed your answer to my question Traci, so I'll ask it again:

Judeo-Christianized western civilization for 2,000 years used the force of law to help & often times punish those that engaged in homosexual behavior. Are you against legislating laws that would punish homophobic bigots like me, "Porno Pete" LaBarbera, and the boogeyman that hides underneath every homosexual's bed: Dr. Paul Cameron?


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You surely aren't against hate crime legislation are you Traci?

I guess I missed your answer to my question Traci, so I'll ask it again:

Judeo-Christianized western civilization for 2,000 years used the force of law to help & often times punish those that engaged in homosexual behavior. Are you against legislating laws that would punish homophobic bigots like me, "Porno Pete" LaBarbera, and the boogeyman that hides underneath every homosexual's bed: Dr. Paul Cameron?

have these individuals placed burning crosses in peoples yards?
have they lynched anyone?
kidnapped the children of same gendered couples?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You surely aren't against hate crime legislation are you Traci?

I guess I missed your answer to my question Traci, so I'll ask it again:

Judeo-Christianized western civilization for 2,000 years used the force of law to help & often times punish those that engaged in homosexual behavior. Are you against legislating laws that would punish homophobic bigots like me, "Porno Pete" LaBarbera, and the boogeyman that hides underneath every homosexual's bed: Dr. Paul Cameron?

have these individuals placed burning crosses in peoples yards?
have they lynched anyone?
kidnapped the children of same gendered couples?

(Somewhere in those 3 sentences I must have missed Traci's answer to my question).

I don't know if "Porno Pete" LaBarbera or the boogeyman that hides underneath every homosexual's bed (Dr. Paul Cameron) have lynched any homosexuals, kidnapped their children or placed any burning crosses in their yards (aCW takes the 5th Amendment).

My point Traci is that those who do lynch, kidnap and burn crosses are obviously motivated by this book of hate


and until this book is burned (like Al the atheist suggested) and hate crime laws are strictly enforced, the lynching, cross burning and the kidnapping of children like Frank Lombard's son by us homophobic bigots will continue.



Wouldn't you agree Traci?


New member
Judeo-Christianized western civilization for 2,000 years used the force of law to help & often times punish those that engaged in homosexual behavior. Are you against legislating laws that would punish homophobic bigots like me, "Porno Pete" LaBarbera, and the boogeyman that hides underneath every homosexual's bed: Dr. Paul Cameron?
You can't quite seem to grasp the rather simple idea imo that not everyone is seeking, as you do, to control the lives of others. That your homophobic agenda is not justified as imposable simply because you happen to believe in it.
Other people (liberals?) however, are often able to accommodate the thinking of others without an automatic need to respond in kind, by force and civil laws.
It's something known as being "tolerant" aCW.


You can't quite seem to grasp the rather simple idea imo that not everyone is seeking, as you do, to control the lives of others. That your homophobic agenda is not justified as imposable simply because you happen to believe in it.
Other people (liberals?) however, are often able to accommodate the thinking of others without an automatic need to respond in kind, by force and civil laws.
It's something known as being "tolerant" aCW.

Ah yes, "tolerance". I'll be reviewing the "tolerance" that the homosexual movement has shown towards people of faith (and some who aren't believers) when I review part 1 & 2 in the upcoming weeks Al.

For the record Al: Are you against hate crime legislation?


For those of you that haven't been following the so-called "marriage debate", it won't be long before every state will either vote to allow those who partake in homosexual behavior to 'marry', or through judicial activism, legalizing it in those respective states that haven't voted for "marriage equality".

Supreme Court opens the door to expansion of gay marriage nationwide, rejecting appeals from five states

When Monday began, same-sex marriage was legal in 19 states and the District of Columbia. The Supreme Court effectively expanded that number to 30 states — a watershed moment in the long and divisive battle over gay marriage.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/pol...ejects-gay-marriage-appeals-article-1.1964689

The question that should be lingering on people's minds is what is the next move that the sodomite movement is going to make?

"Gay Voices" at the Huffington Post is talking about incest:

Should Incest Between Consenting Adult Siblings Be Legalized? Experts Sound Off

(Without a doubt, when it comes to sexual perversion, the homosexual movement has 'expertise' in that area).

Some would like to get to the golden egg right away and give special protections to pedophiles.

NYT writer: Pedophilic attraction a ‘mental disability’ that should be protected in law

Oct. 9, 2014

Pedophilia, in the sense of the persistent sexual attraction to children, is a disorder, not a crime, and deserves special protections in law. That’s the premise of a recent New York Times opinion piece by Rutgers law professor Margo Kaplan, who argues that “stigma” surrounding adults who are sexually attracted to children prevents them from seeking psychological help.

As a result, Kaplan asserts, pedophiles should be protected by the same anti-discrimination laws that require society to accommodate other “disabilities.”

“By some estimates, 1 percent of the male population continues, long after puberty, to find themselves attracted to prepubescent children. These people are living with pedophilia, a sexual attraction to prepubescents that often constitutes a mental illness,” Kaplan wrote. “Unfortunately, our laws are failing them and, consequently, ignoring opportunities to prevent child abuse.”

According to Kaplan, pedophilia should be covered under the Americans With Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act, which, she says “prohibit discrimination against otherwise qualified individuals with mental disabilities, in areas such as employment, education and medical care.”

Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/n...tal-disability-that-should-be-protected-in-la

Incest or pedophilia?

Why not both?

Incest and Pedophilia, the New Frontier


Brent Bozell


New member
Ah yes, "tolerance". I'll be reviewing the "tolerance" that the homosexual movement has shown towards people of faith (and some who aren't believers) when I review part 1 & 2 in the upcoming weeks Al.

For the record Al: Are you against hate crime legislation?
Good question. Generally yes I think so, but rule it out completely? No, that's rather too absolutist for my liking.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

For the record Al: Are you against hate crime legislation?

Good question. Generally yes I think so, but rule it out completely? No, that's rather too absolutist for my liking.

I believe that answer is what they call a "dodge" Al. (Al doesn't want to look too extreme by promoting laws that silence and punish those who speak out against homosexuality).
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