Word based mystic

New member
Do you think that Jesus would have remained in His Father's love if he did not obey? PLEASE ANSWER THAT QUESTION.


You are badly mistaken. Obedience does drive out fear. If you do not obey Jesus, how do you think your fears will be driven out?

I can hardly believe that you said that. How can you not see what you said and not understand how wrong it is? If you are not obedient, then how are you feeling love?

You are trying to make love and obedience separate, and that goes against the scriptures.

obedience birthed out of love
not love birthed out of obedience.

obedience to the law is impossible
thus Christ came Showed his great love and imparted The Spirit to enable us to comprehend agape love.

i said that love births obedience. So yes they work together.

Do you birth children so they can obey
or do you birth children so they can have loving relationships

Do you get married because you have a desire to be obedient.
NO you get married because you are nutty crazy in love.

Yes love is superior to faith and hope
and yes the law and all obedience hinges on LOVE
He births His Spirit, Love within us.
thus we are empowered to be responsive in action out of LOVE
obedience comes out of that.

Review all the scriptures i mentioned and see what the main theme is as to what is FIRST and Superior.

God's Truth

New member
Seeking what, you now do not say. However, in your last, you said I was seeking salvation. That is a mispresentation of my words. What I plainly wrote, you twisted, was with regards to "seeking intimacy" with God.

How come you have such a hard being honest? What can you hope to accomplish by being dishonest?

You are so full of slander.

When Jesus saves us, he reconciles us to God. That comes after seeking. Being reconciled to God is salvation and is an intimate relationship with Him.

God's Truth

New member
obedience birthed out of love
not love birthed out of obedience.

That is nonsense. Love and obedience are not separate.
obedience to the law is impossible

That is not true either.

I can give you scriptures where people obeyed the law blamelessly.

thus Christ came Showed his great love and imparted The Spirit to enable us to comprehend agape love.

i said that love births obedience. So yes they work together.
There is not one without the other.

Do you birth children so they can obey
or do you birth children so they can have loving relationships

Your children are not loving you if they are disobeying you in what is right.

Do you get married because you have a desire to be obedient.
NO you get married because you are nutty crazy in love.
It is not love if you are hurting each other.

Yes love is superior to faith and hope
and yes the law and all obedience hinges on LOVE
He births His Spirit, Love within us.
thus we are empowered to be responsive in action out of LOVE
obedience comes out of that.

We do not even get saved by Jesus unless we love him by obeying him.

Review all the scriptures i mentioned and see what the main theme is as to what is FIRST and Superior.

You have still not answered my question.

Please answer it now.

Would Jesus still remain in His Father's love if he had not obeyed?

Word based mystic

New member
it is clear in ephesians 3 that maturity in Love is the key to being filled with the fullness of God

obedience is the proof that you are in love.

I saw what i wrote and you misapply and add to the quote by implying that disobedience is the focus.

(if i am not obedient in that moment I am not acting out of Love towards God).

you tried to imply that I said it is of no relevance whether i am obedient or disobedient.

not true.
obedience is birthed out of love. If you are acting in love you will obey.

i have repeated this many times.

it is the proof of our love

once again love births obedience not the opposite.

Word based mystic

New member
only Jesus completed or fully obeyed the law.

the scriptures you will mention looks at the heart and sees the motives of those that did not have the law to obey.

all men have broken the law one time or another because they are filled with sin.

In Christ can you ONLY OBEY the law completely because you are in HIM and HIS WORK
So yes obeying/fulfilling the law, never sinning can only happen IN Christ.
It is impossible for man to justify himself by obeying the law
because ALL fall short at one point or another.

God's Truth

New member
it is clear in ephesians 3 that maturity in Love is the key to being filled with the fullness of God

obedience is the proof that you are in love.

I saw what i wrote and you misapply and add to the quote by implying that disobedience is the focus.

(if i am not obedient in that moment I am not acting out of Love towards God).

you tried to imply that I said it is of no relevance whether i am obedient or disobedient.

not true.
obedience is birthed out of love. If you are acting in love you will obey.

i have repeated this many times.

it is the proof of our love

once again love births obedience not the opposite.

I am not doing what you falsely accuse me of doing.

You keep saying love comes first then obedience. I am telling you that you are wrong and go against the scriptures.

How many times do I have to ask you the question before you answer?

Would Jesus have remained in His Father's love if he did not obey?

God's Truth

New member
only Jesus completed or fully obeyed the law.

That is not true.

You are confusing Jesus never sinning verses someone sinning and doing the ceremonial laws to make themselves clean.

the scriptures you will mention looks at the heart and sees the motives of those that did not have the law to obey.
I have no idea what you are talking about.

all men have broken the law one time or another because they are filled with sin.
That is right, except you fail to understand that the OLD LAW GAVE WORKS for the people to do to clean themselves after they sinned.

Again, you are confusing obeying the law with never sinning. You are merely repeating what teachers taught you.

God's Truth

New member
There are people who obeyed the law with the ceremonial works.

Here is one scripture that rebukes anyone for claiming that no one can obey the old law.

Luke 1:6 Both of them were righteous in the sight of God, observing all the Lord's commands and decrees blamelessly.

Cross Reference

New member
You are so full of slander.

When you act mature and honest in your replies, I will treat you as you wish to be treated.

When Jesus saves us, he reconciles us to God. That comes after seeking. Being reconciled to God is salvation and is an intimate relationship with Him.

You don't have one. You don't even act like you want one. __ and Reconcile?? Salvation?? Can't break loose it seems.

"Seeking intimacy" with God who are saved is still the issue, little girl. I will help you just a little more before graham crackers and choclate milk is sereved up and then, nap time: Jesus said, "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." John 17:3 (KJV)

To "know", in married life, is sexual intercourse. Nothng in the natural is more intimate than that between 2 loving and committed married persons. Paul had this to say about intimacy: "For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church." Ephesians 5:31-32 (KJV)

Word based mystic

New member
There are people who obeyed the law with the ceremonial works.

Here is one scripture that rebukes anyone for claiming that no one can obey the old law.

Luke 1:6 Both of them were righteous in the sight of God, observing all the Lord's commands and decrees blamelessly.

yes but it still did not bring them salvation
only being in Christ can, so they still lack.

romans 8:7 For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace, 7because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; (((for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so))),

galatians 2:16 nevertheless knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the Law but through faith in Christ Jesus, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, so that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the Law; (((since by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified)))

romans 3:20 ((because by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified in His sight)); for through the Law comes the ((knowledge of sin)).

these scriptures is more fully what i was trying to imply.

back to work i go lunch is over

God's Truth

New member
When you act mature and honest in your replies, I will treat you as you wish to be treated.

You don't have one. You don't even act like you want one. __ and Reconcile?? Salvation?? Can't break loose it seems.

"Seeking intimacy" with God who are saved is still the issue, little girl. I will help you just a little more before graham crackers and choclate milk is sereved up and then, nap time: Jesus said, "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." John 17:3 (KJV)

To "know", in married life, is sexual intercourse. Nothng in the natural is more intimate than that between 2 loving and committed married persons. Paul had this to say about intimacy: "For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church." Ephesians 5:31-32 (KJV)

You have not disproved anything that I said. You have proved what I said.

God's Truth

New member
Word based mystic,

I am waiting for you to answer my question.

Would Jesus have remained in God's love if he did not obey?


New member
Answer the question.

You tried to give an evasive answer to my question, and now pretend I am the one not answering.

From whom do you get that?
I think your chiding CR is funny in a sad sort of way. You never answered my question about the source for your gk knowledge as to grammar. And yet, you chide CR for doing what you do as a matter of rhetorical strategy . . . and that is not answering question. You simply do not come across as credible or honest.

God's Truth

New member
I think your chiding CR is funny in a sad sort of way. You never answered my question about the source for your gk knowledge as to grammar. And yet, you chide CR for doing what your speciality . . . and that is not answering question. You simply do not come across as credible or honest.

I told you many times that we do not have to learn Greek to know God's Truth.

God's Truth

New member
jsjohnt, as many others, they want to make you feel as if you have to study Greek to fully know and understand God.

I tell you, what they are doing is not from God.

No one has to learn another language to know God's Truth.

These people who study Greek, they are boastful in nature, boasting in their knowledge of another language, and in their schooling.

At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.

Cross Reference

New member
You mock, and slander. You are not correcting anyone. You are a hard person who doesn't see it.

O, but I see you, little girl. I see clear through you.

Irrespective of your irrational rationale, I hope someone got challenged in their thinking, perhaps just a little, who might want a little more re this subject and wishes to discuss.


New member
Is that your answer?

Is your answer yes Jesus would still be loved by God if he had not obeyed?
CR asks you a question I would be interested in seeing your answer. Instead, you ask him a different question that has NOTHING to do with his request. Why not answer his question before demanding that he answers yours? Evasive and dishonest have become your trade mark.