
New member
God's Truth: "You are the one who taunted that I was self taught and did not go to seminary school."

First there was no taunting on my part. It was that you were so totally wrong about the import of Gk verb tenses . . . . that I thought you must have been "home schooled." So what school did you attend, and I don't care if it is "big name school" or not.


New member
God's Truth wrote: "How do you get that I did not answer your question?"

Do you even know what the question was? But to answer your question: "Because you didn't." Kind of simple, really.

Oh, I will be busy most of the afternoon. Talk to you later. Got's to study my seminary notes and bone up on my heavily worded theological books, so I can get down what "they" (the evil theologian types) want me to say, next. Grrrrr!!!

God's Truth

New member
God's Truth: "You are the one who taunted that I was self taught and did not go to seminary school."

First there was no taunting on my part. It was that you were so totally wrong about the import of Gk verb tenses . . . . that I thought you must have been "home schooled." So what school did you attend, and I don't care if it is "big name school" or not.

Jesus does not reveal himself to someone on account of their schooling. However, God does hide the truth from the wise and learned.

Isaiah 44:25 who foils the signs of false prophets and makes fools of diviners, who overthrows the learning of the wise and turns it into nonsense,

Jeremiah 8:9 The wise will be put to shame; they will be dismayed and trapped. Since they have rejected the word of the LORD, what kind of wisdom do they have?

1 Corinthians 1:20 Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?

1 Corinthians 1:21 For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.

1 Corinthians 2:12 We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us.

Luke 10:21 At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.

God's Truth

New member
God's Truth wrote: "How do you get that I did not answer your question?"

Do you even know what the question was? But to answer your question: "Because you didn't." Kind of simple, really.

I answer all your questions.

If you would like to ask it again, or give me a post number, I will be glad to look it up.

Oh, I will be busy most of the afternoon. Talk to you later. Got's to study my seminary notes and bone up on my heavily worded theological books, so I can get down what "they" (the evil theologian types) want me to say, next. Grrrrr!!!

Talk to you later.

Cross Reference

New member
I am not doing that. I was speaking in tongues to God and interpreting for years. Throwing anything out would not be done without being sure.
So what is your problem?

If we can continue to speak to each other deeply like this...please think back, did you ever watch anyone ever do this before you did this yourself? If yes, then how do you know for sure that it is a supernatural speaking and not something taught by men?

I have heard demons speak. I know the difference.
Please also know that I am not questioning your I said before, I myself spoke in tongues and interpreted, and I know I was saved. Does that mean I was speaking in real tongues? No, it does not mean that.

This NOT about salvation but moving on in God.

If you run out of words, how then are you interpreting?

As I wrote. I need to interpret.

Paul says to interpret, and that is even if we are praying, praising, or singing.

Not for private prayer times. Why do I need to interpret if I am speaking tongues in private praising or praying? That is what I wrote, remember _ private praying? I am happy blessed to be praying in the Spirit. Having a fruitless mind is not my responsibility and I seriously doubt the Holy Soirit feels it is, either.

Where is your faith in this? Is God dishonored when one attempts to walk in faith? Are you by Him?

God's Truth

New member
So what is your problem?

I want to help others to know Jesus better.

I have heard demons speak. I know the difference.

This NOT about salvation but moving on in God.

As I wrote. I need to interpret.

Not for private prayer times. Why do I need to interpret if I am speaking tongues in private praising or praying?

Paul says because your mind will be fruitless if you do not.

That is what I wrote, remember _ private praying? I am happy blessed to be praying in the Spirit. Having a fruitless mind is not my responsibility and I seriously doubt the Holy Soirit feels it is, either.

Where is your faith in this? Is God dishonored when one attempts to walk in faith? Are you by Him?

I only want God's Truth and not the teachings of men.

Lazy afternoon

That's good but don't throw the baby out with the bath water, as the saying goes, you seem to be doing.

Well, apparently you missed something because I speak in tongues in my private life when praising God that glorifies Him __ and in no way is it of me. I consider it to be the overflow of my praises to Him, meaning it happens when I run out words when praising Him.




New member
Acts 10 and 19 easily refute that __ and who knows what other event went unrecorded that you are happy they weren't.

I am not talking about the baptism of the Spirit. I am talking about the evangelistic event on Pentecost Day. It was nothing like that of Corinthians 14. Did the Spirit aid in the evangelistic process? Of course. Do you have a second example of ministers of the Gospel preaching in the Spirit, as described in Acts 2, and all in the audience hearing them in their native tongue without the need for translation? Of course not. acts 10 and 19 cannot be your counter.

Your comment: " . . . . who knows what other event went unrecorded that you are happy they weren't . . . " proves nothing because it is an argument based on the absence of recorded information. I wonder what other doctrines you teach that are based on unrecorded information.

Your response? I am listening.


New member
I have been taught by God.

What is seminary but you choosing a man who tickles your ears.

Jesus tells us to whom he reveals himself, and it is not to those who went to seminary school.

Reading dictionaries and studying Greek is not going to do anything to know God and Jesus.

In fact, it will probably make one further from the truth.
I have been taught by God. Did he give you your erroneous information regarding verb tenses, or was that your own doing?

What is seminary but you choosing a man who tickles your ears. Silly and hypocritical accusation. Baseless as to my motivation . . a statement by a person who only wants to win the argument.

Jesus tells us to whom he reveals himself, and it is not to those who went to seminary school. Your biblical argument for the exclusion of seminary? You do know that Jesus and Paul were educated folks, right?

Reading dictionaries and studying Greek is not going to do anything to know God and Jesus. You do know that the bible you read (or does it all come to you in visions?) is the work of those who teach in seminary, educate our ministers, and make it possible to even have this discussion?

In fact, it will probably make ["take (?)] one further from the truth. Sooo, where does your knowledge come from? If you answer, "From God," would that be in visions and dreams? And where, specifically, did you get your teaching on gk verb tenses?

God's Truth

New member
I have been taught by God. Did he give you your erroneous information regarding verb tenses, or was that your own doing?

What is seminary but you choosing a man who tickles your ears. Silly and hypocritical accusation. Baseless as to my motivation . . a statement by a person who only wants to win the argument.

Jesus tells us to whom he reveals himself, and it is not to those who went to seminary school. Your biblical argument for the exclusion of seminary? You do know that Jesus and Paul were educated folks, right?

Reading dictionaries and studying Greek is not going to do anything to know God and Jesus. You do know that the bible you read (or does it all come to you in visions?) is the work of those who teach in seminary, educate our ministers, and make it possible to even have this discussion?

In fact, it will probably make ["take (?)] one further from the truth. Sooo, where does your knowledge come from? If you answer, "From God," would that be in visions and dreams? And where, specifically, did you get your teaching on gk verb tenses?

Obviously, you do not trust the people who translated the Bible into English. A person could translate the Bible and still not know God's Truth. God brings the gospel message to us in our language. You studying Greek and using another man's lexicon will not help you to know God and Jesus. Jesus says it is hidden from the wise and learned. Nowhere in the Bible are we told we have to learn another language to know God's Truth.
My knowledge comes from Jesus who says he reveals himself to those who obey his teachings.

Lazy afternoon

Obviously, you do not trust the people who translated the Bible into English. A person could translate the Bible and still not know God's Truth. God brings the gospel message to us in our language. You studying Greek and using another man's lexicon will not help you to know God and Jesus. Jesus says it is hidden from the wise and learned. Nowhere in the Bible are we told we have to learn another language to know God's Truth.
My knowledge comes from Jesus who says he reveals himself to those who obey his teachings.

You are sometimes very wrong.

How do you explain that?


Cross Reference

New member
I want to help others to know Jesus better.

Then don't you think you need to know Him better?

Paul says because your mind will be fruitless if you do not.

But I really don't know what to pray for that might speak of my knowing God.

What did Jesus say the Holy Spirit, whom He would send, would do when He came? Look it up.

Here is how this might work:

In the natural, I might pray for a better job. In the Spirit, the Holy Spirit might praying, "Don't give it to him Father! He is wants to control people!" I really wouldn't know if I am praying in tongues, would I? How 'bout I pray for money to spend? "Lord, you just know I need more money to make the repairs on the house" The Holy Spirit, because He knows me, might pray this, "Father, don't give it to him! He's greedy!. He will spend it on that new Chevy Corvette!" Can you not see by these examples how tongues in private prayer life can be beneficial in bringing correction when accompanied by a truly born again relationship with God, one that "longs" to "know" Him at all cost?

I only want God's Truth and not the teachings of men.
I believe I just gave you some.


New member
Obviously, you do not trust the people who translated the Bible into English. A person could translate the Bible and still not know God's Truth. God brings the gospel message to us in our language. You studying Greek and using another man's lexicon will not help you to know God and Jesus. Jesus says it is hidden from the wise and learned. Nowhere in the Bible are we told we have to learn another language to know God's Truth.
My knowledge comes from Jesus who says he reveals himself to those who obey his teachings.
You responded this:

Obviously, you do not trust the people who translated the Bible into English. Do you enjoy being irrational or do you say such things just be difficult?

A person could translate the Bible and still not know God's Truth. Of course, but no matter, YOU are stuck depending on their work in translation of the biblical message . . . . . . . no excaping that fact.

You studying Greek and using another man's lexicon will not help you to know God and Jesus. I am studying the works of those who gave us the English bible, as is the case with you. You pretend that these "other men" have nothing to do with your faith. Ridiculous. Again, the bible you read, comes from "another man's lexcon." period.

Jesus says it is hidden from the wise and learned. Nowhere in the Bible are we told we have to learn another language to know God's Truth. You mean, "Nowhere in the inspired Greek text are we told . . . . . " You would think He would not have to tell you, since he spoke in Greek and you do not.

Oh, btw, where did you get your information on Greek verb tenses. You sounded so definite and so utterly mistaken at the same time. I don't mind if you got your info from a book, studying at home, but I want to know what "other men" give you lexical instruction as to Greek. Please answer the question since you are the one who corrected me as to this subject.

Cross Reference

New member
Isn't it interesting that Paul took note of the "unlearned" in the Church at Corinth when instructing the "learned" in the Baptism of Jesus Christ.. Tradition would have us believe the "unlearned" were not Christians when the church was entirely comprised of Christians.

God's Truth

New member
You are sometimes very wrong.

How do you explain that?


I have only been wrong when I did not look to the written word to see what others were teaching me themselves.

For instance, after I was saved, I just let pastors teach me how to speak in tongues. It was not until I spent time with the Holy Spirit and the Holy Bible and studied it for myself that I knew the truth.

I can think of another time something like that happened after I was saved. Someone was defending the trinity doctrine and I wanted to help him defend it; so I studied from the written Word, and knowing the way I was saved...I knew that the trinity doctrine was false, and that Jesus was God the Father made flesh and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus says to listen carefully to what he says, and with the measure we use it will be measured to us and more.

Sometimes it takes great studying and time to have the truth revealed.

God says He will give the desire of our hearts. My desire is only for God's Truth.

Mark 4:24 "Consider carefully what you hear," he continued. "With the measure you use, it will be measured to you--and even more.

God's Truth

New member
Then don't you think you need to know Him better?

I add to my faith knowledge.

See 2 Peter 1:5.

But I really don't know what to pray for that might speak of my knowing God.
I am not sure what you are saying.

What did Jesus say the Holy Spirit, whom He would send, would do when He came? Look it up.

Here is how this might work:

In the natural, I might pray for a better job. In the Spirit, the Holy Spirit might praying, "Don't give it to him Father! He is wants to control people!" I really wouldn't know if I am praying in tongues, would I? How 'bout I pray for money to spend? "Lord, you just know I need more money to make the repairs on the house" The Holy Spirit, because He knows me, might pray this, "Father, don't give it to him! He's greedy!. He will spend it on that new Chevy Corvette!" Can you not see by these examples how tongues in private prayer life can be beneficial in bringing correction when accompanied by a truly born again relationship with God, one that "longs" to "know" Him at all cost?

Would you try to explain more?
Why would the Holy Spirit think the worst of you?
I believe I just gave you some.
You said those things to me in words I can understand, and words that you can understand. Why would you speak to God in words you do not understand and with words you do not even interpret?
Please, think about this carefully…do you think that your speaking is supernatural, or do you think that God turns strange sounds that you make, turns them into a supernatural language?

Cross Reference

New member
I add to my faith knowledge.

See 2 Peter 1:5.

I am not sure what you are saying.

Would you try to explain more?
Why would the Holy Spirit think the worst of you?

You said those things to me in words I can understand, and words that you can understand. Why would you speak to God in words you do not understand and with words you do not even interpret?
Please, think about this carefully…do you think that your speaking is supernatural, or do you think that God turns strange sounds that you make, turns them into a supernatural language?

In all that you are proving you have not the knowledge you have presumed for. You have not let the scriptures say what they say.

God's Truth

New member
You responded this:

Obviously, you do not trust the people who translated the Bible into English. Do you enjoy being irrational or do you say such things just be difficult?

A person could translate the Bible and still not know God's Truth. Of course, but no matter, YOU are stuck depending on their work in translation of the biblical message . . . . . . . no excaping that fact.

You studying Greek and using another man's lexicon will not help you to know God and Jesus. I am studying the works of those who gave us the English bible, as is the case with you. You pretend that these "other men" have nothing to do with your faith. Ridiculous. Again, the bible you read, comes from "another man's lexcon." period.

Jesus says it is hidden from the wise and learned. Nowhere in the Bible are we told we have to learn another language to know God's Truth. You mean, "Nowhere in the inspired Greek text are we told . . . . . " You would think He would not have to tell you, since he spoke in Greek and you do not.

Oh, btw, where did you get your information on Greek verb tenses. You sounded so definite and so utterly mistaken at the same time. I don't mind if you got your info from a book, studying at home, but I want to know what "other men" give you lexical instruction as to Greek. Please answer the question since you are the one who corrected me as to this subject.

I use many different Bible translations, because some have a scripture that I believe is said to where opponents have a harder time to pick apart. However, I do not believe that any translation is the cause of a false doctrine.

You can study the bible for years, yet not know God's Truth. Jesus says he reveals himself to those who get his teachings and obeys them.