Why Don't the Liberals Want a Wall?


New member
Ah, Candace Owens...

their filthy sexual pervert policies

Owens supports same-sex marriage.


Candace Owens has been using the term “Blexit” to encourage Black people to leave the Democratic part. However, the term had already been established as a pro-Black movement for more than two years before Owens tried to recklessly co-opt it.

According to the real Blexit group, “Blexit is a Strategic Movement towards Black Independence through economic boycotting, civil disobedience and organized investment into the Black economy. We will no longer participate in or contribute to a community that condones our intentional demise.”

Me’La Connelly, the founder of the real Blexit, spoke out on Thursday for the first time and was threatening legal action against Owens.

SEE ALSO: ‘Young Black Conservatives’ Chant ‘Build That Wall’ At Deplorable Sunken Place Summit

“I was heartbroken. I was shocked,” Connelly said on “The Clay Cane Show” on SiriusXM Urban View channel 126 about learning the term was being used by Owens, who has made a career supporting the president. “I was saddened, angry and afraid. I think I was pretty paralyzed in the beginning just trying to process what was happening and what to do about it.”

Connelly explained that her Blexit began after the shooting of Philando Castile in July 2016. A tweet from her group shortly after Trump was elected confirmed that.

Open an account at a black owned bank. We need to show up like white women showed up to vote for Donald Trump http://ow.ly/98hw306fpI6

7:30 AM - Nov 17, 2016
Twitter Ads info and privacy
See BLEXIT's other Tweets
“The concept of Blexit was around exiting systems that benefit from our pain and using economic resistance as a tool to approach and deal with oppression and racial inequity,” she said. “The idea was around organized boycotting with an invest, divest approach.”

She continued: “That hashtag has been used by activists and organizers all across the country who have been uplifting the concept of economic resistance in their own ways. We’ve been really proud to lead in that space.”

Connelly said she wasn’t sure if Owens chose the term Blexit knowing it was already a movement in its own right.

“People were talking about it and maybe someone in Candace’s position thought it was an easy way to swoop in and take that trajectory and move it into whatever space they wanted, which is unfortunate,” Connelly said. “I really hope that this wasn’t intentional. She says in her latest blog post that she came up with this idea February 2018. We’ve been working on this for a couple of years already.”

Connelly said while her organization never filed for a trademark, legal action against Owens has begun.

Will the real BLEXIT please stand up?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Ah, Candace Owens...

Owens supports same-sex marriage.

So what. Unlike you fascists who march in lock step, we actually have diverse opinions on our side. Your diversity of color is fake and fraudulent because on the inside you all believe the same lies. Our diversity, the diversity of opinion, is true diversity, the kind of diversity that you fascists cannot deal with.

BUT: She is leading blacks off your plantation and into Truth.

And now you go on Ignore because I have read too many of your ignorant posts in the past.

The Barbarian

And Trump is loosing the war...

Support for the construction of a wall along the southern border has dipped slightly in the past two weeks, according to a new poll.

The Quinnipiac University National Poll published Tuesday found that 41 percent of respondents now support a border wall, compared to similar survey on Jan. 14 that showed 43 percent approved of it.

Opposition to the wall held steady at 55 percent in the new survey.

Nearly two-thirds of respondents — 64 percent — also said that building a wall wouldn't significantly reduce violent crime in the country. Sixty percent said it wouldn't significantly reduce the amount of illegal drugs in the U.S., according to the poll.

“Voters buy in on better border security. But that wall ... Bad idea,” said Tim Malloy, the assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.


Any attempt to impose the wall by claiming an "emergency" would end up in the courts, likely longer than Trump will be president.

He needs to focus on the reality. Americans don't want the wall. There aren't votes in Congress to pass it. And this is not Venezuela; presidential decrees don't work here.


Well-known member
So what. Unlike you fascists who march in lock step, we actually have diverse opinions on our side. Your diversity of color is fake and fraudulent because on the inside you all believe the same lies. Our diversity, the diversity of opinion, is true diversity, the kind of diversity that you fascists cannot deal with.

Wiz is a fascist?

BUT:She is leading blacks off your plantation and into Truth.

Wiz owns a plantation? He has black people on this plantation?

And now you go on Ignore because I have read too many of your ignorant posts in the past.

Im sure you hurt his feelings....

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Shock poll: Democratic swing districts back wall, Trump immigration offer

Voters in congressional districts that President Trump won in 2016 but flipped Democratic last November support his border wall and believe Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi should have accepted his immigration deal to end the partial government shutdown.

A poll of 10 representative districts, some of which Trump won by a big margin but then voted a Democrat into office in 2018, also found that a plurality approve of the president’s job performance, 49 percent to 48 percent.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Support for the construction of a wall along the southern border has dipped slightly in the past two weeks, according to a new poll.

Popularity. Darwinists think it determines right and wrong, fact and fiction.


New member
So what. Unlike you fascists who march in lock step, we actually have diverse opinions on our side. Your diversity of color is fake and fraudulent because on the inside you all believe the same lies. Our diversity, the diversity of opinion, is true diversity, the kind of diversity that you fascists cannot deal with.

BUT: She is leading blacks off your plantation and into Truth.

And now you go on Ignore because I have read too many of your ignorant posts in the past.

:chuckle: Yeah, I'm a fascist because you say so? Why do you feel the need to develop these celebrity crushes? You are in love with Trump and now Candace Owens. Aren't you capable of using your own brain?

But, keep spamming threads. I'm sure you'll be in red soon enough. :wave:


Well-known member
His side behaves like fascists and uses fascist tactics, from speech suppression on campuses to Antifa thugs in the streets. As the saying goes, actions speak louder than words.

Of course, this is all obvious to real conservatives.

Liberal-tarians always reveal their fascist streak sooner or later.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
My prediction is that the President will invoke 10 U.S.C. section 284 which gives the president and the Defense Department the power to build the wall.

Section 284 provides that the Secretary of Defense “may provide support for the counter-drug activities or activities to counter transnational organized crime” by measures that can include the “construction of roads and fences and installation of lighting to block drug smuggling corridors across international boundaries of the United States.”

While negotiating for a full wall, which requires congressional authorization, he could proceed to construct the section 284 wall in drug corridors.

Opponents would obviously go to court to seek an injunction, but if the president, the DEA and the DOD can provide evidence that the locations for the wall are drug corridors, the construction should be allowed.