Why do border crossings exsist?

The Barbarian

Yet, the right enjoys that cheap labor whilst also keeping demand for jobs high (wages low). Odds are those "undesirables" won't achieve the American Dream™ and thus won't behold the GOP.

Great system yes?

You've hit on why the republican Congress wouldn't do anything substantial to stop illegal immigration. They like a supply of hard-working people, who don't mind doing hard and dirty jobs.

It's just a political ploy to hook people foolish enough to buy it. It's why republicans were generally in favor of the wall; it won't work.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

from your first link: "the president and his allies said the country had taken in too many low-skilled immigrants for too long to the detriment of American workers"

i agree

from the second: "The Trump administration has long spoken favorably of shifting the nation’s immigration system to one largely based on merit."

i agree

from the third: "Travel Ban

The first major move from Trump was the controversial travel ban, which the president signed into effect a week into his tenure.

Trump said the temporary ban was needed to give his administration time to overhaul the country's vetting systems to ensure terrorists don't infiltrate the U.S. through legal channels. Critics blasted it as nothing more than the "Muslim ban" he called for during his presidential campaign. "

this one I remember - his critics were retards - did that one go to the SCOTUS?

Kit the Coyote

New member
from your first link: "the president and his allies said the country had taken in too many low-skilled immigrants for too long to the detriment of American workers"

i agree

from the second: "The Trump administration has long spoken favorably of shifting the nation’s immigration system to one largely based on merit."

i agree

from the third: "Travel Ban

The first major move from Trump was the controversial travel ban, which the president signed into effect a week into his tenure.

Trump said the temporary ban was needed to give his administration time to overhaul the country's vetting systems to ensure terrorists don't infiltrate the U.S. through legal channels. Critics blasted it as nothing more than the "Muslim ban" he called for during his presidential campaign. "

this one I remember - his critics were retards - did that one go to the SCOTUS?

Yet all of that has not stopped his businesses from making use of that low skill labor some it illegal.


New member
Is Trump working behind the scenes to help Mexico ? If so. this could actually be a good outcome, if he can keep the American politics out - that have been finantually supporting the failings and problems of mexicos society for the last 200 years. And obviously it is not bad aspects of American politicsthat have been causing the problems in Mexico but - what if Trump found a way to build a wall to protect Americans and to protect the millions of people who have gone through the legan immigration process and signed up to legally enter the country. _ No one cares about these people ? The democrat party pushes the people who are legally waiting in line, who are taking the legal path to citizenship and they open the gates to only the first and closest ranting obvious crowd that they see on the horizion who they know for certain - these people will always vote for their programs and polititions.

Is this legal or something good for the USA election system ?

The Barbarian

It seems to me that border crossings were created for a reason. When people come to the U.S. to seek asylum, how is it in any way controversial to insist that they use the crossing instead of sneaking over between checkpoints?

Since most people who are here illegally came through at such checkpoints, I suppose they agree with you. It seems kinda dumb to cross in the desert, when it's apparently pretty easy to just come in on a visitor's visa, and not go home.