Why do border crossings exsist?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
because ? :idunno:

on what logical, rational basis do you make that statement?

I'm guessing he means the US could absorb 4,000 people no problem, just as we absorb a million new immigrants every year.
I think what I'm worried about is that, although there a certainly some very fine people in that caravan, some might be involved in crime and that's why they want to swarm the border and cross without inspection. Even that won't destroy our nation but it will destroy the lives of some of our people. And even if the number is one that's one too many.

The Horn

OK Doser, how can a bunch of people who are unarmed , suffering from exhaustion at having to walk so far , and who include children and infants be a "threat " to America ? Are we Americans such snowflakes as to be be frightened of them ? Are we the proverbial elephant that's terrified of a mouse ?
If they have any infectious diseases they can be quarantined at the border . But sending them back to Central America would only guarantee their deaths . And remember - the disastrous wars in this part of the world were created by the meddling of the USA .


New member
It seems to me that border crossings were created for a reason. When people come to the U.S. to seek asylum, how is it in any way controversial to insist that they use the crossing instead of sneaking over between checkpoints?

There is a border crossing between time and eternal life. It too was created for a reason. Many people think they can sneak in by another way and even boast of successfully having done so. "I am the Way"...


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
I'm guessing he means the US could absorb 4,000 people no problem, just as we absorb a million new immigrants every year.
I think what I'm worried about is that, although there a certainly some very fine people in that caravan, some might be involved in crime and that's why they want to swarm the border and cross without inspection. Even that won't destroy our nation but it will destroy the lives of some of our people. And even if the number is one that's one too many.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I'm guessing he means the US could absorb 4,000 people no problem, just as we absorb a million new immigrants every year.
I think what I'm worried about is that, although there a certainly some very fine people in that caravan, some might be involved in crime and that's why they want to swarm the border and cross without inspection. Even that won't destroy our nation but it will destroy the lives of some of our people. And even if the number is one that's one too many.

playing devils advocate here (and following off del's post), but isn't that the same argument that led to the Japanese internment camps during WW2?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
playing devils advocate here (and following off del's post), but isn't that the same argument that led to the Japanese internment camps during WW2?

Crossing without inspection wasn't a problem with the Japanese as far as I know.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Crossing without inspection wasn't a problem with the Japanese as far as I know.

that's why i didn't highlight that part

and to continue playing devil's advocate - how many Honduran children's lives are worth a single American life?

if you have 4000 children turned away from the border and statistically, 15% of them would be expected to die in Mexico or Honduras from disease, violence, starvation or neglect, and statistically, only 5% of them would be expected to die in America, how do you weigh those 400 lives against the risk posed to Americans by allowing them in?

are those 400 children worth one American life?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
that's why i didn't highlight that part

and to continue playing devil's advocate - how many Honduran children's lives are worth a single American life?

if you have 4000 children turned away from the border and statistically, 15% of them would be expected to die in Mexico or Honduras from disease, violence, starvation or neglect, and statistically, only 5% of them would be expected to die in America, how do you weigh those 400 lives against the risk posed to Americans by allowing them in?

are those 400 children worth one American life?

We cannot be the worlds refugee camp. We are already the worlds arsenal and policeman.


New member
South America and Mexico have the greatest opportunity of all of the other third world countries -to raise the American flag, to adopt the US constitution, adopt the Declaration of Independence and adopt American Laws and to speak the English Language -

Instead, they hold on to their green Canaanite flag and reject American Laws and American values and American Laws - while speaking a language that comes from thousands of miles around the world. ( Spain and Italy ) -

Italy and Spain are not sending millions and millions of dollars to Mexico and South America every single year ! Spain and Italy are not holding their hand.

But they refuse to do so. We are not stopping them from becoming American we are not preventing other countries from becoming Americans. All they have to do is start speaking English, raise an American flag and accept American laws right where they are. And they can become their own American dream just by changing their own failed form of government, language, culture, religion, and laws.

Yet, Oboma pretends that Americans are preventing them from becoming American. They are not willing to do it there - why bring them here where they only plan to join up with Oboma in destroying, tearing down and raping the American system, while pretending that their culture and laws and standards be important value system to be forced into American society. ?

Oboma's expectations - are an act of war from a perverted demented, illiterate treasonist.

Mexico and South America have the greatest opportunity to learn how to be Americans - they live like they are camped out in our backyard - BUT they have a full opportunity with the millions of dollars we send them to change their lives. They receive millions in free cash each and every single year. every year. - yet they continue living like they are at a camp party out back by the edge of the woods - camping out - and refuse to implement any American laws to stop or control the drug wars and lawlessness, while their society continues to slip and fall into a bottomless pit filled with rabble .


Why do border crossings exsist?

Given that America has managed to survive and prosper for over 2 centuries to emerge as the world's greatest "superpower, without the benefit of a WALL, one questions the basis for this current obsession by conservatives - known as "TRUMP SYNDROME!"

Prior to the emergence of "The Donald" as a presidential candidate, there was no mention of "THE WALL" by conservatives as a political necessity!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Prior to the emergence of "The Donald" as a presidential candidate, there was no mention of "THE WALL" by conservatives as a political necessity!
Then where did the 580 miles of existing fences come from?


The President has shutdown the government threatening tax returns and pay for everybody, slapping democracy in the face. His bully tactic- the only card he's ever really had- has failed and so now the tantrum has started just as expected.
We'll see how many votes he gets next term. Already just getting plain tired of the nonsense and people talking about 'winning'.
No, it's just overreach and abuse. The man thinks there's a crown on his head.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The President has shutdown the government threatening tax returns and pay for everybody, slapping democracy in the face. His bully tactic- the only card he's ever really had- has failed and so now the tantrum has started just as expected.
We'll see how many votes he gets next term. Already just getting plain tired of the nonsense and people talking about 'winning'.
No, it's just overreach and abuse. The man thinks there's a crown on his head.

He came to do a job and he's doing it.
You may not like him but he is the oldest and most wealthiest President we've ever had.


He came to do a job and he's doing it.
You may not like him but he is the oldest and most wealthiest President we've ever had.

What he's doing is 'inverse vetoing'- rather than rejecting a majority vote, he's trying to force a minority one.
Which is ridiculous. Doubt the Founders would approve, but I suppose when it comes to Republicans getting their way all that patriotic buzz conveniently stops.