Why do border crossings exsist?

The Horn

These people rejected asylum in Mexico because life for them would hardly be any better for them there . It would be like going from the frying pan into the fire . But Americans should stop feeling threatened by them . This is like the proverbial stories of elephants being terrified of mice .

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
These people rejected asylum in Mexico because life for them would hardly be any better for them there . It would be like going from the frying pan into the fire . But Americans should stop feeling threatened by them . This is like the proverbial stories of elephants being terrified of mice .

Do you believe the borders should be open?


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These people rejected asylum in Mexico because life for them would hardly be any better for them there . It would be like going from the frying pan into the fire . But Americans should stop feeling threatened by them . This is like the proverbial stories of elephants being terrified of mice .



Well-known member
The Constitution itself, from which all federal powers derive, does not even delegate to the federal government any power over immigration — i.e., who can come here. It just gives it power over naturalization, i.e., who can become a citizen here.

The likely claim of the folks in the caravan will be political asylum. Political asylum requires the claimant to demonstrate an intolerable situation in the home country caused by the government — not by economic forces — and aimed at the person seeking asylum. Thus, the failure of the government in the country of origin to protect basic natural rights or to enforce basic criminal laws — for example, permitting criminal gangs to rule — is a valid basis for asylum, whereas loss of a job is not.

Once an asylum-seeker has so much as the tip of her shoe on American soil, she can file an asylum claim. The claim entitles her to a hearing before an immigration judge. Most of these hearings take six to eight months after the claim has been filed to reach a judge. In the Obama years, asylum claimants were set free until their hearings. The Trump administration has detained them and separated children from their parents. The detentions are lawful; the family separations are not.

Yet people who want to work should be allowed in. My colleagues at The Wall Street Journal have demonstrated indisputably that most of the work that immigrants will do is work most Americans eschew. Their work not only benefits them but also produces family stability and increases wealth, which finds its way into the stream of commerce.

The blanket rejection by force of everyone in the caravan violates the spirit and the intentions of the laws the president has sworn to uphold. Those laws mandate a careful examination of all who want to come here — on a neutral case-by-case basis — not a blanket prohibition.

We who call ourselves Americans are nearly all descended from immigrants. Yet when our forebears arrived here, they were met simply by prejudice and government indifference. The poor folks in the caravan are likely to be met by prejudice and government force.

From Judge Andrew Napolitano, The Camp of the Saints

The Horn

No, OK doser . I don't beliee in open borders . I just realize that these poor people on the so-called "caravan" are not a threat to America and deserve asylum . Don't believe all the ridiculous fear mongering hype about them .


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
No, OK doser . I don't beliee in open borders . I just realize that these poor people on the so-called "caravan" are not a threat to America and deserve asylum .
Really? All of them? You've met them all? That's quite a feat.

Don't believe all the ridiculous fear mongering hype about them .
What about the 400,000 we apprehend yearly?
Does that seem like a lot to you?


No, OK doser . I don't beliee in open borders . I just realize that these poor people on the so-called "caravan" are not a threat to America and deserve asylum . Don't believe all the ridiculous fear mongering hype about them .

Whether or not they "deserve" asylum remains an open question.
But trump's use of this "caravan invasion" to gin up his base is simply unconscionable. Oh, but wait, I speak of donald trump. Silly me.
Although if 1/2 the Republican party had any manhood they would make that point. Guess what, they did not, on that or any other of the liar's issues---the result---"Goodbye Orange County"
However, the Democrats need to keep up the pressure and at the same time make some effort to fit into their new found districts. Nonetheless the big push should be to get this moronic lying Tweet-monster out in 2020. But I suspect he will run again if only in hopes of delaying criminal proceedings while he is still in office.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Well, yeah but you need those brown skinned people to pick it unless you want to pay $10/head of lettuce.

if growers didn't have cheap labor to harvest produce, somebody in silicon valley would find a way to automate it and do it cheaper

heck, they're already doing it with wheat/soybeans/corn, etc just about everywhere else

lol - well looky what i found:



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
if growers didn't have cheap labor to harvest produce, somebody in silicon valley would find a way to automate it and do it cheaper

heck, they're already doing it with wheat/soybeans/corn, etc just about everywhere else

lol - well looky what i found:

If you look at the last shot in that vid you see there are people crawling all over those machines tending them. So, fewer people, but still need people.