Why "Conversion Therapy" Should Be Illegal


New member
All of which had to do with the nation Israel...back then, Daniel 9.

While, your equally baseless assertion that I am just being bitter is either more of your thus far consistently obvious reading into a thing, or a cover up for the fact that you were not really able to address any of my points.

I have Romans 5:6-8.

For many years now.

At worst "tribulation worketh patience" Rom. 5:3.

What exactly would I have to be bitter about?

More like "and patience worketh peace" regardless of what might come my way.

But, as I've already noted, you have been reading into a thing ever since your first baseless response to my posts on this issue of whether or not the God of Scripture is still behind governments.

No sense in your stopping your reading into a thing now.


Rom. 5:6-8.
And your incoherent rambling has what to do with conversion therapy?
I have pointed out why conversion therapy is a waste of time. Do you agree or disagree?


New member
And your incoherent rambling has what to do with conversion therapy?
I have pointed out why conversion therapy is a waste of time. Do you agree or disagree?

No one forced you to respond to my original post on that, nor any thereafter.

In other words, you're...deflecting again.


As for conversion therapies, I know far too much about inner sense of identity processes and about and sense of identity change processes to simply rule a thing out just because others do or do not.

Case in point, the Chinese were highly successful in turning red, white, and true blue hard core, name, rank, and serial number, returning American POW's into raging commies during the Korean War - without so much as hurling an insult at them.

Which is an issue of tapping into the very heart of what drives compulsion: one's sense of oneself.

As in when people experience a significantly emotional event (either positive or negative) that changes them in that moment and from then on report "and ever since that day, whenever I (hear / see / feel / smell / taste / remember / think about this / that / the other I automatically feel compelled to believe in myself / hate myself / fear this / love that / want to this / that / the other)."

And those are those experiences resulting in unconscious decisions one ends up aware of.

That doesn't even go into those decisions one has made unaware one has made them.

But yeah, given how much I know about many things, someone like you - who deflected each time I made my points on that other subject - would ignorantly conclude "this guy is rambling."

And ya know what - I'm fine with that.

Wouldn't trade my hard earned awareness of such things for all your kind of bliss in the world.

Which leaves you at a decision.

Whether to hold to Romans 5:6-8 towards me for my seeming arrogance, or to allow your pride to rue your roost in your infirmities?

Which will it be - your infirmities or your gloryimg in them, in Him?

Easy peasy, Japa-knee-zee.


New member
No one forced you to respond to my original post on that, nor any thereafter.

In other words, you're...deflecting again.


As for conversion therapies, I know far too much about inner sense of identity processes and about and sense of identity change processes to simply rule a thing out just because others do or do not.

Case in point, the Chinese were highly successful in turning red, white, and true blue hard core, name, rank, and serial number, returning American POW's into raging commies during the Korean War - without so much as hurling an insult at them.

Which is an issue of tapping into the very heart of what drives compulsion: one's sense of oneself.

As in when people experience a significantly emotional event (either positive or negative) that changes them in that moment and from then on report "and ever since that day, whenever I (hear / see / feel / smell / taste / remember / think about this / that / the other I automatically feel compelled to believe in myself / hate myself / fear this / love that / want to this / that / the other)."

And those are those experiences resulting in unconscious decisions one ends up aware of.

That doesn't even go into those decisions one has made unaware one has made them.

But yeah, given how much I know about many things, someone like you - who deflected each time I made my points on that other subject - would ignorantly conclude "this guy is rambling."

And ya know what - I'm fine with that.

Wouldn't trade my hard earned awareness of such things for all your kind of bliss in the world.

Which leaves you at a decision.

Whether to hold to Romans 5:6-8 towards me for my seeming arrogance, or to allow your pride to rue your roost in your infirmities?

Which will it be - your infirmities or your gloryimg in them, in Him?

Easy peasy, Japa-knee-zee.
You blather. It's a sure sign you know nothing.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Being a liberal means you have to say homos are born that way, but gender is a choice.

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Kit the Coyote

New member
Again, what these people "conclude" is largely influenced by where they are looking at things from.

Case in point, some years back, a friend told me he was allergic to dog's fur. I took him through a process I picked up here and there, and 10-15 minutes later his allergy was gone, and has yet to return.

A process the Western Medical model still refuses to acknowledge the efficacy of, given where they look at things from.

Recently, when I shared something similar to that with a Pastor friend, he right away dismissed it as "Positive Confession / Faith Movement" hocus pocus.

Which cracked me up, because he is taking various medications he believes will help alleviate this and that.

Where he too is looking at things from, is what is influencing his diss - ease with my findings, lol

Louis Pasteur fighting the status quo.

Mari Curi...

And so on...

But, to each his or her own limits.

This would arguably be true of any form of research which is why we have a scientific method.

Kit the Coyote

New member
Being a liberal means you have to say homos are born that way, but gender is a choice.

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Being a conservative means you have to say gender is a choice.

I don't think 'born that way' is really an accurate term for it. They are not born homosexual but some of the factors that influence the development of the personality are already in place at that time. The rest falls into place in early childhood when the personality really begins to form and once in place is not easily changed. It was never nature vs nurture, it was nature AND nurture.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Being a conservative means you have to say gender is a choice.

No conservative I know would say that.

I don't think 'born that way' is really an accurate term for it.

That's not overly relevant. Homos claim they were born that way. Liberals say they were born that way.

Then they insist gender is a choice.


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Kit the Coyote

New member

No conservative I know would say that.

That's not overly relevant. Homos claim they were born that way. Liberals say they were born that way.

Then they insist gender is a choice.


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The argument that sexual orientation is a choice usually comes from the fight. I would agree that the left and Homosexuals tend to say 'born that way' but more accurately mean it is not a choice.


New member
This would arguably be true of any form of research which is why we have a scientific method.

Which, as history has always proven, and continues to, is often limited by the limits of what is not known by the majority or status quo, within a science.

Less than a handful alone among the experts, for example, had been able to see that Trump would end up the current President.

The thing that differed?

The difference that made said difference in the lens of so few?

Where said few alone, had been looking at such things from.

Go on about "the scientific method" all you think you are right about, the historical fact is that most within any "science" tend to not follow the path of the "different drummer."

Most people, including most scientists, end up a part of one status quo, or another.

Which blinds them from seeing what else is often ever right in front of ones eyes.

"Nothing new," such too easily conclude.

Mark 8:18 Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember?

The history of the status quo, ever repeating itself.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
The argument that sexual orientation is a choice usually comes from the fight. I would agree that the left and Homosexuals tend to say 'born that way' but more accurately mean it is not a choice.

It's stupid either way.

It's not OK to be gay.

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like marbles on glass
The argument that sexual orientation is a choice usually comes from the fight. I would agree that the left and Homosexuals tend to say 'born that way' but more accurately mean it is not a choice.

Gender is one thing, sex is another. Although the two terms are used interchangeably, in science, sex more specifically refers to physical and biological aspects of maleness and femaleness, and gender relates to the psychological, behavioral, and cultural aspects of what a given society normatively expects to be expressions of masculinity or femininity.

Biologically, as you've referenced in previous posts, there are epigenetic factors involved in sexual identity, and you correctly noted it wasn't nature or nurture but nature and nurture (genetics and environment).

It's so much more nuanced than "it's a choice/it's not a choice" but Stripe doesn't do nuance.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame

Large people are large because they're gluttons. Gluttony is a light sin. There are oftentimes considerable circumstances that make avoiding gluttony practically impossible, such as hormonal variability, or glandular dysfunction, or relationship, economic, or societal stresses, or just old fashioned bad habits. But, it's light sin. 'Means, even if you plan it out, and do it deliberately constantly, you're still forgiven automatically.

Shame for gluttony is wasted and should be redirected towards 'reckless optimism,' which is a description I heard someone make about the athletes in the Special Olympics; they display 'reckless optimism.' That's what you should do, instead of feel shame for committing light sins, be recklessly optimistic.

You are not getting my point.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Liking to be treated like a baby and fed a bottle would make me laugh. It is called infantialism


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Which reminds me of an old joke - "how many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb? One, but it's a long process - and the light bulb's got to want to change."


Speaking of ducks, there is much of great merit to Konrad Lorenz's - learned attraction - "imprint" findings.

I know, but the post is a play on ducks/dukes, see?

Like in the duck of death...........


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
You are not getting my point.
No, I got it, I just passed over it without mentioning that I do understand what you mean. In the face of abject poverty, gluttony becomes more grave. I agree with you. Gluttony in the developed world is a different animal, or at least is more towards the lighter end of the gravity spectrum.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
No. Being attracted to what is laughable would work, like being aroused by milk bottles
The idea of a boy being attracted to another boy IS laughable---until you learn that he's not joking. Then it is grave.