Who will answer my questions?


Well-known member
Me Cherry picking? What about all the verses that say that God is the God of Christ Jesus, coming from Jesus and the apostles? And that the head of Christ is God? Do you just ignore all of them? There's loads of them and they clearly tell you. I don't have yo try and explain them, or try and twist verses to suit my beliefs, they clearly say that God is the God and father of Jesus Christ and Jesus even calls the father my God, even after his resurrection!

Do you want me to post some of them and show you?

No need, since I understand that Jesus Christ was a man, and I fully accept all those verses that speak of that.

I also understand that He is God, and those are the verses you refuse to address while you cherry pick for those which address his humanity.

You can't address those verses I gave in Phil. 2 can you? You are forced to ignore them or admit your error.

God's Truth

New member
No the father didn't come as the Son of man in flesh, the Father was in the Son, the Son and the father aren't the same the father is also the father of Jesus. There are 3, father, Son and Holy Spirit. And the father is the Almighty God of all.

The three are one and the same.

You say the Father was in the Son, as if that takes away from what I am saying. The Father is in me, and I am a child of God, but that does not make me God---but it makes Jesus God.
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God's Truth

New member
Quote Originally Posted by God's Truth View Post
Who raised Jesus from the dead? Could you give me scriptures? Can you explain to me why some scriptures say God the Father raised Jesus from the dead and some say Jesus did, and yet other scripture says the Holy Spirit did?

The important idea here is that the resurrection was a reward to Christ (humanly speaking) for his accomplishment of bearing sin.

No. Jesus said he WAS THE RESURRECTION. He said that while he walked the earth in the flesh. Not only was it not a reward to Jesus, it was his authority to raise himself.

You might have one verse give him credit ("the indestructible life" of Heb 9); or another like Rom 4:25 say that God raised him because he had accomplished justification from our sins for us. Both meaning the same thing finally. Christ was enthroned for what he had done; that's what David foresaw, says Peter in Acts 2:30-31.

Likewise, sometimes 'raised' means something more than the physicality. It means to be exalted, honored, or back to rewarded. This is possible in Acts 13:36, in Rom 1's intro, definitely in Eph 1:19, Phil 2, and then the raising-from-descending parallels of Rom 10:6+ and Eph 4:7+.

You are missing some important things. You are missing the fact that Jesus came from heaven. You are missing that God the Father said to Jesus BEFORE he came to earth my LORD said to my Lord.

You are making it as if some human came and did a great accomplishment.

Jesus is God come in the flesh as a Man.


Well-known member
Well one of the most basic principles of learning scripture is reading what is written. In truth it is the most basic principle.

What part of I Timothy 2:5 do you object to?

Why do you object to the words that God uses?

Are not even the jots and tittles important?

Then why do you object if I ask you what is written in I Timothy 2:5

If you have difficulty acknowledging what is clearly written in I Timothy 2:5, how can you be sure that anything else you read isn't tainted by that same attitude?

You can't and as a matter of fact, how can your assessment of context be considered when you won't acknowledge what is written in the verse you seek the context of?

Evidently, you don't like what God had Paul write in I Timothy 2:5, how could I possibly conclude that you like any scripture?

Christ Jesus, the one mediator between God and men is described in I Timothy 2:5 as "the man"

How could you possibly object to God's choice of words?

You might want to learn to acknowledge God's choice of words in a verse before you delve into context of the verse.

AH yes, the old "Don't look over there, look here" routine.

Whatever you do, folks, don't read those verses in context!


Well-known member
Why did God raise Jesus from the dead?

Because He said He would.

John 2:19-22 Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days? But he spake of the temple of his body. When therefore he was risen from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this unto them; and they believed the scripture, and the word which Jesus had said.​


Well-known member
The three are one and the same.

You say the the Father was in the Son, as if that takes away from what I am saying. The Father is in me, and I am a child of God, but that does not make me God---but it makes Jesus God.
Jesus isn't God, he was in the fullness of God bodily, the Father in him, and he in the Father and we are in them and one with them once we are born of God.

God's Truth

New member
Since you say there is only one intercessor, are you willing to suggest that there is only one shepherd, one man, one woman that all uses of these words refer but to one person or entity?

There is only one interceder between God and man. Do you believe that?

God's Truth

New member
No the father didn't come as the Son of man in flesh, the Father was in the Son, the Son and the father aren't the same the father is also the father of Jesus. There are 3, father, Son and Holy Spirit. And the father is the Almighty God of all.

Again, and again, again---there is only one Spirit. The Father is Spirit, the Son is Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is Spirit. There is only one Spirit. They are exactly the one and same Spirit.


Well-known member
No need, since I understand that Jesus Christ was a man, and I fully accept all those verses that speak of that.

I also understand that He is God, and those are the verses you refuse to address while you cherry pick for those which address his humanity.

You can't address those verses I gave in Phil. 2 can you? You are forced to ignore them or admit your error.
I mean the verses that show that God is the God of Jesus and that show that the father is the only true God? Do you want me to post them and then you can tell me why I shouldn't believe them? Not just when he was a man, but after he is risen?

I've spoken to you about philippians 2, what do you want to know?

God's Truth

New member
You can focus on the vessel that the Holy Spirit filled or you can focus on the Holy Spirit itself. Focusing on the man Jesus is needed for us to recall the example for our own direction. It was GOD that worked in Jesus and GOD that caused Jesus to be. It was GOD that Jesus followed without waver even unto death. Did GOD take the form of a man? Yes. Is GOD spirit? Yes. While Jesus walked the earth he was the physical body that GOD chose before the foundation of the worlds to dwell in wholly. Now at this time, the same spirit, the Christ of GOD comes into our hearts and minds making us the body of Christ. The body isn't the focus; it is the Spirit.

You pretending that I am focusing on something I should not, and then let marhig think you are saying what she is, it is just deceptive.


Well-known member
According to Genesis 1:1, who created the heaven and the earth?

Whatever you do, don't look anywhere else. :chuckle:

To answer your question, GOD, and here HE IS.

John 1:1, John 1:2, John 1:3, John 1:14

Col. 1:15-17 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

God's Truth

New member
Good post pops :) the only bit I think we see differently, is I believe that Jesus was in the form of God by being completely filled with the Holy Spirit and he didn't live to please his will but to do the will of God and God was in his fullness through Jesus bodily, in other words Jesus was full of God being filled with his Spirit, and he was dead to fleshly lusts and was not of this world, but of heaven and Jesus was in the express image of God, which made him Emmanuel "God with us" because we didn't see the flesh of the man Jesus, as he didn't live to please his flesh but to please God, and the love, mercy, fogiveness, the essence of God was seen through him. I don't believe that Jesus is God, but he is the Christ the son of the living God and the Father is his God also.

I thought I'd explain myself in detail, as my words get twisted by some here at times :)

Pops. believes. that. Jesus. while. he. walked. the. earth. was. God. That. is what. I. also. believe. So. why. do. you . call. it. a. bit. difference?


Well-known member
Jesus is God. He is the fullness of God. That means he is God.
No it means that he was in the fullness of God, full of the Holy Spirit, and in the express image of God, we don't see any flesh in Jesus, he was dead to his flesh and living by the will of God. And the essence of God was seen fully through him.


Well-known member
Pops and you have completely different beliefs. I don't know why he isn't making that more clear to you.
That's fine, I'm not here to judge him, only God knows our hearts. But i believe much as pops does, I agree with much of what he says.

God's Truth

New member
No it means that he was in the fullness of God, full of the Holy Spirit, and in the express image of God, we don't see any flesh in Jesus, he was dead to his flesh and living by the will of God. And the essence of God was seen fully through him.

You make Jesus into a mere man who did well and then God exalts him to the highest place.

NO mere man can come to the highest place and be given the name above all others.

Jesus is God the Father come in the flesh as a Man and is the Savior, Redeemer, the Deliverer, the First and the Last.

God did not make Jesus like a God. Jesus is God come in the flesh as a Man.

God's Truth

New member
That's fine, I'm not here to judge him, only God knows our hearts. But i believe much as pops does, I agree with much of what he says.

No, it is not fine. You both are doing wrong by going against others in a disrespectful way while you are overly careful with each other.