White Privilege

The Barbarian

It's easy to be conflicted. On one hand, everyone recognizes that it's wrong that identical resumes with "white-sounding" names get about 50% more interviews than the same resumes with "black-sounding" names.

But when you have your own kids interviewing out of college, and they have names like Ginger and Casey, it's hard to feel bad about it. Human nature.

I figure I should feel guilty about things that are wrong that I either helped perpetrate or failed to change when I could. Doesn't change the way things are, though.

The Berean

Well-known member
"White privilege" is by its very nature a result of white superiority.

If you believe in "white privilege", then you automatically concede that white superiority created it.

If you deny white superiority, then that automatically means that there is no such thing as "white privilege".
No, I do accept your logic. What superiority are you referring to?

The Berean

Well-known member
Whites got an edge on weapons technology by the lucky chance of history. There is nothing in the European DNA that would cause this .

I never said anything about DNA. I was talking about their actions. The moment the Europeans reached the New World the first thing they did was enslave and kill the natives. Now other cultures did this of course throughout history. But I hold the Europeans to a higher standard because they claimed to be Christians. I hold Christians to a much higher moral and ethical standard. We as Christians are supposed to be the salt of the Earth, the light of the World. Forcing people to become Christians by the sword and then killing them if they refused is probably not what Jesus Christ and the Apostles had in mind.
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. . . I'm surrounded by leftists, SJW's, feminists, "soy-boys", atheists, and "spiritual but not religious" types....
Do they all vote exactly the same way in the ballot box, or does one group vote different from the rest?



Don't you mean the lengths they will go to prevent white genocide?

Does "ClimateSanity" mean that he hopes that when America's "visible minorities" become the majority, they will treat the "white" minority with more "Christian charity" than the way they were treated in the past?
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The Berean

Well-known member
Do they all vote exactly the same way in the ballot box, or does one group vote different from the rest?

I'll put it this way. The last time the GOP Presidential candidate won California was in the 1980's. My home state is now thoroughly controlled by the Democratic Party. I can't imagine they will lose political control any time soon.
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Hall of Fame
Funny, I've had conservatives on here try to insist that I have 'white liberal guilt' when I don't so what does that make them?


:think: The only legitimate reason to feel guilty about being white is ... if one uses it as a weapon and touts it as superiority. To say one is proud of their skin color would be on the same level as taking pride over one's hair color, height, etc. Being white is no more of an accomplishment than being a male or female ... having blue eyes or brown eyes ... being a blonde or brunette.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
:think: The only legitimate reason to feel guilty about being white is ... if one uses it as a weapon and touts it as superiority. To say one is proud of their skin color would be on the same level as taking pride over one's hair color, height, etc. Being white is no more of an accomplishment than being a male or female ... having blue eyes or brown eyes ... being a blonde or brunette.

Hair colour?

If only that was relevant anymore...


I'm proud to be bald!


New member
Hall of Fame

White Privilege

Visible minorities in America are projected to be the majority of citizens by 2050 - it should be interesting as to the lengths the "white" minority will go to retain power!

Its not white privledge that blacks choose to drop out of school at much higher rates than their counterparts. Also there is a larger population of whites than blacks.

If education is an escalator to lift people from poverty, young African American males are languishing at the bottom level. Only about 60 percent of them will earn high school diplomas, and roughly four in 10 drop out before graduation day. That’s compared with a 65-percent graduation rate for Latino males and 80 percent for young white men.


New member
Hall of Fame
:think: The only legitimate reason to feel guilty about being white is ... if one uses it as a weapon and touts it as superiority. To say one is proud of their skin color would be on the same level as taking pride over one's hair color, height, etc. Being white is no more of an accomplishment than being a male or female ... having blue eyes or brown eyes ... being a blonde or brunette.

Same applies to black pride. Black is not an accomplishment.


. . . I'm surrounded by leftists, SJW's, feminists, "soy-boys", atheists, and "spiritual but not religious" types....
Do they all vote exactly the same way in the ballot box, or does one group vote different from the rest?
I'll put it this way. The last time the GOP Presidential candidate won California was in the 1980's. My home state is now thoroughly controlled by the Democratic Party. I can't imagine they will lose political control any time soon.
It's interesting, all these very different people; you'd think they'd each have their own party, but no. They all have the same party. :think: :idunno:


New member

Does "ClimateSanity" mean that he hopes that when America's "visible minorities" become the majority, they will treat the "white" minority with more "Christian charity" than the way they were treated in the past?
I don't believe the white majority looked at the visible minorities as something to obliterated off the face of the earth. I do, however, see a large amount of visible minorities look forward with glee to the day whites are a visible minority because they would love nothing more than to see us suffer and obliterated.

If you can show me a similar motivation from the white majority in the past, let me know.

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New member
I don't believe the white majority looked at the visible minorities as something to obliterated off the face of the earth. I do, however, see a large amount of visible minorities look forward with glee to the day whites are a visible minority because they would love nothing more than to see us suffer and obliterated.

If you can show me a similar motivation from the white majority in the past, let me know.

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I think we should all stop seeing ourselves as part of a community, based on skin complexion and rather identify with people on the bases of their values and character. Among people of European descent, there are many different cultures. I doubt God will judge us based on our skin complexion or any carnal association or factor.


New member
But I hold the Europeans to a higher standard because they claimed to be Christians.

it depends on which Europeans you are talking about. The Spaniards came here to enlarge the kingdom of God. The English came here for religious freedom...the Dutch for riches.

They mainly wanted to be left alone. The problem stemmed from seeing the land as belonging to them by God's birthright. They certainly didn't have the morality Christians have today. They were no worse than any other culture and their standard of Christianity wasn't refined like it is today and so to make their brutality worse for that reason is just anti-caucasian bias. if anything, the Christianity they did hold to and the resulting civilization they had developed made their treatment of indigenous peoples much less inhumane than what other conquering cultures and done before.

Just look at what the Bible says of Israel's enemies to see just how much worse non western people's treated conquered people's

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New member
I think we should all stop seeing ourselves as part of a community, based on skin complexion and rather identify with people on the bases of their values and character. Among people of European descent, there are many different cultures. I doubt God will judge us based on our skin complexion or any carnal association or factor.
I agree that we should stop doing that. I just wish you could see that "visible minorities " are doing just that or many of them. It's mainly high profile people talking in our faces on main media outlets who are thinking in terms of race....not so called "whites".

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New member
I agree that we should stop doing that. I just wish you could see that "visible minorities " are doing just that or many of them. It's mainly high profile people talking in our faces on main media outlets who are thinking in terms of race....not so called "whites".

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I don't see a problem with Italian Americans, Irish Americans, German Americans, maintaining strong ties with their European culture and heritage. There's nothing racist about that. An Irish American guy from Boston, not liking my Cuban salsa Music, doesn't offend me. It's only natural for people to gravitate or prefer being around people that share their culture, their history, language, values, food, Music..etc. I like my Cuban coffee and I do things that are typical of Cubans, but I don't feel that's being a racist, and if you like drinking a couple of beers with your fellow Irish Americans in an Irish Pub, I don't see that as racist either.

Some people are just too sensitive and lack self-esteem and self-respect. It's good to preserve your heritage and there is no reason why white people, people of European descent, can't do that. I don't want to live in a world where everybody is like me. The world is a lot more interesting, when we are all able to peacefully co-exist, without demanding we all conform or adopt to one culture or custom. I may want to go to an Irish pub or German festival or Indian restaurant and eat some chicken curry. Makes life more interesting.

The Berean

Well-known member
it depends on which Europeans you are talking about. The Spaniards came here to enlarge the kingdom of God. The English came here for religious freedom...the Dutch for riches.

They mainly wanted to be left alone. The problem stemmed from seeing the land as belonging to them by God's birthright. They certainly didn't have the morality Christians have today. They were no worse than any other culture and their standard of Christianity wasn't refined like it is today and so to make their brutality worse for that reason is just anti-caucasian bias. if anything, the Christianity they did hold to and the resulting civilization they had developed made their treatment of indigenous peoples much less inhumane than what other conquering cultures and done before.

Just look at what the Bible says of Israel's enemies to see just how much worse non western people's treated conquered people's

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That is completely untrue. Their barbarism was criticized as evil by other European Christians at that time. Spaniard Bartolome de Las Casas, a Christian, wrote a book about what he personally saw with his own eyes. These are some of his descriptions.

They built a long gibbet, low enough for the toes to touch the ground and prevent strangling, and hanged thirteen [natives] at a time in honor of Christ Our Saviour and the twelve Apostles... Then, once the natives were near death, "straw was wrapped around their torn bodies and they were burned alive."

They snatcht young Babes from the Mothers Breasts, and then dasht out the brains of those innocents against the Rocks; others they cast into Rivers scoffing and jeering them, and call'd upon their Bodies when falling with derision, the true testimony of their Cruelty, to come to them, and inhumanely exposing others to their Merciless Swords, together with the Mothers that gave them Life.


But, let me ask you this. Is is so hard for you to agree that these acts are so unspeakably evil? Do you really believe there is any justification for any Christian to be involved in mass murder and genocide? Did Jesus Christ at any time promote mass murder and genocide? That fact that you seemingly defend their wicked actions is beyond bizarre to me.

Christopher Columbus was removed from power in the New World for various reasons, one being his cruelty to the native population. Even Columbus' own people admitted to the Spanish government that Columbus was extremely cruel. A report was written to Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand about this.

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New member
Its not white privledge that blacks choose to drop out of school at much higher rates than their counterparts. Also there is a larger population of whites than blacks.

Actually, it is. When the economics of black family life make it much harder to stay in school, when the funding levels of black schools make the education that they provide much less valuable than that of white schools, when the rates of acceptance into higher education and better employment make seeking an advanced degree less valuable for black people, then it actually is a case of white privilege.