White Privilege


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White privilege
(or white skin privilege) is a term for societal privileges that benefit people identified as white in some countries, beyond what is commonly experienced by non-white people under the same social, political, or economic circumstances. Academic perspectives such as critical race theory and whiteness studies use the concept of "white privilege" to analyze how racism and racialized societies affect the lives of white or white-skinned people.

According to Peggy McIntosh, whites in Western societies enjoy advantages that non-whites do not experience, as "an invisible package of unearned assets".[1] White privilege denotes both obvious and less obvious passive advantages that white people may not recognize they have, which distinguishes it from overt bias or prejudice. These include cultural affirmations of one's own worth; presumed greater social status; and freedom to move, buy, work, play, and speak freely. The effects can be seen in professional, educational, and personal contexts. The concept of white privilege also implies the right to assume the universality of one's own experiences, marking others as different or exceptional while perceiving oneself as normal.[2][3]

If there really is "white privilege" it was created from white superiority or from non-white inferiority (which is the same thing).
By claiming that white people have "an invisible package of unearned assets", these liberal idiots are saying that white people are superior to non-whites.
Merely having "an invisible package of unearned assets" would make white people superior.

However, history shows that any benefit that white people have in Western societies is not unearned and is not because of the color of their skin but is because of the blood, toil, tears, and sweat of the people that created Western societies.

patrick jane

If there really is "white privilege" it was created from white superiority or from non-white inferiority (which is the same thing).
By claiming that white people have "an invisible package of unearned assets", these liberal idiots are saying that white people are superior to non-whites.
Merely having "an invisible package of unearned assets" would make white people superior.

However, history shows that any benefit that white people have in Western societies is not unearned and is not because of the color of their skin but is because of the blood, toil, tears, and sweat of the people that created Western societies.
Absolutely right. I find that when I read things on the internet it's mostly all liberal. From definitions to news stories. Google, Wikipedia, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, etc. are all liberal. So that's a liberal explanation of "white privilege" from Wikipedia that I posted.


New member
Hall of Fame
I like to tease my white friends to embrace their white privilege! Their ancestors worked very hard to make sure their descendants were left with a political, economic, and social power structure to keep white people in power. Don't be ashamed of it. Own it! :reals: It's so strange to me that so many of my white friends apparently are ashamed of their culture. Can someone explain this to me.

Are your white friends liberal ones? I dont know any conservative white people who buy into the guilt thing.

God designed me, He didn't make a mistake. Ask them if they are ashamed of what God made. Liberals are the real racists.


I believe negro skin color makes it difficult for negroes to farm when exposed to much sunlight. This shouldn't be called white privilege, because this could be an advantage in cold climates.



White Privilege

Visible minorities in America are projected to be the majority of citizens by 2050 - it should be interesting as to the lengths the "white" minority will go to retain power!


White Privilege

Visible minorities in America are projected to be in the majority by 2050 - it should be interesting as to the lengths the "white" minority will go to retain power!
With a closed border, this unlikely, but I think black people will continue to migrate north where it is more advantageous. :cool:


like marbles on glass
The alt-right doesn't understand the concept of white privilege. It's not about being ashamed of being born white, and no one is looking for any white princesses to apologize for being white - that's an alt-right straw man, and they do love to pummel that straw man. Feels good to take their aggressions out on it, I guess.

White privilege is institutional. There are a number of ways to refine the definition, but it's about possessing a cultural advantage in one sense, wearing a cultural immunity in another sense. Most important, it's an all but invisible advantage to those who possess it because they've rarely thought about their societal advantages. And for those who protest the most loudly about refusing to "apologize for being white" - for them it is the most invisible, and they would benefit the most from even a small amount of understanding of what it's like to move through our society as a person of color, both in the past and in the present.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The alt-right doesn't understand the concept of white privilege. It's not about being ashamed of being born white, and no one is looking for any white princesses to apologize for being white - that's an alt-right straw man, and they do love to pummel that straw man. Feels good to take their aggressions out on it, I guess.

White privilege is institutional. There are a number of ways to refine the definition, but it's about possessing a cultural advantage in one sense, wearing a cultural immunity in another sense. Most important, it's an all but invisible advantage to those who possess it because they've rarely thought about their societal advantages. And for those who protest the most loudly about refusing to "apologize for being white" - for them it is the most invisible, and they would benefit the most from even a small amount of understanding of what it's like to move through our society as a person of color, both in the past and in the present.


It won't compute with the hardliners though...