White Lives Matter


Well-known member
by the same measure, rape and cannibalism is a natural phenomena

That would have been a point if I had argued that because homosexuality is a natural phenomena that means its morally justifiable. Please point out where I have made that claim. GM claimed it was a human choice, not a naturally occurring phenomena. It is on you to demonstrate the immorality of homosexual relations. "The bible says it" is not an argument. As far as I can see, homosexual relations are morally neutral, unlike rape and cannibalism.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
GM claimed it was a human choice, not a naturally occurring phenomena.

i didn't say anything about morality :idunno:

if a human engages in the naturally occurring phenomenon of rape or cannibalism, do they choose to do so?


But why would God give them perverse instincts? That they act by instinct is not an argument. You assume that sexual attraction is necessarily a high order rational process. You have not justified that claim. Evolutionary logic rather suggest that the mechanisms of sexuality are a lot more primitive, since they are required for basic sexual reproduction in species who reproduce in that manner.

God gave man a law and morality that is very different from nature.

To be honest, you're really asking a deep, fundamental question that I could give my opinion on, but the fact that you're even asking it tells me you struggle enough with it to not be willing to accept an answer.

What scandal do homosexuals cause except for offending bigots?

God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because they were sexual deviants- anal and oral sex is an abomination to God, you see, and homosexuality is how Christians largely define the sin of those cities because the only way they can have sex is through those acts.

With anal sex specifically, a person carrying any illness may as well be injecting their partner with a needle, because that region of the body absorbs anything and everything.
By all of evolutionary theory, it ought not even exist- that's a bit of the irony of the whole matter: people who support evolution also tend to support homosexuality.

They are just conflicting agendas, both against the Creator.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Well, that's because you're annoyed by the truth. I don't blame you for that because you have a reason. That reason being, you're a lost sinner awaiting God's Judgement and being cast into The Lake of Fire, for eternity.

You aren't supplying any truth. You're simply spouting empty rhetoric devoid of reason. It's telling that you feel as though you have a psychic insight in regards to other people as well. All that speaks to is a pompous unjustified arrogance on your part that would make the teachers of the law give you a big thumbs up.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Non-Christians have difficulties understanding Spiritual matters. It's like trying to explain a very complicated mathematical equation to members of a tribe of people in a remote area, where they haven't been exposed to civilization.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You aren't supplying any truth. You're simply spouting empty rhetoric devoid of reason. It's telling that you feel as though you have a psychic insight in regards to other people as well. All that speaks to is a pompous unjustified arrogance on your part that would make the teachers of the law give you a big thumbs up.

Wordy but, lackluster.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
God gave man a law and morality that is very different from nature.

To be honest, you're really asking a deep, fundamental question that I could give my opinion on, but the fact that you're even asking it tells me you struggle enough with it to not be willing to accept an answer.

God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because they were sexual deviants- anal and oral sex is an abomination to God, you see, and homosexuality is how Christians largely define the sin of those cities because the only way they can have sex is through those acts.

With anal sex specifically, a person carrying any illness may as well be injecting their partner with a needle, because that region of the body absorbs anything and everything.
By all of evolutionary theory, it ought not even exist- that's a bit of the irony of the whole matter: people who support evolution also tend to support homosexuality.

They are just conflicting agendas, both against the Creator.

Good post


Non-Christians have difficulties understanding Spiritual matters. It's like trying to explain a very complicated mathematical equation to members of a tribe of people in a remote area, where they haven't been exposed to civilization.

I thought Seraphiel was Greek Orthodox, given his name :AMR:
The brothers in black would never support homosexuality.

But then again, they did deny Augustine his sainthood.

Oh well


Well-known member
the first just looks weird to me - like a photo-shopped pic of an irish girl

any idea of her heritage?
Mixed race of some kind, definitely not a photoshop job. There are lot of people with similar appearances.

All sorts of combinations can occur when you're dealing with people of a variety of ethnic backgrounds mixed together.

Below: Twins from the UK.

So maybe you can explain how if there's a "black" and "white" race that one of each can be sisters of the same parents?

the second looks like an albino black man
Albino man of some amount of african heritage.

and the third looks like my uncle fred after a day out fishing
I've never seen a white person tan that darkly so . . . you're trying to avoid the problem it seems.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It wasn't even especially wordy. Still, you sit in your self righteous armchair and judge others as you see fit. Pompous arrogant fundamentalists like you are a dime a dozen dude. Your attitude to others is the complete antithesis of love.


You're sounding like a Liberal now. Next, you'll be calling me a Xenophobe.