Which religion should I choose?

the Sibbie

New member
Originally posted by granite1010

NONE of them past muster. That's the point.

Anyway I think we've both hijacked this thread long enough...
Well, could you at least post links about the 3 tombs you referred to? I've never read about these but think they would be interesting to read at the least.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by granite1010

Here's the two most famous:


Thank you granite :)

Another in India--yes, India--won't be anything but comic relief for Nineveh, I'm sure, but it's claimed to be the tomb of Jesus. Need to find a link for the article in the "Fortean Times."

Well, compared to the Biblical account, we can tell this one wouldn't be a candidate can't we?

Honestly, is if fair to even include this one?


I think I've got it now. To be a Christian you pick a story you want to believe in and you just stick to it. Its a bit like being in court. All the evidence might be against you. But you don't take any of it on board because if you were to, it would mean admitting that you've made a terrible mistake.

Back on to the ancient texts. The Vatican has locked away plenty of apocrypha. What about the texts that didn't even get into the bible. It wasn't Jesus, nor his diciples, nor any of the apostles that composed the Bible. It was an elcted Roman council 3 centuries after Jesus had died. I still maintain you cannot use the bible in argument to justify faith as it is unreliable.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Janus

I think I've got it now. To be a Christian you pick a story you want to believe in and you just stick to it. Its a bit like being in court. All the evidence might be against you. But you don't take any of it on board because if you were to, it would mean admitting that you've made a terrible mistake.

"Pick a story"? I don't get your context. Granite, Sibbie and I have been talking about the Garden Tomb. He claims there are "many" "claimed" tombs I say there is only one that fits the Biblical evidence. So maybe I'm not following because of what has recently been spoken about.

Back on to the ancient texts. The Vatican has locked away plenty of apocrypha. What about the texts that didn't even get into the bible. It wasn't Jesus, nor his diciples, nor any of the apostles that composed the Bible. It was an elcted Roman council 3 centuries after Jesus had died. I still maintain you cannot use the bible in argument to justify faith as it is unreliable.

Well, if that's what you believe, then I guess you should take:

3. Judaism
4. (Catholic)
5. Christianity (Protestant)
6. Christian (Baptist)

off your list.


That last quote is undisputed by scholars. The bible was compiled in its entirity centuries after Jesus. Sure I'm willing to accept Mark wrote the book of Mark but does that make Mark right. When was the bible written then if you disagree with the historians? Why isn't it open to mistranslation, unless you have a genuine copy of the thing and can read Greek or ancient Aramaic. Isn't it possible if you believe in God and Satan that Satan being the biggest con artist there ever was got involved in the whole publishing of it. The Qu'ran is only the Qu'ran if its in Arabic. Why, because the muslims realised that any scripture is prone to alteration and so they tried to put a stop to it. Remember Salman Rushdie and the Satanic Rites? That was all over an insinuation that the Qu'ran was changed in just one paragraph. Don't just palm me off with 'well if thats what you believe thats ok because I know where I'm going when I die'. This is your opportunity to convert me. Save me. Give me a strong factually based argument for your beliefs so that I can believe too. Prove the Bible to be genuine, or don't use it in your argument. Don't justify the bible as an object that you need to have faith in, I need facts. My mind is open. Sell it to me.

Incidentally Islam,budhism, confucianism, seikhism and hinduism all seem to be far more understanding and tolerant of other religions. Don't get me wrong I've nothing against Christians but I have issues with the infrastructure and the organization of the Christian church, especially the vatican. If Britain joins the EU the Queen's sovereignty could be threatened. Decisions regarding Britain may be made by Europen politicians with more loyalty to the Pope than their own countries.
If the Christian faith is the true faith then I need to be told why, using facts why it is so, taking all of these arguments into account.
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Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by :mock:J'anus

Billy Hick,
Good! All commie socialists believe their opponents are sub-human idiots. :rolleyes:
I'd question whether you truly understand communisim, facism or liberalism.
'Course you would. That's because he does truly understand C, F and L. That's why :BillyBob: rejects them all. :up:
The former soviet block spoke openly acted against homosexuality, very much in the same ilk as yourself. Read a book.
AHA! Sooooooo, your definition of a just government is whether or not it loves queers. :shocked:
My country's socialist government fifty years ago formed the national health service and all medical work in this country is free.
And your tax rate is? :1Way:
Despite your concerns for English dentistry I have wonderful teeth, not everything you read in guns`n'ammo is true.
Your teeth. True or false? :confused:
Read a book.
I have. Several. You? :eek:
The left party in this country is far right of anything in your country, we have history, integrity and, whether you love him or loathe him, a prime minister that can string a sentence.
:darwinsm: Zimbabwe? :noway:
How is George W.?
Looking good! :thumb:
Buy the looks of things by your presidential campaign, representative democracy is all but dead. I find it incredulous that you might be offering theological advice to somebody.
Read a book.
:darwinsm: :loser:
Your post gives new meaning and life to the word "incredulous." :dunce:
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New member
Dear Janus:

I'm stepping in a few pages late. Please excuse me if I repeat something already said.

There is no "true faith" to be found outside your own heart. All religions are created by men, men make mistakes. However, the Spirit can reveal to you the wisdom you seek. If/when you find it, don't try to make a religion of it. This is where the problems arise. Spend time meditating and you will find the answers in a couple hundred lifetimes. The searching is what makes it worth getting up in the morning. ;) But sometimes take a break from your searching and enjoy a sunset. Some truths are right in front of your face.

If you'd like to read the writings of an enlightened Christian, try Thomas Merton. The Dhammapada records the sayings of the Buddha, he was a fully realized human being. The Bhagavad Gita tells the story of another realized human being and it could very well be another account of the life of the man Christians call Jesus. For that matter, the Buddha could have been that same man or an incarnation of his spirit. If you've done the New Testament sayings attributed to Jesus already, try some gnostic accounts - the Gospel of Thomas is interesting. It provides another perspective on the gospel.

Don't get caught up in the diversity of it all. The diversity is caused by men. There is a union to be found among all the holy scriptures of all the great religions. That union points to a common inspiration - one God, not many.

When a truth is forced upon another, it is ineffective and meaningless. But, sharing of truth among humankind is the way to live truth.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Janus

I think I've got it now. To be a Christian you pick a story you want to believe in and you just stick to it. Its a bit like being in court. All the evidence might be against you. But you don't take any of it on board because if you were to, it would mean admitting that you've made a terrible mistake.

Back on to the ancient texts. The Vatican has locked away plenty of apocrypha. What about the texts that didn't even get into the bible. It wasn't Jesus, nor his diciples, nor any of the apostles that composed the Bible. It was an elcted Roman council 3 centuries after Jesus had died. I still maintain you cannot use the bible in argument to justify faith as it is unreliable.

Janus, congratulations: you catch on quickly!

"Doublethink" is not just a means of controlling political propaganda and checking civil heresy. It's a way of justifying your religion, as well. Orwell knew more about total control than most people think when they read "1984."

When all else fails--and when the evidence is stacked against you and your own dogma is inexplicable to even you--shrug it off as a "mystery" and pull your ace out of the hole. The "ace" being, of course, "faith", even when clearly contradicted or challenged by what your own eyes are looking at.


Dear Granite,
I'm genuinely concerned for these people. They believe they're serving God yet I wonder who has taught them about God. Someone somewhere is pulling their strings and worst of all they don't realise it. At least wickwoman sounds quite open minded and happy go lucky. Its a breath of fresh air - I'm always being told I'm going to burn in hell!


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Janus

Dear Granite,
I'm genuinely concerned for these people. They believe they're serving God yet I wonder who has taught them about God. Someone somewhere is pulling their strings and worst of all they don't realise it. At least wickwoman sounds quite open minded and happy go lucky. Its a breath of fresh air - I'm always being told I'm going to burn in hell!

Oh, Wick's a doll.:D

But yes, I do feel some concern...not necessarily afraid OF these people, but I feel sorry for them.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Janus

That last quote is undisputed by scholars. The bible was compiled in its entirity centuries after Jesus.

The books were all written and being passed around the Churches well before the RCC ever came into existance.

Sure I'm willing to accept Mark wrote the book of Mark but does that make Mark right. When was the bible written then if you disagree with the historians?

I was disagreeing with your half truth.

Why isn't it open to mistranslation, unless you have a genuine copy of the thing and can read Greek or ancient Aramaic.

There are scads of fragments and transcripts out there.

Isn't it possible if you believe in God and Satan that Satan being the biggest con artist there ever was got involved in the whole publishing of it.

God promises His Words will not pass from us, and I believe He is much more powerful than created beings.

The Qu'ran is only the Qu'ran if its in Arabic. Why, because the muslims realised that any scripture is prone to alteration and so they tried to put a stop to it. Remember Salman Rushdie and the Satanic Rites?

I remember Satanic Verses.

That was all over an insinuation that the Qu'ran was changed in just one paragraph.

I guess I should ask if you have any quarrel with how the Qu'ran was "written/compiled".

Don't just palm me off with 'well if thats what you believe thats ok because I know where I'm going when I die'. This is your opportunity to convert me.

What makes you think I have some special power to force you to believe something you don't wanna believe?

Sorry, that's not in my job description. You might want to ask Christ to do that though :)

Give me a strong factually based argument for your beliefs so that I can believe too.

I could give you some of the reasons I accepted Christ, but it would be akin to showing pics of the moon landing to someone who doesn't want to believe it happened.

Prove the Bible to be genuine, or don't use it in your argument. Don't justify the bible as an object that you need to have faith in, I need facts. My mind is open. Sell it to me.

I have never claimed one should put their faith in the Bible, rather I desire people put their faith in Christ.

I think your mind is about as open as Fort Knox.

Incidentally Islam,budhism, confucianism, seikhism and hinduism all seem to be far more understanding and tolerant of other religions.

You have got to be joking! Islam's goal is to wipe out the "infidels". That would be anyone who doesn't bend a knee to allah. Namely Jews and Christians.

Don't get me wrong I've nothing against Christians but I have issues with the infrastructure and the organization of the Christian church, especially the vatican.

Me too :)

If Britain joins the EU the Queen's sovereignty could be threatened. Decisions regarding Britain may be made by Europen politicians with more loyalty to the Pope than their own countries.

It's sad... Brittian used to be Protestant.

If the Christian faith is the true faith then I need to be told why, using facts why it is so, taking all of these arguments into account.

I came to know Christ by reading the Bible, not attending a denomination. I came to realize this God was telling me the Truth of the matter, I was a sinner and there was nothing I could do to undo what I had done. This is a heart matter. You, like every other person, has the free will to choose to accept or reject Christ.

My advice to you is to pick up a Bible, pray the God of that Book will guide you and read it. Read the NT gospel accounts and decide, is this God the One you want to serve or not.


Merely Christian
hey, Janus, before you jump into dave's congregation with ww, you might want to consider her god is "s/he-isallinall". Personally, considering a child molester as part of my god is just a touch too open minded for me.


"The books were all written and being passed around the Churches well before the RCC ever came into existance."

Exactly- open to annotation

"There are scads of fragments and transcripts out there."

Exactly by authors of unknown origin and fragmnets at best. How can the whole truth ever be know if we only have fragments. The last line of the bible could have been, 'only joking, just go out and have a good time, there is no afterlife!'

"God promises His Words will not pass from us, and I believe He is much more powerful than created beings."

Promises in the bible of dubious origins.

"I could give you some of the reasons I accepted Christ, but it would be akin to showing pics of the moon landing to someone who doesn't want to believe it happened."

I'm not here to mock your religion. It may seem that way sometimes but I'm not. Any offered reasoning may give me an insight.

"I have never claimed one should put their faith in the Bible, rather I desire people put their faith in Christ."

Fine but all we know of Christ is what man and the bible tells us, both of which as sources are flawed.

"I think your mind is about as open as Fort Knox."

"You have got to be joking! Islam's goal is to wipe out the "infidels". That would be anyone who doesn't bend a knee to allah. Namely Jews and Christians."
Only according to the extremists, which both Judaism (orthodox Judaism regarding the Israeli road map) and Christianity (think Crusades, the bile belt erradicating Darwinism and BillyBob)

"It's sad... Brittian used to be Protestant."
It still is, the declaration is 'Defender of THE Faith' rather than just faith.

"My advice to you is to pick up a Bible, pray the God of that Book will guide you and read it. Read the NT gospel accounts and decide, is this God the One you want to serve or not."

I have I just didn't stop there! I read a translation of the Qu'ran, the Torah too. Confucius and greek philosophy. I also studied European and Ancient history to trace the evolution of religion.

I'm still worried about Christian doctrine and its effects; political and moral


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Janus

Exactly- open to annotation

Do you have any info backing that up?

Exactly by authors of unknown origin and fragmnets at best. How can the whole truth ever be know if we only have fragments. The last line of the bible could have been, 'only joking, just go out and have a good time, there is no afterlife!'

Ever hear of the Caves of Qumran?

The authors of the books are the same as the autographs, did you mean to say "unknown copiers"? They didn't have Xerox back then...

Promises in the bible of dubious origins.

According to you.

I'm not here to mock your religion. It may seem that way sometimes but I'm not. Any offered reasoning may give me an insight.

I don't have a "religion", I have faith in Christ. And I do think you are being a tad dishonest about whether you mock or not. Just as I think you are a tad dishonest about your open mindedness.

Fine but all we know of Christ is what man and the bible tells us, both of which as sources are flawed.

According to you.

I never claimed to be "open minded" :)

Only according to the extremists, which both Judaism (orthodox Judaism regarding the Israeli road map) and Christianity (think Crusades, the bile belt erradicating Darwinism and BillyBob)

You should read up on some islamic history.

It still is, the declaration is 'Defender of THE Faith' rather than just faith.

Not according to what I have read recently. In fact, (wish I'd bookmarked it now) there was an article about how Brittian couldn't be considered Christian any longer. The majority over there are either pagan or islamic.

I have I just didn't stop there! I read a translation of the Qu'ran, the Torah too. Confucius and greek philosophy. I also studied European and Ancient history to trace the evolution of religion.

Really? You prayed to each god of each of those writtings for guidence as your read them?

I'm still worried about Christian doctrine and its effects; political and moral

If you are "worried" about it, then why on earth would you want to "join" it?


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Hall of Fame
"The books were all written and being passed around the Churches well before the RCC ever came into existance."

Who said anything about the Catholic church? The canon was codified by majority vote in the third century. Books were chosen, books were discarded, and God help you if the council decided you were a heretic.