Which religion should I choose?

the Sibbie

New member
Originally posted by Flipper

Be voracious in your reading; don't let the conservative Christians railroad you, unless you want to be railroaded.
And don't let the atheists fool you into thinking that truth can't be known, unless you want to be fooled.


New member
And don't let the atheists fool you into thinking that truth can't be known, unless you want to be fooled.

I didn't say anything about truth or its perceived complexities. I just said `do lots of reading, then make your own mind up based on what you find most convincing.'

Why would you disagree with that?


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Sozo

I would think that if some guy, in your lifetime, walked on water, fed 5000 people with a couple of fish and a few loaves of bread, turned water into wine, healed several people from all kinds of diseases, rose from the dead and walked through walls, that you might find it rather difficult to forget that at some point He claimed to be God. :rolleyes:
Those are all things he was alleged to have done. Similar claims were made by the followers of any of the other alleged miracle workers of his day...

Not much strength in the historical validity of that position for any of the alleged miracle workers.


Alleged is the operative word. All the stories (fairy tales, perhaps?) put down 70 or so years after allegedly taking place.


New member
You may be better equipped to make an informed decision and decide what truth you find to be more convincing if you are familiar with all sides of a debate.

And speaking truthfully, it neither breaks my arm or picks my pocket if you decide to become a rampant fundamentalist baptist. Why should I mind? I don't have a great commission; I'm not out to make any converts for my worldview. Somewhat more important to me is that you make an informed decision and that you know why you made it. Whether you end up a baptist or a taoist, you'll have better anchors.

So, Sozo and Sibbie, are you suggesting he doesn't investigate any of the other religions at all (or *gasp* even the arguments for doing without)? Or that he should restrict his reading on Christianity to C.S. Lewis, Lee Strobel, and the like?


New member

I would think that if some guy, in your lifetime, walked on water, fed 5000 people with a couple of fish and a few loaves of bread, turned water into wine, healed several people from all kinds of diseases, rose from the dead and walked through walls, that you might find it rather difficult to forget that at some point He claimed to be God.

And yet three of the gospels neglect to mention that last point although they attribute to him the status of messenger of God. Nor do they explicitly mention the trinity. It's just the last gospel (the one written after everyone was dead) that starts making these more explicit statements.

*strokes chin*

Nothing suspicious there.


Dearest Turbo,

1. "Salvation" according to a book that may be misquoted, misrepresented and at best unreliable.

2. I won't read John 3:18 in this context, it wouldn't stand up in a court of law, the bible as a source doesn't stand up to reasonable inquisition. And where does the church stand on that? The Inquisition.

3. You ask me on what evidence do I make these claims. I didn't claim anything. I asked how do we know that it didn't happen. I'm questioning the source in a logical manner before I commit myself and it doesn't stand up. It, the bible, is disputable otherwise we wouldn't be talking. A secondary source that is not corroborated.

4. What is my faith? Where is my ignorance? Do I have faith? What are my speculations (see 3)?

5. You ask if I have ever done something through self deduction that is wrong. No I haven't. Any transgressions have come about through lack of awareness and self deduction. Act in haste, repent at leisure!

6. Why should God forgive me even if I don't repent. Because if He doesn't then I can imagine a more able God than He. Something that would forgive me no matter what. If you're God is perfect and all forgiving then he must forgive regardless.

7. How would I know what a Christian attitude is? I'm objective about it. I don't get drawn into an argument about gospel I just try and understand the message. Jesus said the second most important commandment was love thy neighbour. I'm not really feeling the love! This thread started with what religion should I opt with as a means to weigh up the characteristics of the different faiths. You've not taken the opportunity to invite me to the Christian flock. You've just condemned from afar. Ever thought about running for pope?

Is Jesus about love and forgiveness-the muslims believe so they just call him Isa instead. This thread began with my own self assessment, I recommend you take a leaf out of my book.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by the Sibbie

And don't let the atheists fool you into thinking that truth can't be known, unless you want to be fooled.
[looks around]

I must have missed it... did some atheist say that "truth can't be known"??? :think:

Perhaps you're confusing truth with your particular belief about absolutism... :think:


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Jackielabby

Alleged is the operative word. All the stories (fairy tales, perhaps?) put down 70 or so years after allegedly taking place.

I know of people who question concentration camps and the lunar landing.

the Sibbie

New member
Originally posted by Zakath

[looks around]

I must have missed it... did some atheist say that "truth can't be known"??? :think:

Perhaps you're confusing truth with your particular belief about absolutism... :think:
Ok, for clarification that post was mostly aimed at PureX.


Dear Nineveh,
Yes but I can take you to a concentration camp. I can show you people who confessed to taking part in the the Final Solution. I can even show you graves. The teflon frying pan in my kitchen is there because they invented teflon in the space race. Countless scientific discoveries have come about only because of experiments conducted in space. Give me some facts, not deductions regarding your faith. Not what you hold true personally. Facts. Stop answering questions with a question. How can you justify the source and eligibility of the bible when its origins are at best dubious.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by the Sibbie

Ok, for clarification that post was mostly aimed at PureX.
Thanks for the clarification.

(But I don't think PureX is an atheist.)


I'm from a place called Europe. Eu-Rope. Don't expect you and you're sister/wife have ever been here. The pilgrim fathers came from here, you let a bunch religious zealots loose and what do you get? The bible belt, USA


Originally posted by Janus

I'm from a place called Europe. Eu-Rope.

You know what they say, give a man enough Eu-ROPE......:dead:

Don't expect you and you're sister/wife have ever been here.

Naw, my Bass Boat is made for shallow water. Besides, there ain't no Bass in the Atlantic Oshen, anyhow. Plus, I don't have much use for American hating commie queers. :flamer:

The pilgrim fathers came from here, you let a bunch religious zealots loose and what do you get? The bible belt, USA

Yeah, our history books are filled with accounts of the Pilgrims Landing at Plymouth Rock, Tennessee. :dunce:
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brother Willi

New member
Re: Which religion should I choose?

Originally posted by Janus

Ok so this is the thing. I've decided I want a religion but having been brought up outside religion I can't decide which. Each and everyone says in their own scriptures that theirs is the one to follow and offers `true enlightenment' and why this is I appreciate. So I need some help, could you put these in order for me the first being (assuming I adhere and conform completely) absolutely, definetly going to heaven. The last being, straight to hell no further questions asked. I'm assuming some religions will have an element of respect for one another. Is it true that Christianity says that only through believing in Jesus can I ascend whilst others are a little less demanding. If I carry on as I have till now, ie. no religion (hence atheist?), do I, according to Christianity, stand a better chance of entering Heaven than a Muslim, who actively renouces Jesus as the son of God.

1. Islam (sunni)
2. Islam (shi'ite)
3. Judaism
4. Christianity (Catholic)
5. Christianity (Protestant)
6. Christian (Baptist)
7. Taoist
8. Budhist
9. Seikh
10. Hindu
11. Confuscian
12. Shinto
13. Druidism
14. Atheism

Whatever gives you the peace you need to get out of hell.

Nitpicking creates hell of its own

Not picking creates hell of its own

Confusion is its own hell