Which religion should I choose?


Dear William Robert,
I'm not communist,
I don't hate Americans,
Its called migration.
And there's nothing wrong with being queer, I personally choose not to be but why so much anger? Be happpy with what you are (obviously not the incestuous hillbilly hick thing you've developed but then nobody's perfect!)


Read a book


Originally posted by Janus

Dear William Robert,

Who's he? :noid:

I'm not communist,

Are you sure? :think:

I don't hate Americans,

Good for you, so what's your problem then?

Its called migration.

Don't your wings get tired?

And there's nothing wrong with being queer,

Yes there is, it's......GAY!

I personally choose not to be but why so much anger?

No anger here, I'm laughing my head off! :darwinsm:

Be happpy with what you are (obviously not the incestuous hillbilly hick thing you've developed but then nobody's perfect!)

I'm not a hillbilly hick? :shocked:


Read a book

See a dentist. :eek:


Billy Hick,
I'd question whether you truly understand communisim, facism or liberalism. The former soviet block spoke openly acted against homosexuality, very much in the same ilk as yourself. Read a book. My country's socialist government fifty years ago formed the national health service and all medical work in this country is free. Despite your concerns for English dentistry I have wonderful teeth, not everything you read in guns`n'ammo is true. Read a book. The left party in this country is far right of anything in your country, we have history, integrity and, whether you love him or loathe him, a prime minister that can string a sentence. How is George W.? Buy the looks of things by your presidential campaign, representative democracy is all but dead. I find it incredulous that you might be offering theological advice to somebody.
Read a book.


Originally posted by Janus

Billy Hick,

yes, Anus?

I'd question whether you truly understand communisim, facism or liberalism.

Oh, I understand it very well.

The former soviet block spoke openly acted against homosexuality,

The communist Party in this country openly embraces homosexuality as a means to eradicate morality, communisms greatest enemy.

very much in the same ilk as yourself.

Oh really? Please provide me with some evidence that I have acted against homosexuality.

Read a book.

Catch a fish.

My country's socialist government fifty years ago formed the national health service and all medical work in this country is free.


Despite your concerns for English dentistry I have wonderful teeth, not everything you read in guns`n'ammo is true.

I'm pretty sure that a round from my 2nd Ammendment protected .45 Semi Automatic Pistol would blow your jead off. It appears that 'Guns n Ammo' was right about THAT!

Read a book.

Read the US Constitution.

The left party in this country is far right of anything in your country,

I don't know if the terms in your 'Queen Ridden' are congruous to ours, but you 'subjects' are considered leftist commies in this country.

we have history,

Yeah, did you ever read the part where Americans kicked your Limey Asses?


Yep, and 2 dentists!

and, whether you love him or loathe him, a prime minister that can string a sentence.

Tony Blair? He's a good ally of the US and the Iraqi people.

How is George W.?

I haven't talked to him today, he's been kinda busy.

Buy the looks of things by your presidential campaign, representative democracy is all but dead.

Ah..... so by your definition of democracy, the candidate who garnered the most votes shouldn't have won the election? That's a new one.

I find it incredulous that you might be offering theological advice to somebody.

Theological advice? Show me where I have done that.

Read a book.

Spend a 'Euro'

brother Willi

New member
"Now watch him Folks cause he's a fairly dangerous man!"

"You may not know it but this man is a spy.
He's a undercover agent for the FBI
And he's been sent down here to infiltrate the Ku Klux Klan!"

"He's a friend of them long haired, hippy-type, pinko fags!
I betchya he's even got a commie flag
tacked up on the wall inside of his garage."

"He's a snake in the grass, I tell ya guys.
He may look dumb but that's just a disguise,
He's a mastermind in the ways of espionage"

"Would you believe this man has gone as far
As tearing Wallace stickers off the bumpers of cars.
And he voted for George McGovern for President."

God loves long haired, hippy-type, pinko fags.

God loves Commies.


billy bob,
If we're Queen ridden we cannot be communists.
Its the pound over here, not the euro.
The war of independence where you kicked our arses-where do you think you came from. What language is it you speak over there? ENGLISH. You are British stock. If not British then European.
You think Tony B is a member of a `commie pary'!!!!!
British soldiers are dying in Iraq because of American G.I. mentality towards the iraqi people. More British soldiers have died because of American friendly fire than by the insurgents. There are more insurgents because of your inability to win a hearts and minds war.This isnt a conventional war there's a difference, which they would know if they were to read books. You're officers are failing in their responsibilites because they too are poorly educated and ill informed how to deal with with this gun-ho black and white mentality that you possess. We do know how to deal with terrorists. We fought the American financed IRA for long enough.Don't get me wrong I think the American stance over iraq in general is a good one I just don't like the minority of Americans, which you represent, that effect the majority. You are offensive. This isn't communism rant, its enlightened facism. . But please, please, please, please, please READ A BOOK.

Not everyone that disagrees you is a gay communist.
Not all Muslims are bad.
Certainly not all Iraqis.
You want to shoot me with your .45 semi automatic? Go ahead and do it! There's a 50:50 chance you'd point it the wrong way round and shoot yourself in the face and remove yourself gene pool. Long live the Darwin award.


Brother willi,
whats the alternative. If a gun wielding maniac is running down the street shooting people surely its better that he dies rather than the many. In this case what is the greater good? My point is that guns, and war, can be justified.

brother Willi

New member
Originally posted by Janus

Brother willi,
whats the alternative. If a gun wielding maniac is running down the street shooting people surely its better that he dies rather than the many. In this case what is the greater good? My point is that guns, and war, can be justified.

Hypothetical battles are lost.

Anything can be justified.

Is it better to kill your terrorist, or offer them peace?

Peace is the harder road, it requires courage.


Br. Willi
I completely agree with the concept of peace. We just disagree on how it can be best achieved. You believe the terrorists will cease if we comply. I believe we can suppress the terrorist movement's growth and ability to act which will ultimately achieve peace. Peace is the harder road to travel, in this case it demands courage of our soldiers and of our politicians as they face the world's councils. More over a resolve by the people of the said countries to back and support our troops in the objective they have been set. Diplomatic elections in Iraq by suppressing the insurgents. Peace will only be achieved through war when we are confronted by extremists who believe in war themselves until they live in an islamic world. Peace isn't an option yet.


New member
Originally posted by Janus

Thankyou God_is_truth,

"The bible has declared me a sinner" but I don't think I am, I lead a good life, I'm fairly altruistic.

have you ever lied? ever lusted after someone? ever hated somebody? ever stolen something? ever cheated? how about coveting? all of these are sins.

I'm "cut off" yet through reasoning (I'm a historian) I find it impossible to side purely with the bible when I look at the source. I don't mean to offend you I don't mean God, I mean the men that scribed it, the men that translated it. I have an elementary understanding of Latin, yet I know that the bible was originally Greek, then Latin, then English (Catholic), then protestant English, then modern English from olde English. I'm more than aware of the politicall ramifications that occured during the reformation period but it leaves me doubting what version of the bible survives!

well your best bet would be to go right to the greek manuscripts. we have quite a few of those you know.

I'd rather be my own fool than someone else's slave and surely an understanding God would understand that, if not fully supporting me.

i don't really know what you mean by this.

I have a hard time seeing Jesus or God condemning me whilst someone that has been brought up in the religion whom has never stopped to question their actions is not. Especially if my good deeds out number theirs, and in actions if not words have lived the life that Jesus intended but just not through Jesus' name.

the bottom line is that we all are condemned, every one of us. we have all sinned. you, me, pastors, teachers, football players, musicians, everyone. the only way one can be spared of the wrath incurred by the condemnation is by faith in God through the work of his Son Jesus on the cross. it is not based on our works because none of us is good enough. we've all sinned, all failed and all fallen short of the glory of God. we all need grace, and that's only through faith in the cross.


"we all need grace , and that is through faith in the cross"

How can you have faith in the cross? Where do you get your information from if the evolution of the bible is 'dubious at best'?


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Janus

"we all need grace , and that is through faith in the cross"

How can you have faith in the cross? Where do you get your information from if the evolution of the bible is 'dubious at best'?

What you're about to get is fundy doublespeak...


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Janus

Dear Nineveh,
Yes but I can take you to a concentration camp. I can show you people who confessed to taking part in the the Final Solution. I can even show you graves. The teflon frying pan in my kitchen is there because they invented teflon in the space race. Countless scientific discoveries have come about only because of experiments conducted in space.

All of your "evidence" is not going to convince someone who doesn't want to believe.

Give me some facts, not deductions regarding your faith. Not what you hold true personally. Facts. Stop answering questions with a question. How can you justify the source and eligibility of the bible when its origins are at best dubious.

It was written by eyewitnesses, I can show you an empty grave, I can show you a city forgotten by men but remembered by God....

But none of my "evidence" will convince someone who doesn't want to believe.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Nineveh

All of your "evidence" is not going to convince someone who doesn't want to believe.

It was written by eyewitnesses, I can show you an empty grave, I can show you a city forgotten by men but remembered by God....

But none of my "evidence" will convince someone who doesn't want to believe.

Which grave? There are three that I'm aware of that various groups claim is the "real" burial site of Jesus.