What the New Sex Education actually looks like: Strap-ons and Dildos


New member
My my, someone knows his homosexual organizations.

Please: He is a lawyer. Its his job to know his clients.



This isn't the thread for you boyz to talk about your first and foremost love (drugs), but I will point out (as I've pointed out numerous times before in numerous threads) that the responsible consumption of alcohol isn't immoral (i.e. it doesn't go against biblical teaching). Mind altering drugs used for recreational purposes do.

Of course many of the people who are sexually confused (be it from being raped or growing up in a dysfunctional home) turn to drugs and abuse alcohol to ease their pain.

Pfft, I'm an alcoholic. I know what it can do, I know what heroin and cocaine can do though I never got involved with them. To mark marijuana as something dangerous is just plain ignorant.


Pfft, I'm an alcoholic. I know what it can do, I know what heroin and cocaine can do though I never got involved with them. To mark marijuana as something dangerous is just plain ignorant.

If you're an alcoholic (I notice that you didn't say "recovering alcoholic"), it sounds like you're the one that is ignorant here.


I think it is all about "faux outrage." As Shakespeare said, "..the lady doth protest too much."

Whoever is being scandalized by all things sexual is always quickly running away from the basic, God-given and pleasurable urge themselves.


New member
I think it is all about "faux outrage." As Shakespeare said, "..the lady doth protest too much."

Whoever is being scandalized by all things sexual is always quickly running away from the basic, God-given and pleasurable urge themselves.

Seriously, is running away from a sexual urge even plausible or credible?

Controlling it or using foresight of consequences to postpone it perhaps.

But the imaginary paradigm of the "repressed religionist" is tiring in the 21st century,
especially when all mainstream churches are marrying gays,
and the only actors are the Westboro Baptist church,
which looks AWFULLY like a govt/satanist funded psy-op.


New member
Hall of Fame
Seriously, is running away from a sexual urge even plausible or credible?

Controlling it or using foresight of consequences to postpone it perhaps.

But the imaginary paradigm of the "repressed religionist" is tiring in the 21st century,
especially when all mainstream churches are marrying gays,
and the only actors are the Westboro Baptist church,
which looks AWFULLY like a govt/satanist funded psy-op.



Seriously, is running away from a sexual urge even plausible or credible?

Controlling it or using foresight of consequences to postpone it perhaps.

But the imaginary paradigm of the "repressed religionist" is tiring in the 21st century,
especially when all mainstream churches are marrying gays,
and the only actors are the Westboro Baptist church,
which looks AWFULLY like a govt/satanist funded psy-op.

*no they aren't. the overwhelming majority of churches still stay true of traditional marriage

And, Christianity has not weakened to such a disagree as you propose. It's just that the fanatical dissidents receive a lot of infamy, and therefore you hear about them a lot more.


New member
*no they aren't. the overwhelming majority of churches still stay true of traditional marriage

And, Christianity has not weakened to such a disagree as you propose. It's just that the fanatical dissidents receive a lot of infamy, and therefore you hear about them a lot more.

We just had the USA Presbyterians adopt Same Sex Marriage.

Thats one of the biggest protestant denominations in Protestantism.

Only the Mormons seem to be bigger, and its a foregone conclusion
that they will cave in on Same Sex Marriage, since they don't even have
a coherent and credible marriage policy in line with Christian values.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
We just had the USA Presbyterians adopt Same Sex Marriage.

Thats one of the biggest protestant denominations in Protestantism.
Some churches are top heavy with liberal sentiment and control, even though the broader churches tend to be conservative. And schisms result. Our own church joined a trend of late, leaving the larger Presbyterian church for a smaller and more conservative, traditional gathering.


New member
Some churches are top heavy with liberal sentiment and control, even though the broader churches tend to be conservative. And schisms result. Our own church joined a trend of late, leaving the larger Presbyterian church for a smaller and more conservative, traditional gathering.

The end result is not good.

Its a divide and conquer strategy that opponents of Christianity use.

Not just infiltration and corruption.


We just had the USA Presbyterians adopt Same Sex Marriage.

Thats one of the biggest protestant denominations in Protestantism.

Only the Mormons seem to be bigger, and its a foregone conclusion
that they will cave in on Same Sex Marriage, since they don't even have
a coherent and credible marriage policy in line with Christian values.

Not all Presbyterian churches adopted that. I could go to the one right down the road and witness that for myself.

The Episcopal churches seem to be the one's full on with homosexual marriage. Beyond the Metropolitan churches, but tht's just a given anyway- they are essentially gay churches.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...The Episcopal churches seem to be the one's full on with homosexual marriage. Beyond the Metropolitan churches, but tht's just a given anyway- they are essentially gay churches.
No, Spong started that going and it split the church the same way the Presbyterian church is undergoing at present.


No, Spong started that going and it split the church the same way the Presbyterian church is undergoing at present.

Theres not but so many ~presbyterians~ at the moment, that's ceratianly the case. It's going to cost them a lot, it's not good business to be having schisms nowadays. Thier presbyters have caved in to liberal scrutiny, and opened a can of worms.

It's a shame really; they are a mainline Calvinist church as well. With Lutherans falling more and more into bed with the Roman Church, I wonder what the fate of Protestantism will be altogether in the next decade or two.

I hate to say it, but if that should ever be the case, Baptist seems to be the next best thing. And I'm not much a fan of Baptist churches.


New member
We just had the USA Presbyterians adopt Same Sex Marriage.

Thats one of the biggest protestant denominations in Protestantism.

Only the Mormons seem to be bigger, and its a foregone conclusion
that they will cave in on Same Sex Marriage, since they don't even have
a coherent and credible marriage policy in line with Christian values.

Wrong there Naz.

Most pertinent part:


June 29, 2015

Because of the recent decision of the United States Supreme Court and similar legal proceedings and legislative actions in a number of countries that have given civil recognition to same‐sex marriage relationships, the Council of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‐day Saints restates and reaffirms the doctrinal foundation of Church teachings on morality, marriage, and the family. As we do, we encourage all to consider these teachings in the context of the Plan of Salvation and our Heavenly Father’s purposes in creating the earth and providing for our mortal birth and experience here as His children.

Marriage between a man and a woman was instituted by God and is central to His plan for His children and for the well‐being of society. “God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth” (Genesis 1:27‐28). “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). Strong families, guided by a loving mother and father, serve as the fundamental institution for nurturing children, instilling faith, and transmitting to future generations the moral strengths and values that are important to civilization and vital to eternal salvation.

A family built on marriage of a man and a woman is the best setting for God’s plan of happiness to thrive. That is why communities and nations generally have encouraged and protected marriage between a man and a woman, and the family that results from their union, as privileged institutions. Sexual relations outside of such a marriage are contrary to the laws of God pertaining to morality.

Changes in the civil law do not, indeed cannot, change the moral law that God has established. God expects us to uphold and keep His commandments regardless of divergent opinions or trends in society. His law of chastity is clear: sexual relations are proper only between a man and a woman who are legally and lawfully wedded as husband and wife. We invite all to review and understand the doctrine contained in “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.”

Consistent with our fundamental beliefs, Church officers will not employ their ecclesiastical authority to perform marriages between two people of the same sex, and the Church does not permit its meetinghouses or other properties to be used for ceremonies, receptions, or other activities associated with same‐sex marriages. Nevertheless, all visitors are welcome to our chapels and premises so long as they respect our standards of conduct while there.

Just because LDS Christians believe that marriage can last beyond "till death do we part" doesn't make our beliefs inconsistent with the Bible.