What the New Sex Education actually looks like: Strap-ons and Dildos


I think that's right. aCW was hoping to enroll. :eek:

Nothing to see here right kmoney, i.e. it's all a vast right wing conspiracy?

I established in all 3 parts of my "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! threads that faggots just loooooove their little boys (and girls for lesbos).

Wait until Part 4 comes around (you aint seen nuttin yet).


New member
Hall of Fame
No, because one doesn't know what to expect at this point. Age 11 and 17 aren't worlds apart; adolescence is said to start at age 9.

Naz got the facts completely wrong and fell for a fake story. So did you, from the looks of it. And yeah, I'd venture to say eleven and seventeen are indeed quite far removed. A comment like yours is, frankly, something I'd expect from bogeymen like the ones you and Naz see around every corner.


New member
Hall of Fame
Nothing to see here right kmoney, i.e. it's all a vast right wing conspiracy?

I established in all 3 parts of my "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! threads that faggots just loooooove their little boys (and girls for lesbos).

Wait until Part 4 comes around (you aint seen nuttin yet).

I don't read your threads. :plain:


New member
Our friends at MassResistance have documented many of the things that NAMBLA the LGBTQueer movement is teaching young children in schools, here's just a few.

Horror stories in the schools

VIDEOS of elementary schools normalizing homosexual lifestyle to young children!

Unbelievable. Elementary schools in Cambridge and NY.

Part I - Gay & Lesbian Pride Day in elementary school.

Part II - Role-playing in the second grade.

Here's where it's all headed, folks!

The "Little Black Book" - Hard-core pornographic homosexual "how-to" booklet given to kids at high school!
Written by Boston-based "AIDS Action Committee" with help from Mass. Dept of Public Health, Boston Public Health Commission. Funded also by major corporations, universities, even charities.

"King and King" - story book of homosexual romance read to second graders.

"Fistgate" tapes - reveals what homosexual activists do with children in schools.
Caution: VERY disturbing. At state-sponsored GLSEN workshops. This made national news in 2000 and three Mass. state employees were fired.

Framing the issue - How the homosexual movement got into the Massachusetts schools
Landmark speech by Kevin Jennings, now with the US Dept. of Education!

Schools using "safe zones" to counsel children who feel different - maybe they should "come out" as gay!

Elementary school teaching cross-dressing and transgenderism in 3rd grade.
Mother forced to remove daughter from school because school wouldn't stop.

You've put up these lies before and each and every one of them has been exposed for the false witness that they are many times.

You know they are just lies. EVERYONE with even an ounce of honesty and integrity knows they are fakes.

Get some new material already


You've put up these lies before and each and every one of them has been exposed for the false witness that they are many times.

You know they are just lies. EVERYONE with even an ounce of honesty and integrity knows they are fakes.

Get some new material already

Poor thing, it must be boring getting up each and every morning and practicing your denial one-liners.


Sex education is completely moot in this current era. Sex has become so struck by liberal notions that half the kids learning it have already had sex and know what the deal is.


New member
Hall of Fame
Yet you have no problem using my name in posts (and here I thought that princess Artie Brain was my only stalker).

I don't read your threads but I've seen enough of your posts in other threads to know you'd go for that kind of thing. :plain:


New member
Only if you can prove it's happening in Florida. Ya know: Reality.

You misread the point. The story isn't simply "fake".

(1) I make no claim that its happening in both locations.
I only rightly noted that the location seems to be in error.

But what would have applied to the Florida case (is there one or not?)
still applies to the Toronto case.

That is, the location is irrelevant.

(2) It turns out that the person is teaching 13 year olds and up,
rather than 7 year olds and up.

That IS a significant difference in the story,
and I agree that the alarm level should be dropped a few notches.

Thus instead of "Condition RED", we have a "Condition YELLOW".

But kids in Toronto are just as important as kids in Florida,
so its not simply a 'fake' story.

It was an inaccurate story, and I'm glad that kids 7 and up in Florida
are not being subjected to what kids 13 and up in Toronto are being subjected.

I wouldn't call that a non-story, and I wouldn't call that a fake story.

I'd call that some serious inaccuracies and I suspect they may have
been deliberately created to ridicule those who would protest.

The dishonesty and the inaccuracy is not mine, so I am not offended,
and I'm happy to correct the story, which I have.


New member
Naz got the facts completely wrong and fell for a fake story. So did you, from the looks of it. And yeah, I'd venture to say eleven and seventeen are indeed quite far removed. A comment like yours is, frankly, something I'd expect from bogeymen like the ones you and Naz see around every corner.
No, I in fact questioned the validity of the story early on.

Some people are still more child-like than adult at 17. I was.


I wonder what sex education in general, beyond the instance in the OP, is even like nowadays since liberal notions and homosexual acceptance are now reigning :think:


New member
Naz made himself look like a moron by falling for an obviously fake story, what else is new. This is a normal day for him.


Seriously, take a look at what this lesbo-feminist is teaching to 11 year olds.

Oral sex, homosexuality, anal sex, transgender, to 11 year olds.
How to use a "strap-on", and a "d****" and a "penis pump".

Caution: some explicit discussion and imagery (clothed)

My daughter has traveled extensively since she was in junior high school. She has showed me many, many cell phone photos of lots of museum exhibits, sculptures, paintings etc. that your art history teacher would never tell you about.

Every country has basically the same likes, dislikes, etc.

We humans are unique creatures and are pretty much the same all over the world and during all sorts of historical periods.

Like it or leave it, I guess.


I wonder what sex education in general, beyond the instance in the OP, is even like nowadays since liberal notions and homosexual acceptance are now reigning :think:

Indoctrinate them while they're young.



...and turn them into freaks when they get older.

Transgender teen, 18, who wants to become a man has eggs harvested before undergoing first gender-reassignment surgery so he can have genetic children one day
Cole Carman, 18, recently underwent his first gender-reassignment surgery - a double mastectomy to remove his breasts and restructure his chest
Before the operation, the 18-year-old had a smaller operation to retrieve and freeze his eggs so that he might have biological children one day