What the New Sex Education actually looks like: Strap-ons and Dildos

Town Heretic

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Looking at the SHEPP (Sexual Health Education and Pleasure Project) website, they don't hide the fact that they include youth in their classes.


We are a new non-profit organization whose mission is to provide free, pleasure-based sexual health education focused mainly on marginalized communities including youth, people of colour, women, queer and trans communities.


Well, SHEPP is an organization for youth - so why not by youth? We strive to be inclusive of the needs of youth and their sexuality. In doing so, we hope to get a strong youth influence to strength the organization.

Being that other pro sexual anarchist organizations welcome children as young as kindergarten into various classes, why does it surprise you secular humanist/sexual anarchists that 11 year olds were welcome in this one?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Looking at the SHEPP (Sexual Health Education and Pleasure Project) website, they don't hide the fact that they include youth in their classes.
SHEPP the non profit established in 2009, in Toronto? The one with the blog that hasn't been updated since August of that year? The one that doesn't appear to have any authority, relationship to an actual curriculum or necessarily exist at this point?



SHEPP the non profit established in 2009, in Toronto? The one with the blog that hasn't been updated since August of that year? The one that doesn't appear to have any authority, relationship to an actual curriculum or necessarily exist at this point?

Are you trying to confuse aCW with facts?


New member
SHEPP the non profit established in 2009, in Toronto? The one with the blog that hasn't been updated since August of that year? The one that doesn't appear to have any authority, relationship to an actual curriculum or necessarily exist at this point?


Give credit where credit is due. This is the closest Connie has ever come to actually producing a source for his fake claims


Looking at the SHEPP (Sexual Health Education and Pleasure Project) website, they don't hide the fact that they include youth in their classes.


We are a new non-profit organization whose mission is to provide free, pleasure-based sexual health education focused mainly on marginalized communities including youth, people of colour, women, queer and trans communities.


Well, SHEPP is an organization for youth - so why not by youth? We strive to be inclusive of the needs of youth and their sexuality. In doing so, we hope to get a strong youth influence to strength the organization.

Being that other pro sexual anarchist organizations welcome children as young as kindergarten into various classes, why does it surprise you secular humanist/sexual anarchists that 11 year olds were welcome in this one?

SHEPP the non profit established in 2009, in Toronto?

The one with the blog that hasn't been updated since August of that year?

(TH is a sharp one, he can read), Yes, that SHEPP.

The one that doesn't appear to have any authority, relationship to an actual curriculum or necessarily exist at this point?

Oh but TH, the dyke who started SHEPP (Carlyle Jansen)


has been given the authority to teach students about dildos and the pleasures of artificial and perverse sex:

"Recently Jansen's skill in normalizing conversations about sex has led to invitations from Toronto high schools, usually phys. ed. or guidance teachers who realize they don't have enough training in sex education. In the past 18 months or so, she's been to a dozen schools to talk about sexual health including the joy of sex – something different from charts showing diligent sperm swimming up Fallopian tubes and warnings about sexually transmitted infections.

"Teens say, `We're taught to death about STIs,'" observes Jansen. "`We want to know about relationships and sexual pleasure.'

"People get concerned when we talk about pleasure, implying that we are saying, `Go out and have sex.' But that's not what we're saying." [Of course you're not Carlyle, you're just showing these impressionable young kids the menu and don't expect them to order off of it].

Jansen and her associates tell students that if they are going to have sex, here's how to protect themselves, and these parts of the body are pleasurable. They address questions such as what to do when, in the heat of the moment, your partner says he doesn't want to use a condom. (There are different styles and sizes of condoms, she explains, that may be more comfortable and less inhibiting.) "It's packaging information in a way they will listen," Jansen says. "It's embedded in the message."

Last year, she and some colleagues started the Sexual Health, Education and Pleasure Project (SHEPP), a non-profit that offers workshops for young people with an emphasis on pleasure. Last month the SHEPP website was launched.

Jansen, 43, who has an arresting, androgynous beauty, is the mother of two boys, 6 and 3. She had them through artificial insemination and now lives with Helen Kennedy, executive director of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and "trans-identified" rights organization Egale Canada. They live in a minimalist but welcoming Cabbagetown semi painted in shades of taupe.

Is your post implying that Carlyle the lesbo isn't active in youth indoctrination any longer?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Is your post implying that Carlyle the lesbo isn't active in youth indoctrination any longer?
It's not implying anything. It's straight forward mocking you trying to trade on a site that appears to have come and gone in August of 09.

What, you think if you post a link and enough from it most people won't look? :chuckle:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Is your post implying that Carlyle the lesbo isn't active in youth indoctrination any longer?

It's not implying anything. It's straight forward mocking you trying to trade on a site that appears to have come and gone in August of 09.

And for a brief moment I thought that you were siding with perverts who indoctrinate children. I'm glad that you cleared that one up TH.

Oh, and according to this website, said lesbo is still doing workshops.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
And for a brief moment I thought that you were siding with perverts who indoctrinate children.

Oh the joy that must have been yours for a moment

It's not once crossed my mind TH (this is where TracerBullet can justifiably call me a LIAR! LIAR! LIAR!).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm glad that you cleared that one up TH.

Man, for a second I thought you wrote that you were GLAAD. Good thing I gave that a second look for once.

My my, someone knows his homosexual organizations.


There's something on the subject of sex education that will always bother me- where are the parents at?
The parents are supposed to be the ones to teach their children, not a school board, on such a matter.
School is for science, history, and literature, not one's personal well being.

The Horn

These sotries are all highly exaggerated and fiiled with half truths and outright fallacies . These sex ed programs won't MAKE kids have unsafe sex and cause a lot of teenage pregnancies, abortions and STDs .
In fact, ABSTINENCE ONLY sex education has been proved to be disastrously counterproductive . Totally ineffective . Wherever abstinence only has been applied in public schools, the rates of teenage pregnancies, abortions and STDs has RISEN markedly .
It doesn't work, and doesn't stop kids from having unsafe sex .
There have been idiotic claims that Planned parenthood DELIBERATELY teaches kids about kindky sex etc and titillates with with the intention of increasing teenage pregnancies and abortions .
Good sex ed programs in some states which provide kids with good information and contraceptives have dramatically LOWERED the rates of teenage pregnancies , abortions and STDs !
Not one shred of truth to this .


They give kids enough confidence to have uninhibited sex. The same thing happened with the 'DARE' program back in the 90's when drug use actually went up out of kid's understanding of drugs- it is an observable fact.
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They give kids enough confidence to have uninhibited sex. The same thing happened with the 'DARE' program back in the 90's when drug use actually went up out of kid's understanding of drugs- it is an observable fact.

I smell a drug pushing Libertarian.


The majority of people who commit suicide or murder are under the influence of alcohol. Marijuana has an exact opposite reaction, a person may even retract such thoughts as soon as they take hit of it.

To say otherwise is to be ignorant of the effects of marijuana. Seriously, this is why it's becoming decriminalized and why states are legalizing it- we are finally progressing away from the horrible myth of the drug being so consequential to one's health and well-being.


Why are you a libertarian when it comes to some of the most lethal and addictive substances known to man?

The majority of people who commit suicide or murder are under the influence of alcohol. Marijuana has an exact opposite reaction, a person may even retract such thoughts as soon as they take hit of it.

This isn't the thread for you boyz to talk about your first and foremost love (drugs), but I will point out (as I've pointed out numerous times before in numerous threads) that the responsible consumption of alcohol isn't immoral (i.e. it doesn't go against biblical teaching). Mind altering drugs used for recreational purposes do.

Of course many of the people who are sexually confused (be it from being raped or growing up in a dysfunctional home) turn to drugs and abuse alcohol to ease their pain, failing to realize that God is there to help them.