What the New Sex Education actually looks like: Strap-ons and Dildos


New member
Seriously, take a look at what this lesbo-feminist is teaching to 11 year olds.

Oral sex, homosexuality, anal sex, transgender, to 11 year olds.
How to use a "strap-on", and a "d****" and a "penis pump".

Caution: some explicit discussion and imagery (clothed)



New member
If this is true, and these were 11 yr old public school students, it is abhorrent. But how could this have been allowed????


New member
If this is true, and these were 11 yr old public school students, it is abhorrent. But how could this have been allowed????

Its being FORCED, not "allowed".

These people have really taken over the Education System,
and they have to be criminally prosecuted and incarcerated.

But thats not going to happen, because the judges and lawyers
are all members of government pedophile rings.


New member
Its being FORCED, not "allowed".

These people have really taken over the Education System,
and they have to be criminally prosecuted and incarcerated.

But thats not going to happen, because the judges and lawyers
are all members of government pedophile rings.
I wish I had a dollar for every conspiracy theory is thrown around this forum as fact. I could retire to Florida by the end of the year.


New member
I wish I had a dollar for every conspiracy theory is thrown around this forum as fact. I could retire to Florida by the end of the year.

...so you have a low enough moral and ethical fibre
to profit from conspiracy theories, and human folly and tragedy,
but not the capacity to grasp that bad guys
conspire to do bad things to good people?

Since you wish for cash, is that an indication of your ability
to discern good and evil?


New member
...so you have a low enough moral and ethical fibre
to profit from conspiracy theories, and human folly and tragedy,
but not the capacity to grasp that bad guys
conspire to do bad things to good people?

Since you wish for cash, is that an indication of your ability
to discern good and evil?
I don't mind discussing theories as long as they are presented as such. But you are presenting ideas (your pedophile ring comment) as fact with no supporting evidence.


New member
I wish I had a dollar for every conspiracy theory is thrown around this forum as fact. I could retire to Florida by the end of the year.
If this video - as it seems to - actually depicts this lecture being given to 11 yr olds in a public school, do you approve?


Well-known member
Horrible. An explicit sex class for 11 year olds? What's the world coming to?

Oh, and also, it's fake.

It's no surprise seeing another fake story coming from Nazaroo, because 99% of what he posts is 100% crap. But it does still surprise me watching people at TOL glom onto anything Nazaroo posts, believing it without investigating it, because it's something they obviously want to believe, because they want to be enraged.

Breaking News: Nazaroo's crap story is fake, as usual.

Does anyone else here wonder why these people so consistently just make these stories up? Does anyone else here wonder how people buy these fake stories so consistently, so readily, without bothering to check on them?

Nazaroo. "Dumbing down TOL since 2006"


New member

Not total hogwash:

(1) The Snopes article link to the supposedly deleted Infowars page
that was "scrubbed" but saved in the TimeMachine goes nowhere.

(2) The link between the two women has not been established,
and the Toronto woman doesn't have a strong resemblance to the
pics and videos of the orginal claim.

(3) The Toronto woman at the time of the Star article linked by Snopes
was already teaching her strap-on-ology at many Toronto High-schools,
by invitation from other lesbian gym and health-ed teachers.
Kids in grades 9 to 12 range from 13 years old and up.

Recently Jansen's skill in normalizing conversations about sex has led to invitations from Toronto high schools, usually phys. ed. or guidance teachers who realize they don't have enough training in sex education. In the past 18 months or so, she's been to a dozen schools to talk about sexual health including the joy of sex – something different from charts showing diligent sperm swimming up Fallopian tubes and warnings about sexually transmitted infections.

"Teens say, `We're taught to death about STIs,'" observes Jansen. "`We want to know about relationships and sexual pleasure.'

"People get concerned when we talk about pleasure, implying that we are saying, `Go out and have sex.' But that's not what we're saying."

Jansen and her associates tell students that if they are going to have sex, here's how to protect themselves, and these parts of the body are pleasurable. They address questions such as what to do when, in the heat of the moment, your partner says he doesn't want to use a condom. (There are different styles and sizes of condoms, she explains, that may be more comfortable and less inhibiting.) "It's packaging information in a way they will listen," Jansen says. "It's embedded in the message."

(4) She shamelessly promotes sex-toys and sells them from her
Sex-toy store on Harbord St. Toronto. (caution, her site
depicts photos of women naked and being strangled unconscious as
a form of 'sex-play'. )

(5) She is an open lesbian living with another woman and
raising two boys 3, and 6, who she claims were conceived by
artificial insemination, but more likely conceived by anonymous gay friends.

(6) She is part of the Liberal group headed by Lesbian Premier of Ontario
Catherine Wynn who is pushing a Child Sex Education Curriculum
designed by a convicted and self-confessed pedophile who was
caught encouraging a mother to torture her child on the internet.

The Story of How the Province of Ontario was Handed over to Homos

Last year, she and some colleagues started the Sexual Health, Education and Pleasure Project (SHEPP), a non-profit that offers workshops for young people with an emphasis on pleasure. Last month the SHEPP website was launched.



New member
Hall of Fame
So...story's still fake. Gonna update the title of the thread and try to play nice for an ostensibly family-friendly site? Ever admit you're gullible? Come clean and say you believe whatever you want because it reinforces your own demented and fairly sick ideas about the world?

High school sex ed and being a lesbian aren't crimes. Not here, not in Canada. Sorry to disappoint. Your own bizarro world is not reality, pal.


Well-known member
If this is true, and these were 11 yr old public school students, it is abhorrent. But how could this have been allowed????

How long would it have taken you to check and find out that it isn't true? Seriously. 10 seconds?

Yet instead of checking to verify (despite the fact that you've been known to post fake stories yourself), you decide to spend your time commenting on how abhorrent it is and yelping "But how could this have been allowed????"

You people are unreal.


New member
So. .. Gonna update the title of the thread and try to play nice for an ostensibly family-friendly site? Ever admit you're gullible? Come clean and say you believe whatever you want because it reinforces your own demented and fairly sick ideas about the world?

No point in "updating" the title of the thread,
since it applies equally well to Florida or Toronto.

High school sex ed and being a lesbian aren't crimes. Not here, not in Canada. Sorry to disappoint. Your own bizarro world is not reality, pal.

Lesbianism is a Biblical crime.

The new Sex Ed program is not being aimed at High-schools,
which are already conquered territory as far as the LGBT movement
is concerned.

The New Sex Ed is being aimed directly at public schools, (grades 1-8)
and kids from age 7 to 12.


Horrible. An explicit sex class for 11 year olds? What's the world coming to?

Oh, and also, it's fake.

It's no surprise seeing another fake story coming from Nazaroo, because 99% of what he posts is 100% crap. But it does still surprise me watching people at TOL glom onto anything Nazaroo posts, believing it without investigating it, because it's something they obviously want to believe, because they want to be enraged.

Breaking News: Nazaroo's crap story is fake, as usual.

Does anyone else here wonder why these people so consistently just make these stories up? Does anyone else here wonder how people buy these fake stories so consistently, so readily, without bothering to check on them?

Nazaroo. "Dumbing down TOL since 2006"

Don't pretend that you haven't heard of GLSEN (Gay Lesbian & Straight Education Network), teaching K-12 kids about homosexuality and transgenderism (and here you thought that perversion was only to be done between consenting adults zoo).



New member
Hall of Fame
No point in "updating" the title of the thread, since it applies equally well to Florida or Toronto.

Only if you can prove it's happening in Florida. Ya know: Reality.

Lesbianism is a Biblical crime.

So what? That has no application whatsoever in the real world. You fell for a fake story. Again. You shared nonsense on TOL. Again. You're a sap, Naz. And a smutty one at that. Your shtick is pretty obvious.


New member
why would anyone one, for even a second, believe that this story was anything but fake?

EDIT: let em amend that. Why would any honest person, for even a second, believe that this story was anything but fake?


Our friends at MassResistance have documented many of the things that NAMBLA the LGBTQueer movement is teaching young children in schools, here's just a few.

Horror stories in the schools

VIDEOS of elementary schools normalizing homosexual lifestyle to young children!

Unbelievable. Elementary schools in Cambridge and NY.

Part I - Gay & Lesbian Pride Day in elementary school.

Part II - Role-playing in the second grade.

Here's where it's all headed, folks!

The "Little Black Book" - Hard-core pornographic homosexual "how-to" booklet given to kids at high school!
Written by Boston-based "AIDS Action Committee" with help from Mass. Dept of Public Health, Boston Public Health Commission. Funded also by major corporations, universities, even charities.

"King and King" - story book of homosexual romance read to second graders.

"Fistgate" tapes - reveals what homosexual activists do with children in schools.
Caution: VERY disturbing. At state-sponsored GLSEN workshops. This made national news in 2000 and three Mass. state employees were fired.

Framing the issue - How the homosexual movement got into the Massachusetts schools
Landmark speech by Kevin Jennings, now with the US Dept. of Education!

Schools using "safe zones" to counsel children who feel different - maybe they should "come out" as gay!

Elementary school teaching cross-dressing and transgenderism in 3rd grade.
Mother forced to remove daughter from school because school wouldn't stop.