What makes Bob Enyart “the man” of this site?

Nathon Detroit

Wow. OK.

Why is that?

And how do you reconcile that with saying the Pledge? Have you ever served in the military or been in another situation where you swore to uphold and defend the Constitution?
Dude.... we aren't trying to overtake the government. Get over it already.

I love this country! But that doesn't mean I think it's perfect. Exploring ideas is what we do here.


New member

I am really getting a kick out of this site having a "flamer" smilie.

FWIW, I'm not gay. Nor, for that matter, do I remember ever "choosing" to be a heterosexual. It's just how I'm wired, that's all.

And, I do ride an MTB. At least when I'm not injured, as I am currently.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
So he (Bob Enyart), did not sin, just committed crimes against society, and no one is punishing him for it because he repented??? -can you explain this contradiction, please?

He committed sins that should have been crimes. Adultery, for example, should be recriminalized.


New member
Dude.... we aren't trying to overtake the government. Get over it already.

I love this country! But that doesn't mean I think it's perfect. Exploring ideas is what we do here.

I don't think this country is perfect, either - far from it. However, if that document were implemented I'd lose the right to disagree with you. Which is awfully convenient for you - and is also the coward's way out.

You just told me that you wanted to see the Constitution replaced by the document on Shadowgov or something like it. So just how many of the ideas espoused on that site do you want to see implemented in this country? Do you want to make homosexuality a capital offense? Get rid of trial by jury? Have the military and all branches of government serve at the whim of one man? Have judges holding households under their thumb... having somebody peer in at ten little households, and then somebody peering over that judge's shoulder, and the next judge's on up? To have the power to declare war reside in one man, and one man alone? That no American citizen has a right to an education?

I mean, I could go on and on and on. Specifically - which portions of that document do you want to implement in this country, and why?


New member
Hall of Fame
Dude.... we aren't trying to overtake the government. Get over it already.

I love this country! But that doesn't mean I think it's perfect. Exploring ideas is what we do here.

What about this country do you love?


Wow, your first post, and it's the dumbest thing anyone has said in a long time.


We'll, I been lurking. But let's face it adultery is an American activity. It is exported by our culture, cinema, tv, magazines and practices. Strict moral and just codes are only effective in those countries. As sad as that sounds - I admire that part of their strict culture.


New member
Wow, your first post, and it's the dumbest thing anyone has said in a long time.


It may not be his actual first post. A few newbies got tossed in here pretty quick, so it may just be OnFire continuing his Onslaught of user names.


It may not be his actual first post. A few newbies got tossed in here pretty quick, so it may just be OnFire continuing his Onslaught of user names.

Sorry no, I'm me. Male, white, speak several languages, and a bit critical of the law used to justify morals - do you think we need to criminalize aspects of the bible - or don't you know right from wrong?


New member
Sounds like more Christians here would be comfortable in a Muslim state.....or at the least their laws would reflect more accurately the sentiment.......

Provided that Muslim state accepts Y'shua as more than a prophet of their holy text.

keep shinin'

jerm :cool:


Well-known member
- do you think we need to criminalize aspects of the bible - or don't you know right from wrong?
Here's what I think you meant, 'do you think we need to use laws from the Bible as criminal laws?'

We already do that, murder is illegal, stealing is illegal, homosexuality used to be illegal, why not again?