What makes Bob Enyart “the man” of this site?


New member
Hall of Fame
I am really getting a kick out of this site having a "flamer" smilie.


Off topic here, but that is really funny, hadn't occurred to me before. I wonder how many forums have "flamer" emoticons? :shocked:


:first: Knight


Here's what I think you meant, 'do you think we need to use laws from the Bible as criminal laws?'

We already do that, murder is illegal, stealing is illegal, homosexuality used to be illegal, why not again?

No, I meant what I said - concubines and second wives seem fine in the OT. Do we need to criminalize this?


drug users should be stoned

You think you are funny, but the pernicious use of drugs is undermining America. That and small furry animals.

I met a guy at the coffeeshop once, looked all hippy and his job was to paint funny colored bicycles all day long and he smoked some strange stuff. That and the paint fumes made him so wierd. His laugh was the bark of a small dog. Not good for the country.

Nathon Detroit

You think you are funny, but the pernicious use of drugs is undermining America. That and small furry animals.

I met a guy at the coffeeshop once, looked all hippy and his job was to paint funny colored bicycles all day long and he smoked some strange stuff. That and the paint fumes made him so wierd. His laugh was the bark of a small dog. Not good for the country.
Darn... you just tipped the "stupid meter" and were banned.

Don't blame me... it's automated, I have no control over it. I wish I could help you but I can't.


Well-known member
No, I meant what I said - concubines and second wives seem fine in the OT. Do we need to criminalize this?
No, what you said was 'criminalize parts of the Bible', which sounds like you are asking if we'd like to outlaw Psalms and maybe Galatians. But no, we don't want to criminalize parts of the Bible.

Concubines and second wives seem fine, but are they? Lots of people did bad things in the Bible, starting with Adam, in fact most of the Bible is sort of a collection of stories about people disobeying God.

Nathon Detroit

again, work on your reading comprehension.

and kindly answer the question i asked you earlier.
I am not your lap dog.

What question did you ask? Was it a stupid question? Because if it was, maybe I just laughed when I read it and moved on. :mock: killswitch


Active member
i am ignorant of ~everything so help me out here guys

I've noticed an onslaught of people coming on and getting banned lickety split.

is it one person or what? it's beginning to be annoying


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
In your specific terminology and in your narrow definition of what it is to be a Christian, no.
[Jesus]He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.[/Jesus]
-John 3:18

But then, most professed Christians wouldn't fit your definition, either. I guess we'll have to leave that up to God to decide. I trust His judgement more than I do yours.
And you still can't spell judgment.:doh: No wonder you don't know how to judge rightly.

Heh. You should see how long it took me to switch from using "car house" to designate "garage." Creative spelling is my forte.
That's not creative, it's ignorant.

I don't claim to be perfect or better than I am - AND I don't claim to know the one and only way to Heaven. That's the difference. I fully admit that there's a lot that I don't know, and I'm OK with that. God is beyond my capacity to understand. I know that, I freely admit that, I take joy in that. Who would ever want to limit God by man's understanding?
I am perfect because He has made me perfect.

For by one offering He hath perfected for ever those who are sanctified.
-Hebrews 10:14 KJ21

And it's very obvious you don't knwo the one and only way to Heaven: Jesus Christ.

Jesus said to him, [Jesus]"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."[/Jesus]
-John 14:6

What I'm NOT OK with is somebody who claims to understand God through two thousand years of interpretation and re-interpretation and re-re-interpretation, shoving their own narrow understanding down my or anyone else's throat. You don't have any claim on sanctity, or understanding. Any more than I do. You have a human mind, not a divine one, and are limited in what you are capable of knowing. I trust God more.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
-Proverbs 3:5

For I want you to know what a great conflict I have for you and those in Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh, that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, and attaining to all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the knowledge of the mystery of God, both of the Father and of Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
-Colossians 2:1-3

And that's OK with you? Christian Sharia?
God's commands are perfectly OK with me. Who am I to argue? I am His creation. Not the other way around.

Interesting. So reconcile that with the US Constitution. Or would you like to see it tossed on the trash heap of history?
Yes, I would. I don't trust any legal document that can be changed via majority vote.


Maximeee's Husband
Originally posted by sierramoron to me in a rep
you're a loser in the sight of God by supporting this work of the enemy. I plan to leave this brood of vipers or get banned proclaining the Truth

:wave: :loser:

Funny too...seeing as your style of rebuke is not dissimilar from ours. SHouldn't you be loving me to death or something? What exactly is your problem with TOL?

Racy Woodblock

Looks like he got banned for lying, instead.


Where did he lie? This whole Bob Enyart guy definitely seems to polarize people. I don't know anything about him, but i'll check him out.
I'd like to see where sierrasam lied, so i know what to believe of him and what not to, though.