What makes Bob Enyart “the man” of this site?


New member
Who are you to judge what is or is not genuine repentance? I'll ask again seeing you don't seem to want to back up your notions with anything substantial:
How do you know that people faced with punishment are not genuine in any repentance they might show?

No, the issue is exactly that. What would you do if a man raped your wife:
A) Love him like you think Jesus would.
B) Want him executed like I think Jesus would want.

Do you have any answers tucked away inside your tiny brain? Or are you just going to spout cliche?

Who are you to say that someone is better off dead or that salvation is all that matters? Simply claiming to be a disciple of Christ does not give you free reign to impose your will on others.

The issue is that I am an imperfect man. What I desire isn't necessarily what is right. Therefore what I might want to do to someone who offends me or my family is irrelevant.

If someone rapes my wife. I would like to see justice served. In most cases of rape, I would not consider death justice. Death for some acts would be an injustice. But if Bob wants to be punished for his child abuse and sexual impurity, I'm sure he can find someone with a millstone. He doesn't need to impose his sick views on others just so he can forgive himself for his abominations.

"But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you"


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Who are you to say that someone is better off dead
Someone with a brain and a sense of compassion I suppose. Who are you to say that someone is better off alive?

or that salvation is all that matters?
I say your salvation is the most important thing in your life. Do you disagree?

Simply claiming to be a disciple of Christ does not give you free reign to impose your will on others.
Since when have I imposed my will?

The issue is that I am an imperfect man. What I desire isn't necessarily what is right. Therefore what I might want to do to someone who offends me or my family is irrelevant.
So why complain about what the law is then?

If someone rapes my wife. I would like to see justice served. In most cases of rape, I would not consider death justice.
So you just hate God's standards or have you never read them?

Death for some acts would be an injustice.
Yeah. I agree. Being as stupid as you are shouldn't be a capital crime.

But if Bob wants to be punished for his child abuse and sexual impurity, I'm sure he can find someone with a millstone. He doesn't need to impose his sick views on others just so he can forgive himself for his abominations.
OK, so you handle your imperfections by saying nobody should be able to say anything about them. It's a pity you don't know what God says about sin and how to deal with it.

"But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you"
So, who is Pastor Enyart to you? A friend or an enemy?


New member
1. Someone with a brain and a sense of compassion I suppose. Who are you to say that someone is better off alive?

2. I say your salvation is the most important thing in your life. Do you disagree?

3. Since when have I imposed my will?

4. So why complain about what the law is then?

5. So you just hate God's standards or have you never read them?

6. Yeah. I agree. Being as stupid as you are shouldn't be a capital crime.

7. OK, so you handle your imperfections by saying nobody should be able to say anything about them. It's a pity you don't know what God says about sin and how to deal with it.

8. So, who is Pastor Enyart to you? A friend or an enemy?

1. Are you arguing that you want to kill someone out of a sense of compassion?

2. My salvation is most important to me in my life. There are other important things in my life. I disagree that it is my right (or yours) to try to impose salvation on others.

3. Right about the time your started arguing Bob's position.

4. Why not complain? One's urges are not necessarily what one should base their actions on. For a Christian to suggest otherwise is silly.

5. I don't hate God's standards. I just recognize that neither you nor Bob have any authority to try to impose your erronous beliefs on other people. You are not a prophet nor do you have any priesthood authority. Your ideas on biblical interpretations, while intersting and disturbing, are simply your ideas.

6. :readthis:

7. Your reading comprehension sucks. I didn't say anything of the sort. I'm suggesting that as a child abuser, Bob might be sitting on the bottom of a lake with a millstone hanging around his head as one might think Jesus taught if they read things literally. I say if Bob wants to be literal, let him start with himself. He who is without sin cast the first stone or he who is with sin let him jump in the ocean with a millstone around his neck.

8. An enemy. I pray he repents and changes his way before he leads too many down the road he is taking.



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
1. Are you arguing that you want to kill someone out of a sense of compassion?
Of course!

2. My salvation is most important to me in my life. There are other important things in my life. I disagree that it is my right (or yours) to try to impose salvation on others.
Ummm .. OKaaaay. That's nice.

3. Right about the time your started arguing Bob's position.
Uhhhh .... OOOOooooooookkkkaaaay....

4. Why not complain? One's urges are not necessarily what one should base their actions on. For a Christian to suggest otherwise is silly.
It shows you off as a hypocrite.

5. I don't hate God's standards. I just recognize that neither you nor Bob have any authority to try to impose your erronous beliefs on other people. You are not a prophet nor do you have any priesthood authority. Your ideas on biblical interpretations, while intersting and disturbing, are simply your ideas.
Yeah, you hate God's standards. Or perhaps you don't know that He instructed that murderers be executed.

6. :readthis:
Uh huh. It's in print...

7. Your reading comprehension sucks. I didn't say anything of the sort. I'm suggesting that as a child abuser, Bob might be sitting on the bottom of a lake with a millstone hanging around his head as one might think Jesus taught if they read things literally. I say if Bob wants to be literal, let him start with himself. He who is without sin cast the first stone or he who is with sin let him jump in the ocean with a millstone around his neck.
It does you no good to pull verses from anywhere and make them look like they say whatever it is you are trying to say here.... What am I saying... It's making me :dizzy:

8. An enemy. I pray he repents and changes his way before he leads too many down the road he is taking.
Ah. So you generally "pray" by logging onto an internet forum and telling everyone what you're saying to God?


New member
It shows you off as a hypocrite.

It does you no good to pull verses from anywhere and make them look like they say whatever it is you are trying to say here.... What am I saying... It's making me :dizzy:

How does recognizing that acting on my initial gut reaction may not be the best course of action make me a hypocrite? That's generally considered wisdom.

Why don't you tell Bob to quit pulling verses if it makes you so crazy. The reality is that he doesn't know what God wants today. He has no authority to interpret or impose God's will, he just thinks he does. Just as he is arguing for death to homosexuals, he could be arguing for death to himself. I say, let him cast the first stone once he deals with the one around his neck.


New member
How does recognizing that acting on my initial gut reaction may not be the best course of action make me a hypocrite? That's generally considered wisdom.

Why don't you tell Bob to quit pulling verses if it makes you so crazy. The reality is that he doesn't know what God wants today. He has no authority to interpret or impose God's will, he just thinks he does. Just as he is arguing for death to homosexuals, he could be arguing for death to himself. I say, let him cast the first stone once he deals with the one around his neck.

Exactly, and killing all these people off does not allow them to repent. Bob is a perfect example. The man apparently had a fidelity and pornography problem. I am sure today Bob has repented these multitudes of sins and his weakness was forgiven and he is allowed to go on through life with nothing more than a divorce or three and some soul searching. Yet, he himself will not forgive others, or feels they should be flogged or executed for the same sins? There is something inherently evil in that. :jawdrop:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
However, I do not ascribe to the astonishingly judgemental brand of Taliban Christianity
Well that was judgmental.

When did YOU become the arbiter of who goes to hell or not? When did you usurp that job from GOD?
I read in the Bible where God said those who do not believe on the name of the only begotten Son of God go to Hell, and I believe Him.

Why do you not believe God?


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Exactly, and killing all these people off does not allow them to repent.
No one advocated executing criminals without giving them a day or two to repent!
Bob is a perfect example. The man apparently had a fidelity and pornography problem. I am sure today Bob has repented these multitudes of sins and his weakness was forgiven and he is allowed to go on through life with nothing more than a divorce or three and some soul searching. Yet, he himself will not forgive others,
sure he will, if they too repent!
or feels they should be flogged or executed for the same sins?
Not true! He believes people should be executed or flogged for the same crimes!
There is something inherently evil in that. :jawdrop:
If it were true, I could see your point.


New member
Well that was judgmental.

I read in the Bible where God said those who do not believe on the name of the only begotten Son of God go to Hell, and I believe Him.

Why do you not believe God?

Nobody believes in Jesus more than Satan does, Lighthouse.

You can think I am being judgemental, or perhaps I'm holding up a mirror you don't much like to see. Because there are very few differences between what is espoused in that document and Sharia law.

Check it out yourself.

Nathon Detroit

Nobody believes in Jesus more than Satan does, Lighthouse.

You can think I am being judgemental, or perhaps I'm holding up a mirror you don't much like to see. Because there are very few differences between what is espoused in that document and Sharia law.

Check it out yourself.
Well so far... you have demonstrated to us that you claim to uphold the constitution yet you are also painfully ignorant as to what is actually written in the constitution.

You have very little credibility to this point.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Nobody believes in Jesus more than Satan does, Lighthouse.
And yet he still does not believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

You can think I am being judgemental, or perhaps I'm holding up a mirror you don't much like to see. Because there are very few differences between what is espoused in that document and Sharia law.
I am judgmental [note the correct spelling]. I don't deny that. You are being judgmental, and deny it. You are judging me for judging. You are a hypocrite.

Check it out yourself.
What of it? There are a lot of similarities between it and the criminal code God laid down. That's really the problem you have, isn't it?


New member
Well so far... you have demonstrated to us that you claim to uphold the constitution yet you are also painfully ignorant as to what is actually written in the constitution.

You have very little credibility to this point.

This thread was not about debating the US Constitution. It was about discussing what and how much of the suggested Shadowgov replacement Bob Enyart's backers would like to see implemented.

What you don't like is that I'm not letting you change the subject.


New member
And yet he still does not believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

In your specific terminology and in your narrow definition of what it is to be a Christian, no.

But then, most professed Christians wouldn't fit your definition, either. I guess we'll have to leave that up to God to decide. I trust His judgement more than I do yours.

Lighthouse said:
I am judgmental [note the correct spelling]. I don't deny that. You are being judgmental, and deny it. You are judging me for judging. You are a hypocrite.

Heh. You should see how long it took me to switch from using "car house" to designate "garage." Creative spelling is my forte.

I don't claim to be perfect or better than I am - AND I don't claim to know the one and only way to Heaven. That's the difference. I fully admit that there's a lot that I don't know, and I'm OK with that. God is beyond my capacity to understand. I know that, I freely admit that, I take joy in that. Who would ever want to limit God by man's understanding?

What I'm NOT OK with is somebody who claims to understand God through two thousand years of interpretation and re-interpretation and re-re-interpretation, shoving their own narrow understanding down my or anyone else's throat. You don't have any claim on sanctity, or understanding. Any more than I do. You have a human mind, not a divine one, and are limited in what you are capable of knowing. I trust God more.

Lighthouse said:
What of it? There are a lot of similarities between it and the criminal code God laid down. That's really the problem you have, isn't it?

And that's OK with you? Christian Sharia?

Interesting. So reconcile that with the US Constitution. Or would you like to see it tossed on the trash heap of history?


I'd better cut my fingers off and go back to work or I'm never going to catch that plane tomorrow...


New member
What makes Bob Enyart “the man” of this site?

WHO? :idunno:

Never heard of him....I've been here almost a year....

keep shinin'

jerm :cool:


New member
No one advocated executing criminals without giving them a day or two to repent! sure he will, if they too repent! Not true! He believes people should be executed or flogged for the same crimes! If it were true, I could see your point.

So he (Bob Enyart), did not sin, just committed crimes against society, and no one is punishing him for it because he repented??? -can you explain this contradiction, please?