
Well-known member
My favorite happens to be,"The New King James Bible." The Old
King James Bible used to be my favorite. (I still use it occasionally)

I grew up using the Old King James Bible and the New American
Standard Bible from 1962 on. I changed over to the NKJB in 2008.

What's your preference?

AENT (Aramaic English NT)
and about twenty five others.


Well-known member
The KJV.

Is there any other?


There are many others. The KJV is the oldest, and the most corrupted.

"O Y-H-W-H, my strength and my fortress, my refuge in the day of affliction. The Gentiles shall come to You from the ends of the earth and say: “Surely our fathers have inherited lies, worthlessness and unprofitable things. Therefore behold, I will this once cause them to know, I will cause them to know My hand and My might; and they shall know that My name is Y-H-W-H.”
Jer 16:19-21


Well-known member
The KJV is my favorite for reading, but I teach/preach out of the NKJV.

When I'm studying a passage, I consult several - I have copies of most of the major translations.


Why not look in the real thing in stead of a translation?


Well-known member
Grosnick Marowbe,
I also love The KJV, but I like the Newer Modern KJV, because it puts back into the Holy Scriptures, God's Personal, Proper Name, Jehovah.
The reason I believe this is better, is because most Bibles continue with the, I believe the wrong process used, of substituting the Titles LORD, or GOD, in all capital letters, where The Hebrew YHWH, which was in the Original Autographs. YHWH was the Hebrew word for the Proper Name of God, and it was in the Original Autographs of Bible books over 7,000 times.
I believe that anyone who purposely removes God's Proper Name from His own book has committed an enormous sin, and will be judged by Jehovah God, The Almighty.



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Jehovah is the Personal & proper name of the One and only God, The Almighty God. This Name is the name of The Almighty God in English, and is the Name recognized and used for hundreds of years. There are many old buildings, and also many old coins that have this name on their front.
This personal name was, in the Original Autographs, over 7,000 times.
At Isaiah 42:8, God Himself said, I am Jehovah, that is my Name. In Exodus 6:3, in the KJV Bible it tells that God's name is Jehovah, also in Psalms 83:18, and Isaiah 12:2, 26:4.
Most Bibles use the system of substituting the word LORD or GOD, in all capital letters, where the Original Autographs had YHWH, the English word for Jehovah.
Under the Mosaic Law Covenant it was a death sentence to blaspheme the Name of Jehovah, Leviticus 24:11, 13-16.
If you want to have a future you must call on the Name of Jehovah, Joel 2:32, Acts 2:21, Romans 10:13.


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Hall of Fame
I have to ask my self why I should care about what translation I use. It can alter the meaning of what it's actually saying. Having said that I use NKJV but I'am not opposed to other translations as long as they don't change the meaning.

That's all

the best part of having so many translations
you get an idea as to what liberties the translators take
in most cases this is not so important
it can be significant
your beliefs should not depend an any one translation


Well-known member
the best part of having so many translations


you get an idea as to what liberties the translators take


in most cases this is not so important


it can be significant


your beliefs should not depend an any one translation

We agree friend, I never though we would. Its a nice feeling. God bless.


New member
I prefer the KJV because the authors went much out of their way to make it close to the Latin vulgate. They even used Latin-style expressions that had been rare or nonexistent in English, and which have since become part of English speech as a result. I like it because it's closest to the original then IMO.

It is not that I don't think a better one could not be made or that it's perfect - I don't believe in either proposition.


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Every language pronounces words differently. Spanish pronounces Jehovah with a y sound the v
sound, but the word Jehovah is spelled the same, except for the h on the end.
The name of God was put on name fronts of homes in the past, and on many old coins. They all used the spelling with a J, even though many languages pronounce the name differently.
No one living today knows for sure the exact pronunciation of God's name, but the Jame Jehovah, in English, has been the excepted way for hundreds of years. Even the earliest translations of the KJV 1611, used Jehovah for the name of God.
Since the NAME Jehovah is the most accepted, and God has not yet told us the exact way to pronounce His NAME, and since we want the only true God to know that we are praying to Him along, true Christians use Jehovah to distinguish Him from all the falsely called gods, when the Bible tells us there is just one true God, 1Corinthians 8:4-6, Ephesians 4:3-6, John 17:3, Jeremiah 10:11, 14,15, Psalms 115:1-8.
There are many translations in English that use the name Jehovah as the pronunciation of YHWH, God's proper name, personal name. The other names recorded in the Bible are proper adjectives. Look in the early KJV at Exodus 6:3, Psalms 83:18, Isaiah 12:2, 26:4. The name for God is in all the Literal Bibles hundreds of times, Darby Bible, American Standard Bible, Young's Literal Translation, and many others.
Do you really think that you are more qualified to tell these Bible writers that they do not know what they are doing???
I doubt you before all those men, some of whom died to put God's word in other languages so all people could know God's message to all men!!!


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There are many accurate Bibles, and almost all of them say the same thing, but because the Bible was written mostly in Hebrew and Greek, and these languages use a different syntax than English, it is sometimes hard to get the understanding of the scripture. If you have several Bibles to read and compare the scriptures, it is far easier to make sure what God's message is. I have around 50 Bibles to compare, and sometimes I am very happy that I compared the scriptures to other Bibles. Sometimes the scripture says the same as another Bible does, but by the way another puts the wording, in makes it much easier to understand.
On the Internet, you can download different programs that put several translations side by side for easy comparison.
I love Olive Tree, because it has many Bibles, dictionaries, concordances, commentary, and you can use this system without being on the Internet.
Bible Hub is also good, but you have to be on the Internet to use it, but it has interlinier Bibles, so you can see the exact word that was in the Original Autographs.
Other programs are 65 Bibles, with commentary, and 67 Bibles. These you can use without the Internet.


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I agree with you, there are many Bibles that have the truth, are translated accurately. I use about 50 different translations, just to try to see what exactly, the writer was saying. By looking at different translations, with the words usually given a little different translation, and putting them together, you can very often understand the message, better than by just reading one translation.
I have found the Good News Bible to be the most enjoyable Bible, because it uses the same vocabulary that we use, and you usually can't help but understand.
There is one Bible that I have started to study with, is the Amplified Bible. This Bible puts explanations of much of the text that might be a little hard to understand, in the text as you read, but in brackets, so that you know that the words were not in the original writings, but are there as a help with understanding exactly what is being conveyed. Some Bibles put these in the text! I do not like that, because I believe that when men put their words into God's word, they adulterate, corrupt The Word of God. The Bible tells us that God's word is alive and powerful, Hebrews 4:12. Men's words have NO power, as far as I believe!!!


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Just a few days ago, Olive Tree, has produced a new Bible, The Amplified Bible 2015 edition. Especially for someone who has not researched the Holy Scriptures for several years this Bible is very good, because it puts, in brackets, many helpful explanations of texts that new ones can use, and gain much information, without stopping to look up everything they might not be familiar with. Instead of stopping to look up things, many just go on reading and miss much valuable information. As far as doctrines is concerned, it is not completely accurate, but very few Bibles are, so if you are seriously studying God's word, you must compare several different translations.

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