There is a set of behaviors any person can do to be successful in America. It also entails a set of beliefs and attitudes. I call it the successful culture.
Here's the problem that I showed in my OP.
Even if you, as a black person take that "successful culture" and get a college degree, your rate of unemployment is still higher than a white person with the same education level.
We whites want to believe the playing field is equal, but the evidence shows it isn't. And seeing that I have a lot less blame on people who feel angry that the system is rigged against them, because it is. It's certainly better than it used to be, but I see kids in the classroom coming in unprepared all the time, both white and black, but more american white kids are prepared than american black kids. International students of any race are typically better prepared than most US students.
I'm not sure whites want blacks to act white, they just want to stop being blamed for their problems and the chip on the shoulder attitude that accompanies it. When forced segregation was in effect, all it did was serve to further inflame further tension.
Not true and it wasn't enforced very widely, only in some schools. And now that enforcement is down, schools are segregated again and educational outcomes are worse.
I'm sorry , but the inner city black culture is the cause of higher incarceration and other social problems.
"Inner city black culture" was created by government policy that forced black people into ghettoes and kept them out of white suburbs by denying them credit for home ownership programs.
I cannot see how calling white people unintentional racists is going to solve this problem. Whites just want to live their lives and not have this race problem as I see it.
Of course they do! That's what most whites wanted in the 1960s too. We all would like to live our lives and ignore the problems in society. But as Christians, that's not our role. Additionally if we really believe in the American dream and experiment, everyone should have the same opportunity to succeed. Right now they don't and the problem doesn't seem to be improving much.
They especially resent the idea that some how they are responsible for keeping the problem from being fixed. If there was no racism before from whites, racism is induced from these misguided accusations.
It isn't misguided, it is the truth. There's not a lot individual whites other than being more welcoming to other races in all aspects of life, but it's a difficult problem to solve precisely because in most cases it isn't intentional.
I personally think inter racial marriage is one way to start fixing this. My fiance is black and I see other white men with black women and this is good in my opinion. However, a white woman marrying a black inner city man does not solve the problem because the white woman usually adopts the inner city culture which solves nothing.
I agree intermarriage will help, but there are a lot more barriers and issues than the ones you cite.