I got the distinct impression (one that still remains, by the way) that you don't really care, as long as there is Justice.
I do think that determinate steps should be taken to solve those problems,
but not, and note what I say,
at the expense of law and order,
not at the expense of public safety and
not at the expense of justice.
I fully agree with the social liberals in saying that there are social, economic and psychological factors which contribute to crime, and steps should be taken to alleviate them.
Where I disagree with the social liberals is their attempt to exculpate criminals and demonize the police.
I am not going to play the "definition game". Most countries that are considered "capitalistic" do spend public money on education.
By "capitalism" I understand the economic system whereby goods and services are distributed according to the principles of a free market. Under the capitalist economic system and philosophy, everything takes on a monetary value, everything is evaluated in terms of supply and demand.
Including labor. Labor becomes just another commodity to be bought and sold and it must be evaluated in terms of the principles of free market. The question that the employers ask, and which the employees must answer, is: "What do you do which is worth such and such a wage?"
The question, of course, which should be asked is: "Who are you, what kind of being are you, for whom such and such a wage is the ransom of a decent, dignified lifestyle?" This question, however, cannot and does not arise in capitalism.
Because capitalism subordinates persons to the economy, whereas, in point of fact, the economy should be subordinated to and ordered to persons.
And note, the answers to these two questions (i.e., "what is your labor worth to me" and "what are
you worth, you being the kind of being for whom such and such a wage is the ransom to be paid for you to live a decent lifestyle") are not the same.
The almost necessary result of this is unemployment, underemployment, rampant attitudes of materialism and consumerism, rampant wealth and income inequality, poverty, etc.
And people, unlike unsold groceries, aren't the kinds of beings who will just sit idly on a shelf because they remain "unsold." This leads to crime, and capitalism itself, I say, in large part, is the culprit, bears culpability, for the material conditions which facilitate crime.
Capitalism is morally bankrupt, and so are the forms of protestant Christianity which support it.