What is your answer to "The Race Problem"?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Because all the whites moved to clean nice suburbs leaving concentrated poverty behind.

nope - the blacks who originally moved into those neighborhoods in the fifties and sixties had good paying jobs at kodak and xerox, owned their own homes, and initially, kept up their neighborhoods

it started to fall apart in the sixties, accelerated in the seventies and was absolutely ruined in the early eighties with the crack epidemic and the guns, gangs and violence that accompanied all that crap

Whenever you concentrate poverty, no matter the cause you make a giant societal mess.

sorry - again your claim doesn't match my experience

i'm currently living in northern new york in one of the highest poverty-highest unemployment rate counties in the state

also one of the lowest areas in terms of racial diversity and one of the lowest crime rates

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
There is and a lot of other societal problems. But it's hard to achieve a college degree if your area public schools are a mess.

see my comments about rochester's school system

Wow, do you include alcohol in that? Or is there something more magically wrong about Marijuana vs. alcohol?

if we, as a society, determine to make alcohol illegal, then yes

to restate my position, i think that all drug laws should carry mandatory capital punishment

see singapore


Well-known member
nope - the blacks who originally moved into those neighborhoods in the fifties and sixties had good paying jobs at kodak and xerox, owned their own homes, and initially, kept up their neighborhoods

it started to fall apart in the sixties, accelerated in the seventies and was absolutely ruined in the early eighties with the crack epidemic and the guns, gangs and violence that accompanied all that crap
But the policy response to the crack epidemic was to incarcerate everyone. That caused more societal ills than it solved.

sorry - again your claim doesn't match my experience

i'm currently living in northern new york in one of the highest poverty-highest unemployment rate counties in the state

also one of the lowest areas in terms of racial diversity and one of the lowest crime rates
My personal experience was one of government moving in too many low income people into a neighborhood which would swiftly decline from that point. Whites move to the suburbs, lather rinse repeat.

But personal anecdotes do not make data. The data shows that placed with the best upward mobility for the poor are places that are more racially and economically integrated.


New member
Until you have direct empirical evidence for one or the other, you should make no assumption at all. You should simply suspend judgment.

Remember when you used to post threads against empiricism? Apparently you've found it to be of some use, after all.

That's why I'm insisting that a simple disparity isn't evidence of anything.

It's sure suspicious, though, don't you think?

If we are discussing an empirical matter of fact, we need empirical evidence. It's really that simple.

I suppose you don't study statistics in philosopher-king class?

Nonetheless, you get my point. Show me clear, unequivocal evidence of racism. Don't show me something that's open to interpretation. Show me something which is undeniably racist.

The point is, you won't even start asking questions if there is any doubt to be found, no matter how small.

I'm still uncomfortable with the dichotomy as stated. Either systematic bias or else racial defect. I'll grant that the disparity is due either to the operation of the system, the defect of the persons "caught" by the system, or else, both. I.e., there's a disparity either because:

1. The system works in such and such a way.
2. Because criminals work in such and such a way.
3. Or both 1 and 2.

In fact, I assert 3.

Great! Then you agree that there's racial bias in the system. I.e. systemic racism. Right?

Again, you insist on using these vague terms and formulations.

I'm not sure how it's vague. Can you be more specific?

I want to stick to the concrete:

There are lots of black convicts because:

1. There are lots of black criminals and
2. Police are good at catching them, DAs are really good at trying them and judges and juries are really good at putting them away.

Not seeing how this is more concrete. Also, you said earlier that I should make no assumption without empirical evidence. But here you are, making the assumption that suits you best and using it to explain away the disparities in the system.

And I repeat: there's nothing wrong with this.

Depends on who you ask.

1. What you are saying is racist. Why should it matter if they catch white criminals, black criminals, asian criminals, or whatever? They should be catching criminals. Period. If they're catching criminals, then the system works. It doesn't matter what the race of those criminals is.

Ah, yes, colorblindness. Nevermind the statistical improbability of what we're doing. You can't prove that it's biased!

2. You're assuming that all factors are equal. They may not be.

I'm assuming that across multiple cases they should be. Aggregated data tends to smooth out random anomalies.

Again, this sort of thing should be left to the discretion of the police, DAs, judges, etc. They should be doing whatever "works" and is suitable given their time, manpower, resources, etc.

That's just not a serious answer.

It doesn't make sense for policemen to go looking in the suburbs for white criminals when the ghetto already is a known high crime area. If my goal were to catch criminals, then I would be going to go where I know I can catch them. I would be going to go where I am getting a lot of reports of criminal activity.

I've addressed this above. It lets white people off the hook for crimes that black people can be punished severely for.

Again, you cry "racism." I answer "common sense."

Ah, common sense, that last refuge where you've run out of other things to say. Everyone know common sense is never wrong.

If people aren't reporting crimes in the white suburbs and the white suburbs aren't known to be particularly dangerous or infested with criminal activity, but the ghetto is, then the ghetto is where the police should be. It's really that simple.

Oh, you think black people are reporting the crimes? Black people know what happens when they do.

If that produces a disparity, then so be it. There's nothing wrong with that. They're catching criminals. Mission accomplished.

And if you're diverting a black kid from school into the justice system, and potentially pushing him toward a future life of crime? Still no problem?


What you are saying is utterly irrelevent when we are talking about law enforcement and criminal justice. The political interests of the people in question doesn't matter. Criminality alone is relevent.

I'm talking about what determines what is criminal.

Utter non sequitur.

No, it's not. Your approach actually allows a lot of crime to be ignored because you're only interested in finding it in a few place.

Yes. A shockingly high proportion of black people in the country will end up in prison...because a shockingly high proportion of black people in the country are criminals.

Prove it.

Again: so what?

As far as I know, police don't have a habit of targetting middle class black people in the suburbs. They target and "profile" based what's proven, experientially, to be useful at catching criminals. It works.

You know where you find crime? You find crime where you find people. That's no good reason to focus on a certain group of people. There's no evidence that black people commit more crimes.

You're rejecting a possibility simply on the grounds that it would be racist to assert it.

Correct. I'm not a racist.

I'm denying that you can deny something on those grounds. Maybe reality is racist. We need empirical evidence to support or reject that.

Do you have any, or are you just giving us a taste of your latent tendencies?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You know where you find crime? You find crime where you find people. That's no good reason to focus on a certain group of people. There's no evidence that black people commit more crimes.

you know where you'll find criminals?

in jail

you know where you'll find more black criminals (proportionally) than white criminals?

in jail
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Well-known member

By "capitalism" I understand the economic system whereby goods and services are distributed according to the principles of a free market. Under the capitalist economic system and philosophy, everything takes on a monetary value, everything is evaluated in terms of supply and demand.

Including labor. Labor becomes just another commodity to be bought and sold and it must be evaluated in terms of the principles of free market. The question that the employers ask, and which the employees must answer, is: "What do you do which is worth such and such a wage?"

The question, of course, which should be asked is: "Who are you, what kind of being are you, for whom such and such a wage is the ransom of a decent, dignified lifestyle?" This question, however, cannot and does not arise in capitalism.

Because capitalism subordinates persons to the economy, whereas, in point of fact, the economy should be subordinated to and ordered to persons.

And note, the answers to these two questions (i.e., "what is your labor worth to me" and "what are you worth, you being the kind of being for whom such and such a wage is the ransom to be paid for you to live a decent lifestyle") are not the same.

Are you aware which economic philosophy goes more or less along those lines? It has been a dismal failure everywhere it has been tried.

Also, please note that pure capitalism doesn't exist. Trade unions have power. There are minimum wages, various safety nets and the like.
The almost necessary result of this is unemployment, underemployment, rampant attitudes of materialism and consumerism, rampant wealth and income inequality, poverty, etc.

And people, unlike unsold groceries, aren't the kinds of beings who will just sit idly on a shelf because they remain "unsold." This leads to crime, and capitalism itself, I say, in large part, is the culprit, bears culpability, for the material conditions which facilitate crime.

Capitalism is morally bankrupt, and so are the forms of protestant Christianity which support it.

I suppose only Catholic Communists are moral...

I wonder how old you are. You have the naive approach of a 16 year old to the world.


I honestly don't care whether you care or not. I don't give unreasonable people that much control over me. My purpose here is to poke holes in your racism-justifying view of criminal justice.

You're the one claiming that it's racism. You have yet to show any evidence of this.

There certainly are plenty of cases. But my point is about how we treat the guilty. You seem to be just fine with people who are guilty of some crime being treated unfairly based on race.

You're the one who's claiming that people are being treated unfairly based on race. You haven't established this. All that you can point to is a disparity. I'm saying: "You want me to think that things are unfair? Fine. Show me empirical evidence that they are being treated unfairly."

It's a simple selection bias. You find the thing that you were looking for in the place that you've looked before because that's the only place you look. If you can't see that, I don't know what to tell you.

You're completely ignoring a whole bunch of other factors. It's not just a matter of police going out to certain neighborhoods and looking for x, y and z (which works, by the way; I want to emphasize this point; they catch criminals this way). It's also a matter of reported crimes.

How many crimes do you think get reported in the ghetto?
How many crimes do you think get reported in white suburbs?

Yes, I think that demand is carefully crafted to be essentially unanswerable.

In other words, you can't answer it. Got it.


It's sure suspicious, though, don't you think?

No. In fact, I think that it takes a racist worldview even to ask the question in the first place: "Is there a disparity in white vs. black incarcerations and sentencing?" Why on earth would you care enough to look in the first place?


Here's how I understand the argument of the study:

1. Cases are assigned randomly to different judges.
2. A consequence of 1 is that various judges should have basically the same kinds and proportions of cases, defendents, etc.
3. The white/black sentencing disparity differs among judges.
4. Therefore, some judges take race more or less into account than others.

I'm not convinced by this.

The point is, you won't even start asking questions if there is any doubt to be found, no matter how small.

As I said. Show me clear, unequivocal evidence for your position. You have yet to do that.

Great! Then you agree that there's racial bias in the system. I.e. systemic racism. Right?

False. I deny that alternative 1 equates to systemic racism. It might translate to a de facto racial bias (insofar as blacks just so happen to be adversely and disproportionately affected by it), but that's not the same thing as racism.

I'm not sure how it's vague. Can you be more specific?

Either systematic bias or racial fault? What on earth would either one look like?

Not seeing how this is more concrete. Also, you said earlier that I should make no assumption without empirical evidence. But here you are, making the assumption that suits you best and using it to explain away the disparities in the system.

It's an accurate description of what actually happens.

Depends on who you ask.

Oh, sure, the criminals won't like it, and the family members and friends of those criminals won't like it. But I couldn't care less about their opinions.

I'm assuming that across multiple cases they should be.

I'm not convinced of this. As I said, show me direct empirical evidence.

That's just not a serious answer.

It is a serious answer. You just don't have a serious answer to it. :p

I've addressed this above. It lets white people off the hook for crimes that black people can be punished severely for.

So what? Police manpower, resources, etc. is finite and limited. Necessarily, if a policeman is patrolling A but not B, then criminals in B are going to be let off the hook that people in A would be punished severely for.

What's your point?

The burden is on you to show that it would be better for the policeman to be patrolling these other areas instead.

Oh, you think black people are reporting the crimes? Black people know what happens when they do.

Somebody's reporting them.

And if you're diverting a black kid from school into the justice system, and potentially pushing him toward a future life of crime? Still no problem?

Absolutely irrelevent from the viewpoint of criminal justice. If the black kid committed a crime and he got caught, then he's got to pay. It's that simple. In other words: "They broke the law. They paid the price. What's your point" (Judge Dredd, America series).

I'm talking about what determines what is criminal.

You think that selling crack, meth, cocaine, etc. should be legal? Black people tend to think that?

No, it's not. Your approach actually allows a lot of crime to be ignored because you're only interested in finding it in a few place.

Again, see above. Police can't catch everything. They have to use their time, manpower and resources the best that they can.

But you and the rest of you social liberals still insist on flapping your gums, because you don't know a darned thing about law enforcement. You don't know a darn thing about catching criminals. All that you see is race. In other words: "But...but...they're black! WHAAAAAAAH!"

You're all racists. :nono:

Prove it.

Why, I'm glad you asked!

1. A shockingly high proportion of black people end up in prison. (Premise supplied by you). For the sake of the proof, I'll assume this means "end up being convicted."
2. Whoever is convicted has either pled guilty or else has been found guilty by a jury of their peers.
3. All (or, at the very least, most) such people are criminals.
4. Therefore, a shockingly high proportion of black people are criminals.

And, in fact, the more I consider this, why is it so surprising that there's a racial disparity in convictions and sentencing? There's a correlation between crime and poverty. There's a racial disparity in terms of poverty. Why are you so scandalized at a disparity in crime, convictions and sentencing?

You know where you find crime? You find crime where you find people. That's no good reason to focus on a certain group of people. There's no evidence that black people commit more crimes.

But there's plenty of reason to think that there's crime in A place being commited by x, y and z people. And in the absense of any compelling contravening considerations, that's a darned good place to be looking. ;)

Correct. I'm not a racist.

Again, in the absense of direct empirical evidence, you have no compelling reason to affirm or deny the so called "racist" conclusion.

Do you have any, or are you just giving us a taste of your latent tendencies?

I'm simply saying that, in the absense of direct empirical evidence, we have to leave both alternatives open as possibilities.


Well-known member
you know where you'll find criminals?

in jail
You also find lots of criminals not in jail.

you know where you'll find more black criminals (proportionally) than white criminals?

in jail
Know where you'll find most white criminals? Not in jail.

Most incarcerated criminals are for drug offenses


Even more surprising is what gets left out of the chart: Blacks are far more likely to be arrested for selling or possessing drugs than whites, even though whites use drugs at the same rate. And whites are actually more likely to sell drugs:

Whites were about 45 percent more likely than blacks to sell drugs in 1980, according to an analysis of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth by economist Robert Fairlie. This was consistent with a 1989 survey of youth in Boston. My own analysis of data from the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health shows that 6.6 percent of white adolescents and young adults (aged 12 to 25) sold drugs, compared to just 5.0 percent of blacks (a 32 percent difference).

This partly reflects racial differences in the drug markets in black and white communities. In poor black neighborhoods, drugs tend to be sold outdoors, in the open. In white neighborhoods, by contrast, drug transactions typically happen indoors, often between friends and acquaintances. If you sell drugs outside, you're much more likely to get caught.


So again, incarceration rates don't mean that one group actually has more criminals in it. The rate has to do with 1. getting caught, 2. being convicted and sentenced (less likely if you can afford a lawyer)

Problem is even in convictions, blacks are typically judged to be guilty more often than whites even when the facts are the same.

At every level there is racial and class bias.


Well-known member
I am getting in the middle of this at the end. I do have one comment: ever notice how many churches are one race on Sunday? It is as if the most racist day in the country is Sunday at 11am. Has anyone else noticed that?

How many?

(Not here, btw)

patrick jane

I listened longer than I should have.

Getting back to the thread topic, the ways that Blacks are discriminated against by law enforcement and the judicial system ensures that their incarceration numbers will remain elevated in proportion to White incarcerations. It really is the system. You're committing a fundamental attribution error when you put all the blame on their supposed lapses of character, instead of on powerful situational factors over which they have little control.

In the slight hope that anyone will read this, I'm going to post the link again:

Yes, Black America Fears The Police. Here's Why.

But even though the system if flawed, maybe blacks just commit more crimes overall.


Well-known member
Isn't there a hugely disproportionate number of men in prisons, compared to women? Rather than complaining that the system is biased against men, we just admit that men are more prone to committing crimes, don't we?


Well-known member
Bigotry is a character flaw within the bigot, not within the targeted group of the bigotry. And every society will have it's share of bigotry regardless of the particular target group it chooses.

If the U.S. had no dark-skinned people, the bigots in the U.S. would find some other group to focus their contempt upon, because that's what bigots do: they focus their loathing and contempt on some targeted group of "others" so as to increase their self-esteem in their own eyes and in the eyes of their fellow bigots.

Every society of humans will have it's share of bigots, and that bigotry will inevitably be expressed through some degree of oppression and abuse toward some targeted group. In the U.S. that seems to be primarily people with dark skin color, and then alternatively, with homosexuals. And as this oppression and abuse occurs, and the victimized groups are rejected from main-stream society, they will naturally become "criminals"; both by the bigoted laws that target them, and by the circumstances of their social/economic ostracism. In the U.S., gays can simply hide their natures and avoid the bigoted abuse. But people with dark skin color cannot.

So in the U.S., we have created a kind of perfect storm of bigotry that forces black men by both their socio-economic ostracism and their inferior legal status, to become "criminals". To be poor is actually a crime in many places in this country. And if we force young black men out of the job market by our own racism, then he will inevitably become poor, and therefore criminal. For which we will then arrest and incarcerate him.

So it's not that dark-skinned people are prone to become criminals. But that we force dark-skinned people into being defined as criminals by our own collective social and economic bigotry, and then we blame our own bigoted mistreatment of them, on them.


Well-known member
Bigotry is a character flaw within the bigot, not within the targeted group of the bigotry. And every society will have it's share of bigotry regardless of the particular target group it chooses.

But how do we know whether the statistics in the OP are the result of bigotry?

Should we just assume that every group of people that shows statistically higher crime rates is somehow the target of a biased system?

Are higher crime rates of men due to prejudice, or due to men committing more crimes?
Are higher crime rates among 18-24 year olds due to prejudice, or due to 18-24 year olds committing more crimes?


Well-known member
But how do we know whether the statistics in the OP are the result of bigotry?

Should we just assume that every group of people that shows statistically higher crime rates is somehow the target of a biased system?

Are higher crime rates of men due to prejudice, or due to men committing more crimes?
Are higher crime rates among 18-24 year olds due to prejudice, or due to 18-24 year olds committing more crimes?

We know that men are physiologically and genetically different from women. Young people are physically and cognitively less mature than those that are older.

There is no physiological or psychological difference that is determined by race. The biology of race is nothing more than skin pigmentation. Most "black" people in the USA have about 40% European ancestry and some have much more (See the video series faces of America). And skin tone has little correlation with the amount of African ancestry in mixed populations in the new world. Even in unmixed populations, there's more variation within a "race" than between them.

In short, there's no biological basis for "race", especially in the USA. There is a biological basis for men and women and differences particular age groups (developmental differences).


New member
We know that men are physiologically and genetically different from women. Young people are physically and cognitively less mature than those that are older.

There is no physiological or psychological difference that is determined by race. The biology of race is nothing more than skin pigmentation. Most "black" people in the USA have about 40% European ancestry and some have much more (See the video series faces of America). And skin tone has little correlation with the amount of African ancestry in mixed populations in the new world. Even in unmixed populations, there's more variation within a "race" than between them.

In short, there's no biological basis for "race", especially in the USA. There is a biological basis for men and women and differences particular age groups (developmental differences).

Good points However, where there is a difference is culture. The way in which the children are encultured determines their behavior in society. Change the culture change the behavior.