ECT What is the true root objection to MAD?


New member
I didn't post that to him because I'm really not in the mood to hear someone say a plainly stated fact of Scripture really doesn't say what it says, or that I'm reading it wrong, or to watch them dredge up something from the O.T. to pretend neutralize it. Sorry, not today. But I will observe with interest as he does it to you. ;)

Those who focus on the flesh, put their faith in it, and get their life from it.


TOL Subscriber
My main objection to MAD is that it is "Paul" centered, rather than Christ centered.

Too much teaching from Jesus, found in the gospels, is pushed aside and/or neglected, in order to overemphasize I Corinthians 15:1-4.


New member
If water baptism, communion, tongues, fake healings, ordinances, elaborate church "services", robed pastors, or reformation commentaries are your thing, you will probably fight against MAD.

See Doom's avatar? That is my brain after reading your post.

sigh and I almost knew what I was going to say too.

So let me just spit this out. Christianity and the people thereof have changed over time. They have built off of the understanding gleaned
from the ones before them.

They used to spend time wrestling over whether God did evil. There are lots of things to wrestle with in Christianity and every bit of light should be the precursor at the right time to more light, imho.
The same problem with science can be what happens here with us - the mind of man.

So here is my first bit of cheerful news you can reject: When Paul said we have the mind of Christ -- he didn't mean you. He meant the ones with him. The apostles and prophets and the ones they were close to.

But the Holy Spirit does work in us. All of us who are believers.

But the same problem with science that works in us too - also helps science and helps us - we grow, we can learn, and for the believers not the science we can be more than what we were.
Maybe I should quit while I'm ahead...

I hope to come back and address Musterion's OP.. as I had intended to do... before you said that, STP .


New member
My main objection to MAD is that it is "Paul" centered, rather than Christ centered.

Too much teaching from Jesus, found in the gospels, is pushed aside and/or neglected, in order to overemphasize I Corinthians 1:1-4.
Jesus was born under the Law, to redeem those under the Law.
He taught under the Law, in order that those under the Law would come to Him for life.
He came unto His own, but they did not receive Him.
His message was to the Jews.
Paul was sent to bring good news to the Gentiles.

To deny any of this is to outright call the Bible a lie, and Jesus a liar.


Well-known member
My main objection to MAD is that it is "Paul" centered, rather than Christ centered.
Notice that this is Meshak-level stupidity. Not only is it incorrect, it indicates someone who doesn't really believe all the Bible, the very thing they accuse MADs of.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Too much teaching from Jesus, found in the gospels, is pushed aside and/or neglected, in order to overemphasize I Corinthians 1:1-4.

See what I mean? They do not want to be cut off from the flesh. They ignore what the risen Lord Jesus Christ had to say.

Over emphasize the cross? Incase anybody thinks this demon is in the Body.

1 Corinthians 1

18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

You are a perishing fool, you hag.


TOL Subscriber
Notice that this is Meshak-level stupidity. Not only is it incorrect, it indicates someone who doesn't really believe all the Bible, the very thing they accuse MADs of.

Another false accusation . . .

I am a Scripturalist, which means I live by every word spoken (written) by God.

<----------------------- See my motto
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Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
4 I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus,

Unless she means grace is over emphasized. Which is funny when she says she lives by grace and by all the words at the same time. Like Bill Clinton caught in his lies....


TOL Subscriber
That is what she meant, but doesn't even know where it is in the Holy Bible.

She hates Paul's my gospel because it's the wisdom of God in a mystery which makes her entire "spoken" theology collapse as God hid things from before the world unto our glory. It also completely annihilates her Calvinism as things that were hidden in the scriptures and those hid in God would bring to full revelation that the man Christ Jesus gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.


Well-known member
4 I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus,

Unless she means grace is over emphasized.

She does, because we believe grace and salvation are open to absolutely anyone. If we were all Clavinists like her, she wouldn't say that because we'd all know *wink* *wink* that it's secretly only open to we, the Elect, and she wouldn't have a problem with it.

Which is funny when she says she lives by grace and by all the words at the same time.

She's already said many times she lives the Law by grace, and so calls Paul a liar.


Well-known member
She hates Paul's my gospel because it's the wisdom of God in a mystery which makes her entire "spoken" theology collapse as God hid things from before the world unto our glory.

Bingo. She believes the anti-mystery of Calvinism. THAT is the preeminent secret she wants us to behold, not Paul's.


New member
Anyone attempting to "live by" the Law and by grace at the same time will find themselves double-minded and unstable.