What is the Gospel?


New member
Acts 15:11 KJV is Luke's account of what Peter said and no, it's not the same gospel. To see the evidence, first survey the Acts 15:11 KJV (as the perversions get it wrong) and Acts 10 to see what it is that Peter preached to the one house of Gentiles to whom he went kicking and screaming. It's NOT the gospel of Christ that Paul preached as the power of God. In fact, it is contrary to it. For the short version compare Acts 10:35 KJV with Titus 3:5 KJV. More things that differ. Isn't it time you approve things that are excellent? I would suggest you get your salvation in order by trusting the Lord now believing 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV and then 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV!

Since Peter is talking to a Gentile then I don't quite follow you. In any case, the full account of his message has:

The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of all 37That word, I say, ye know, which was published throughout all Judaea, and began from Galilee, after the baptism which John preached; 38How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him. 39And we are witnesses of all things which he did both in the land of the Jews, and in Jerusalem; whom they slew and hanged on a tree: 40Him God raised up the third day, and shewed him openly; 41Not to all the people, but unto witnesses chosen before of God, even to us, who did eat and drink with him after he rose from the dead. 42And he commanded us to preach unto the people, and to testify that it is he which was ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead. 43To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.


New member
It doesn't matter what any single Christian tells you, if you want answers, go to the Catechism and relax. We all have so many different views on so many different things---who cares.
:plain: I believe Easter. I believe that a human being, a male, died, and was dead from Friday evening to Sunday morning, and then He wasn't anymore. That's beyond nature and into the supernatural. Now, if Easter is nonfiction, and we thereby know that the supernatural is also nonfiction, then where is the difficulty in believing that for a mere 3-6 months, the whole earth was covered with enough sea water that there was no land, and then all that water went away again?

It's not enough for me to just guess. I did that once before. I'm sure others have too.


Well-known member
Okay... so... you’re a hot head lately. Sonnet prefaced this thread with his lack of faith... so... you’re only saying this for debates sake...

There comes a time when a person’s search is more important than our debate achievements! Are you attacking Sonnet into the fold?

What good is it to keep on the defensive, when Jesus sought faith from all humanity unto death?

Who made you Sonnet's guardian?

Stay out of my business, you deceiver. I have no use for anything you have to say after you've shown your backside so rudely. It was an ugly sight to behold, and I don't appreciate your pushing into my face again.

I'm telling Sonnet what he needs to hear... instead of your namby pamby, hand Sonnet a bib, and spoon feed him, crapola.

His "search for faith" is no more genuine, at this point, than your proclaimed faith. :yawn:


Who made you Sonnet's guardian?

Stay out of my business, you deceiver. I have no use for anything you have to say after you've shown your backside so rudely. It was an ugly sight to behold, and I don't appreciate your pushing into my face again.

I'm telling Sonnet what he needs to hear... instead of your namby pamby, hand Sonnet a bib, and spoon feed him, crapola.

His "search for faith" is no more genuine, at this point, than your proclaimed faith. :yawn:

A... I waste my time and trade insults with you at the expense of Sonnets genuine search... here.

B... I waste my time with your catty posts

C... I giggle a little... patronize you and compliment your excellent sentence structure...

# C

Excellent sentence structure Glory. Well done :thumb:


there's a reason we know what Pascal's wager is, because it's a good thought experiment.

Moralism follows around the Church like parasitic scavengers following around alpha predators.
Moralism follows around the Church like parasitic scavengers following around alpha predators.

Galatians 2:4 (KJV)
Ok - would you be explicit please Nihilo?
Believing the Gospel of Easter (2Ti2:8KJV) brings freedom, that makes people jealous, so you'll become a target. That's the risk, the down side of Pascal's wager.

If Easter really is fictional, then you've endured being a target of those intent on binding you, and taking away your freedom as hard as they can, for nothing.

And if Easter is nonfiction, then all you have to do is believe it. Romans 10:9 (KJV)


Well-known member
A... I waste my time and trade insults with you at the expense of Sonnets genuine search... here.

You waste your time at your own expense. Don't blame Sonnet for what you do.

B... I wast my time with your catty posts

You waste your time darning your socks, and you deserve every single word you get from me. MEOW.

C... I giggle a little... patronize you and compliment your excellent sentence structure...

A bit psychotic aren't you?

# C

Excellent sentence structure Glory. Well done :thumb:

Compared to your question marks, and faulty spelling, and deceitful ways, I'm a Rhodes Scholar. :banana:

You gonna melt down now or later? I wouldn't want to miss it. :chew:


You waste your time at your own expense. Don't blame Sonnet for what you do.

You waste your time darning your socks, and you deserve every single word you get from me. MEOW.

A bit psychotic aren't you?

Compared to your question marks, and faulty spelling, and deceitful ways, I'm a Rhodes Scholar. :banana:

You gonna melt down now or later? I wouldn't want to miss it. :chew:

Superb grammar Glory... :thumb: Well written expression of your peaceful ideas... :thumb:


I know, and you don't deserve my attention.

But, I feel you need some looking after, so, duty calls. :idunno:

No ill to you. You can be a little misdirected sometimes... but we all can. Maybe if you shut off the superiority chatter and just chill... your inclinations will be well invested.

Do I need to be as epic of a pain back to you to ease your burdens... or can we just move forward?

Sarcasm is always an option... your choice...


Well-known member
No ill to you. You can be a little misdirected sometimes... but we all can. Maybe if you shut off the superiority chatter and just chill... your inclinations will be well invested.

Do I need to be as epic of a pain back to you to ease your burdens... or can we just move forward?

Sarcasm is always an option... your choice...

Save your "threats" for some blind fool who hasn't seen you in action.

My grandsons are tougher than you are. :rolleyes:

You're merely bluster and blow hiding behind big "scary" signs and bolded giant words. Wow.

So, I will continue to speak my mind without any worry of stepping on your delicate toes, or injuring your fragile feelings.

I'm not buying the act. Fool me once.... :loser:


Save your "threats" for some blind fool who hasn't seen you in action.

My grandsons are tougher than you are. :rolleyes:

You're merely bluster and blow hiding behind big "scary" signs and bolded giant words. Wow.

So, I will continue to speak my mind without any worry of stepping on your delicate toes, or injuring your fragile feelings.

I'm not buying the act. Fool me once.... :loser:

Excellent points Glory...




Mark 9:24

And Sonnet... I’ll post one more video on here... or ... rather... song...

I have faith, and hope you know that doubt is normal in anything... and evaluation of whatever you choose is healthy. I Love that you are honest to the last fiber... Paul abhored blind faith... as Nhilio points out every time He correctly references the Reasurection...

It’s an irrefutable fact in histories record. The quick and dirty way to find out what this means is Lee Strobel’s book... The case for Christ...

Nihilo is on the money to point to the Reasurection... as it seems to be a dawn of light to the darkest of your doubts.

For what’s its worth... discussion with you on ToL and reading your posts has strengthened my faith. I pray that Jesus returns the favor you unknowingly provided to me.

Always... all of my best to you...
