What is the Gospel?


New member
The Catholic Church is everywhere, in every country on earth as far as I know. Her bishops (cf. 1Ti3:1KJV) are from every race, she is the oldest church, and a true (and early) global organization. If Easter is nonfiction, then the Church being all over the earth many centuries later, makes sense. It's not proof, it just assures me, which is what you asked. It's another thing that assures me, beyond what I already answered before.

Moralism follows around the Church like parasitic scavengers following around alpha predators.



Do you believe in Noah and the real flood event Nihilo?

Sonnet... show me one scripture that says you have to be a young earth creationist that unequivocally believes in a global flood to be saved...

There isn’t one... but there are over 30 flood accounts spread through historical and religious texts... that all agree in many ways that a flood happened and are proven uncolluded... Incase you absolutely have to believe to believe...


New member
Why. I do, but why.

A professing Christian once told me that she believed in the NT but not the OT.

I just wonder how different that is from my position. The Passion of Christ (assuming He died for every person) is remarkable (as I have already expressed) and intriguing. The Noah story is challenged by the geological column.


A professing Christian once told me that she believed in the NT but not the OT.

I just wonder how different that is from my position. The Passion of Christ (assuming He died for every person) is remarkable (as I have already expressed) and intriguing. The Noah story is challenged by the geological column.


It goes like this... were you or I there? No. Are scientists infallible? No. Are Preachers and men of faith infallible? No.

Damn! Faith comes right back with a vengeance... either direction... that old hat of a debate is beneath you m8!


New member
Sonnet... show me one scripture that says you have to be a young earth creationist that unequivocally believes in a global flood to be saved...

There isn’t one... but there are over 30 flood accounts spread through historical and religious texts... that all agree in many ways that a flood happened and are proven uncolluded... Incase you absolutely have to believe to believe...

I never mentioned belief in a young earth. Jesus cites Noah and I am to believe Him.

The evidence in geology is layers and lots of them. Many Christian geologists gave up attempting to prove the flood back in the early 1800.

Of course they could be wrong, but, nevertheless, scepticism in scripture persists.


Moralism follows around the Church like parasitic scavengers following around alpha predators.


Moralism and self righteousness infects far more than the church Sonnet. It even steps well into the ranks of unbelievers...

Moral dictation and moral indignation has no boundaries and relegates far past religion...


New member

It goes like this... were you or I there? No. Are scientists infallible? No. Are Preachers and men of faith infallible? No.

Damn! Faith comes right back with a vengeance... either direction... that old hat of a debate is beneath you m8!

What can I say?


I never mentioned belief in a young earth. Jesus cites Noah and I am to believe Him.

The evidence in geology is layers and lots of them. Many Christian geologists gave up attempting to prove the flood back in the early 1800.

Of course they could be wrong, but, nevertheless, scepticism in scripture persists.

You know that faith is a prerequisite to placement of passion in any area. Even a mathematician has faith in numbers as Dawkins now has faith in bones...
It all boils down to investment of faith.

But... you knew this...


New member
You know that faith is a prerequisite to placement of passion in any area. Even a mathematician has faith in numbers as Dawkins now has faith in bones...
MIT all boils down to investment of faith.

But... you knew this...

Does it even matter what I think?

It's possible that Jesus was who He claimed to be. Anything beyond that statement is a guess.


A professing Christian once told me that she believed in the NT but not the OT.
It doesn't matter what any single Christian tells you, if you want answers, go to the Catechism and relax. We all have so many different views on so many different things---who cares.
I just wonder how different that is from my position. The Passion of Christ (assuming He died for every person) is remarkable (as I have already expressed) and intriguing. The Noah story is challenged by the geological column.
:plain: I believe Easter. I believe that a human being, a male, died, and was dead from Friday evening to Sunday morning, and then He wasn't anymore. That's beyond nature and into the supernatural. Now, if Easter is nonfiction, and we thereby know that the supernatural is also nonfiction, then where is the difficulty in believing that for a mere 3-6 months, the whole earth was covered with enough sea water that there was no land, and then all that water went away again?