What is the Gospel?

patrick jane

I thought you were starting to learn but you're still kicking against the pricks

Acts 9:5 KJV -

[FONT=&quot]The English word pricks comes from the root Greek word kentron. Kentron is sometimes also translated as goads. This word has the idea of a “sharp, pointed projection used in stinging.”[1] The prick or goad was a pointed stick that was used to urge some stubborn animal to move. The stick was made of wood or metal (Judges 3:31; 1 Samuel 13:21). Sometimes the animal refused to move and would kick back at the pointed object and as a result stab itself on the goad or prick.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The word kick is translated from the root Greek word laktizo which has the basic meaning of “to hurt by resistance” or “to kick.”[2] Simply put – “to kick against the pricks” implies someone is resisting and in the process is hitting a sharp object. Ouch! A goad was typically a sharp stick or prod used to drive cattle. In the ancient Greek and Roman times, the phrase was a well-known expression indicating that someone was opposing a deity.[3] If we put it all together, we discover that God told Paul that he was only hurting himself in his effort to eliminate Christians. He was unknowingly opposing God.[/FONT]


Well-known member
I was born able to sin and not able to not sin. Born guilty with no recourse otherwise.

This is what the unbeliever is told.

They aren't told that by the Gospel.

There is nothing in the Gospel to even suggest that.

It's only when the "explaining" begins.... one's personal interpretations of various scriptures, that you'll see any such thing being discussed.


New member
They aren't told that by the Gospel.

There is nothing in the Gospel to even suggest that.

It's only when the "explaining" begins.... one's personal interpretations of various scriptures, that you'll see any such thing being discussed.

If someone were to ask me about the Gospel I would forced to tell them the two versions.


Well-known member
Choice, the battle cry of the Arminian gospel. All your choices are worthless and wrong and motivated by sin. The bible commands sinners to believe in Christ not choose him. Choice is the old covenant understanding where Joshua boldly proclaims that he and his house will choose to serve the Lord. There are millions of Christians that have chosen Jesus and go to church every week but are in a lost state because they have never come to repentance and seen themselves the way God does as miserable and worthless sinners who have never done one good thing in their whole life.

Except there is a choice. Whether or not to plug your ears to the truth you are hearing when the Gospel is preached...because you love your sin, and think you might have to give it up. You fall for the lie that there is a catch to this GIFT you are hearing about. Too good to be true...you fall for the lie satan is whispering in your ear, and you are convinced you can never be good enough for God.

You have a choice to turn toward God or turn back to the world. To turn away from the light of the glorious Gospel because you love darkness more than the light. 1 Thessalonians 1:9

But, God is longsuffering. Not only longsuffering, but actively working to draw men to Himself. How many people have to reach the bottom before they look up? I submit we each reached a point where we realize we are missing something very important, and it's the POWER of the Gospel that shows us what we are missing. We were created to know our great God.


John 3:14-16 enjoins belief in the crucified Jesus leading to salvation. I don't know how clearer Jesus could have been.

Absolutely correct. However, the context was that Nicad came to Jesus seeking answers right? And according to Nic’s soteriology a Jew was automatically saved by being born a Jew. Talk about racism! Being born of water (flesh) was not enough to save him. Thus Jn 3:14-18 is the content of faith for salvation. But Jesus had to make a legitimate offer of the kingdom to Israel first and He did. But it was rejected in Mt12.

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Well-known member
If someone were to ask me about the Gospel I would forced to tell them the two versions.

There are not two versions. There is only the one Gospel of Grace.

The Lord Jesus Christ came down from heaven and died on the cross for our sins. He was buried and then rose from the dead, so we could have eternal life. When we believe in what He did, we are saved. "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved." Salvation is God's Gift to those who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Pretty darn simple.


I thought you were starting to learn but you're still kicking against the pricks

Acts 9:5 KJV -

There’s nothing to learn, it is mere acceptance that is necessary. And I believe I heard Sonnet say that at one time he was a believer? If I’m right and he was, then still is and is already living his eternal life.

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Well-known member
Not agreeing on the most fundamental issue - whether Jesus died for all or not - is a catastrophe if Jesus is the truth.

The schism justifies the sceptic. bbk put it well.

That's why you need to stick to the Scripture....exactly how it's written.

"God so loved the world".... "Whosoever believeth...."
People can then pick up the Bible, and read it for themselves.
Let God's word do the talking, and the teaching.
The Holy Spirit can convince and convict through the word, itself.

When you talk to someone about the Gospel...turn to the Book.
Read directly from it.

"It says right here,....."

This is what Paul says in Ephesians, "......."

Paul says, "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life."


Well-known member
There’s nothing to learn, it is mere acceptance that is necessary. And I believe I heard Sonnet say that at one time he was a believer? If I’m right and he was, then still is and is already living his eternal life.

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Indeed, Sonnet is no newby.


I was born able to sin and not able to not sin. Born guilty with no recourse otherwise.

This is what the unbeliever is told.

Born dead in sin and already condemned is the biblical description. But again, my friends on the left of me are unwilling to fathom that children die unsaved. No where in scripture are we told that there is an age of accountability. That is a myth. And thus they cannot hold the literal definition of humanity; we have the imputation of Adam’s sin and all die as a result.

Now I do not tell people about the total depravity outside from discussing it amongst believers because no one is ever going to be saved by hearing of total depravity.

The message of the Bible is not advice it is news. News that God has intervened on man’s behalf. He entered our world, He took upon Himself our humanity, He died for our sin, He was resurrected for our life and He is coming back for our glorification. The difference between our faith and every other belief system is the difference between news and advice. We don’t have to pray five times a day facing Mecca or refuse to eat this or that food, it is not what we can do for God but what God has already done for us. We are to become living sacrifices unto Him as Paul says. We need to live our lives in a way that glorifies God by forgiveness for one another. Martin Luther King was a man that wanted to pursue equality in America for African Americans. And he was willing to be that sacrifice in the sense of forgiving racial prejudices by enduring tears and shame in silence and quietly. At the moment MLK would cry out and condemn whites he would no longer be that sacrifice because he would be demanding payment for the tears for the shame. Malcom X criticized MLK and wanted to exact payment from America. That is the difference between a Christian and any other religious belief. It is by being connected to the one who is love that we can become the kind of human beings God created us to become. The gift of God is eternal life. There may be objections to accepting the gospel based on the doctrines within the Bible but there still remains no other faith no other belief system that can be compared to it. It wasn’t how guilty the Israelite felt not how long he had to stare at the serpent on moses’ staff in the heat of the desert sun, it was simply the look of faith that saved and the object that God supplied. Christ the Lord was given and lifted up for our sickness of sin, He is the object of faith and all anyone need do is merely look upon Him for salvation. If you at one time in your life did that Sonnet then you are still born again even if you cease to believe.

When I believed the gospel I was 5 years old. God reached down from heaven and took ahold of my hand and He has never let go. I’ve wasted years, decades of my life ignoring Christ but once as a child when I cried out to Him He grabbed a hold of me and here we are bro.


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New member
There are not two versions. There is only the one Gospel of Grace.

The Lord Jesus Christ came down from heaven and died on the cross for our sins. He was buried and then rose from the dead, so we could have eternal life. When we believe in what He did, we are saved. "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved." Salvation is God's Gift to those who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Pretty darn simple.

So you agree with Paul:

Galatians 1:
8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!


Ask Mr. Religion

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I was born able to sin and not able to not sin. Born guilty with no recourse otherwise.

This is what the unbeliever is told.
Indeed. So?

What is your duty as commanded by God in His revealed will (Scripture) versus attempting to seek out His unrevealed will (Deut. 29:29)?

What is your duty as commanded by Scripture, Gods's revealed will?

This: Believe upon the Lord and be saved.

Do your duty and see where that takes you.

You may just find that the things you claimed to understand beforehand were not as you assumed, thus proving the state of the unbeliever described in Romans 1. This whole discussion is fruitless when taken up between an avowed non-believer and a believer. The former has no ears to hear. Period. I or no one else herein can argue you into the Kingdom.

Obey God. That is your duty. Do it or be left without excuse.

Afterwards, in your walk of faith some things will become more clear depending upon how you manage your walk of faith in the feeding of your faith and starving of your doubts by not neglecting daily Scripture study, rejoicing in hope, being patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer (Romans 12:12), fellowship with other believers, keeping good stewardship of the secular and spiritual gifts God has given you—including how and where your time is being spent—and with regular assembly with others to worship God, receive instruction, access the ordinary means of grace, and being subject to discipline.

So, what prevents you at this moment in calling upon the name of the Lord? Nothing. You know this. You simply continue to rationalize and navel gaze.



Well-known member
So you agree with Paul:

Galatians 1:
8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!


Of course.


New member
Indeed. So?

What is your duty as commanded by God in His revealed will (Scripture) versus attempting to seek out His unrevealed will (Deut. 29:29)?

What is your duty as commanded by Scripture, Gods's revealed will?

This: Believe upon the Lord and be saved.

Do your duty and see where that takes you.

You may just find that the things you claimed to understand beforehand were not as you assumed, thus proving the state of the unbeliever described in Romans 1. This whole discussion is fruitless when taken up between an avowed non-believer and a believer. The former has no ears to hear. Period. I or no one else herein can argue you into the Kingdom.

Obey God. That is your duty. Do it or be left without excuse.

Afterwards, in your walk of faith some things will become more clear depending upon how you manage your walk of faith in the feeding of your faith and starving of your doubts by not neglecting daily Scripture study, rejoicing in hope, being patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer (Romans 12:12), fellowship with other believers, keeping good stewardship of the secular and spiritual gifts God has given you—including how and where your time is being spent—and with regular assembly with others to worship God, receive instruction, access the ordinary means of grace, and being subject to discipline.

So, what prevents you at this moment in calling upon the name of the Lord? Nothing. You know this. You simply continue to rationalize and navel gaze.


Calvin's interpretation of John 3 isn't a secret.