What is the express image of God?

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Christ means anointed one. Are you saying that Jesus was not Christ until his baptism. If so, explain this;

Luke 2:11 Modern English Version (MEV)

11 For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.


Well-known member
It would be wise if you do not enter a conversation in the middle of it, for you will get yourself all coiled up.

I was already here posting in this thread and in fact it was me who asked keypurr if he had a thread of his own where he had posted such things as these, which he believes, when I first arrived here and saw some of his other posts. It was at that time that he bumped this thread as a favor because of what I had asked him. Just after that your father StanJ began to do the same thing as you are doing now; accusing the brethren, and at the same time blaspheming the Father with your insults and accusations of being deceived by "an angel of light", "the devil", "the father of lies", and all that other garbage you and yours spew at brethren when you cannot prove from Scripture the things that you attempt to force upon others. :)


Well-known member
At the Name of who shall every name bow?

My question actually was bow to the Name of Jesus or of Christ since you separate them in to two different entities.

Philippians 2:10 Transliterated Unaccented
10. hina en to onomati Iesou pan gonu kampse epouranion kai epigeion kai katachthonion

Original Strong's Ref. #1722
Romanized en
Pronounced en
a primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively), i.e. a relation of rest (intermediate between GSN1519 and GSN1537); "in," at, (up-)on, by, etc.:
KJV--about, after, against, + almost, X altogether, among, X as, at, before, between, (here-)by (+ all means), for (...sake of), + give self wholly to, (here-)in(-to, -wardly), X mightily, (because) of, (up-)on, [open-]ly, X outwardly, one, X quickly, X shortly, [speedi-]ly, X that, X there(-in, -on), through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), under, when, where(-with), while, with(-in). Often used in compounds, with substantially the same import; rarely with verbs of motion, and then not to indicate direction, except (elliptically) by a separate (and different) preposition.

You cannot just get a heretic to translate the Scripture for you in Trinitarian dogma and call it correct; well, I suppose you can but it still does not make you correct because it was not originally written in English. Do some of your own investigation or find a better translation to entrust your soul with:

Philippians 2:10-11 ASV
10. that in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and things on earth and things under the earth,
11. and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

IN the name of Yeshua TO the glory of the Father. :)


Well-known member
Christ means anointed one. Are you saying that Jesus was not Christ until his baptism. If so, explain this;

Luke 2:11 Modern English Version (MEV)

11 For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

How many times must I explain it to you friend?

Luke was written years after the fact. Jesus was not given the power to create the Universe at his birth. He did not start his ministry until he received the spirit at age thirty. He would not need to grow in wisdom if he was born the Christ.

Christ was given the fullness of the Father. He was a created FORM of God. But he was not God.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
How many times must I explain it to you friend?

Luke was written years after the fact. Jesus was not given the power to create the Universe at his birth. He did not start his ministry until he received the spirit at age thirty. He would not need to grow in wisdom if he was born the Christ.

Christ was given the fullness of the Father. He was a created FORM of God. But he was not God.

Yo, why does the angel call Him Christ the Lord at His birth?


Well-known member
Yo, why does the angel call Him Christ the Lord at His birth?

One more time for my friend.

Joe said that in 1933 President Kennedy was born in Boston.

Was Kennedy born President? No, he became the President years later.

Translating to English can cause problems friend, these books were written years after the fact.


New member
I was already here posting in this thread and in fact it was me who asked keypurr if he had a thread of his own where he had posted such things as these, which he believes, when I first arrived here and saw some of his other posts. It was at that time that he bumped this thread as a favor because of what I had asked him. Just after that your father StanJ began to do the same thing as you are doing now; accusing the brethren, and at the same time blaspheming the Father with your insults and accusations of being deceived by "an angel of light", "the devil", "the father of lies", and all that other garbage you and yours spew at brethren when you cannot prove from Scripture the things that you attempt to force upon others. :)

My dear friend, keypurr, will tell you that he has many a times stated in these TOL battling grounds, that he had the truth at one time in his hands and had tasted the truth.

That he was researching a particular subject, and all of a sudden this new doctrine of his came to his mind when he was not looking for it.

That he has abandoned the truth he once had and once tasted, to preach this new doctrine that he alone possesses, received all of a sudden when he was not looking for it.

In accordance to what he himself has stated in many a posts here, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that an angel of light gave him this new doctrine to him that only he and he alone possess. By his new doctrine, no one has ever been saved as they do not believe as he does.

My Bible says that if I am a watchman at the wall and I see danger coming and do not warn the people, and someone is lost, then the blood of the lost will be over me.

Ezekiel 33:6 --- But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

I, and others here, as the watchman on the wall, have seen the sword coming and have sounded the trumpet more than once to keypurr, and also to others, because I tremble at the fact that his blood will be required of a watchman on the wall who seeing the sword does not sound the trumpet.

I have sounded the trumpet.
Others have sounded the trumpet.
It is up to keypurr to hear the sound of the warning and, as Jesus the Christ, the one keypurr serves as his lord, has said, 'repent'.

LOL! I did not know StanJ was my father. News to me.


Well-known member
What is the express image of God?

My dear friend, keypurr, will tell you that he has many a times stated in these TOL battling grounds, that he had the truth at one time in his hands and had tasted the truth.

That he was researching a particular subject, and all of a sudden this new doctrine of his came to his mind when he was not looking for it.

That he has abandoned the truth he once had and once tasted, to preach this new doctrine that he alone possesses, received all of a sudden when he was not looking for it.

In accordance to what he himself has stated in many a posts here, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that an angel of light gave him this new doctrine to him that only he and he alone possess. By his new doctrine, no one has ever been saved as they do not believe as he does.

My Bible says that if I am a watchman at the wall and I see danger coming and do not warn the people, and someone is lost, then the blood of the lost will be over me.

Ezekiel 33:6 --- But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

I, and others here, as the watchman on the wall, have seen the sword coming and have sounded the trumpet more than once to keypurr, and also to others, because I tremble at the fact that his blood will be required of a watchman on the wall who seeing the sword does not sound the trumpet.

I have sounded the trumpet.

Others have sounded the trumpet.

It is up to keypurr to hear the sound of the warning and, as Jesus the Christ, the one keypurr serves as his lord, has said, 'repent'.

LOL! I did not know StanJ was my father. News to me.

How do you not know that I am the watchman? Your logic is flawed friend.

True that I think God has driven me to see parts of his truth. That truth does not agree with the doctrines of our early forefathers who were part pagen, part Christian. The thoughts I received were light, a searchlight in the dark sky. So simple not to many see it, including myself for many years. God created his exact image and used it to create the Universe and all that is in it.

Traditional churches preach a three piece God, scripture does not. Every person must decide for themselves what is right. I do what I do to please the creator, not man. I have proven that Jesus is a man and Christ is a spirit. I also have proven that Christ is a created form of God, given the fullness of the Father. This spirit entered Jesus at his anointing. That is when Jesus became the Christ.

We have only one God, the Father, and one Lord, Jesus Christ. That is what I post. Jesus Christ is not my God, he is my Lord. Your trying to trample on the truth that there is only one true God, you call your Lord a liar when you call Christ God.

That how I see it lifeisgood
Last edited:


Well-known member
My dear friend, keypurr, will tell you that he has many a times stated in these TOL battling grounds, that he had the truth at one time in his hands and had tasted the truth.

That he was researching a particular subject, and all of a sudden this new doctrine of his came to his mind when he was not looking for it.

That he has abandoned the truth he once had and once tasted, to preach this new doctrine that he alone possesses, received all of a sudden when he was not looking for it.

In accordance to what he himself has stated in many a posts here, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that an angel of light gave him this new doctrine to him that only he and he alone possess. By his new doctrine, no one has ever been saved as they do not believe as he does.

My Bible says that if I am a watchman at the wall and I see danger coming and do not warn the people, and someone is lost, then the blood of the lost will be over me.

Ezekiel 33:6 --- But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

I, and others here, as the watchman on the wall, have seen the sword coming and have sounded the trumpet more than once to keypurr, and also to others, because I tremble at the fact that his blood will be required of a watchman on the wall who seeing the sword does not sound the trumpet.

I have sounded the trumpet.
Others have sounded the trumpet.
It is up to keypurr to hear the sound of the warning and, as Jesus the Christ, the one keypurr serves as his lord, has said, 'repent'.

LOL! I did not know StanJ was my father. News to me.

You now do the same things that Stan was doing just before you right here in this very same thread. Why do you not understand analogies? Like father, like son, because you followed on his heels and now, like him, you also have blasphemed the Father with your insults, accusations, and attacks, (because you say that he has been deceived by an angel of light). This is one of the great delusions of trinitarian dogma, that is, in that because you must surrender up your own mind, so as to allow it to be swept clean by a false idea of what you have been told is "faith" to believe in something that cannot be explained, you cannot now even understand the logic in the most basic father and son analogy because in your programming you have been taught that they are both Gods, both equal, and therefore both eternal. Your paradigm from the very start defies all logic, common sense, and basic reasoning function of the mind, because the mind has been swept clean by whoever it was that proselytized you in the beginning. You are apparently not even capable of thinking logically any more because your programming has you hamstrung and your heart and mind locked up in a prison. A father always comes BEFORE his own son, "eternal son" is a completely oxymoronic statement in itself because the one word, "son", immediately defies the other word, "eternal", because sons of fathers are born from fathers and therefore cannot possibly have been eternally unproduced. Neither is keypurr alone in what he has come to understand, as you have said, because the very reason I asked him to bump one of his threads when I arrived here was because we two brethren agree, and we especially agree in what things he has been posting throughout this entire thread. You should have read, but now you are dead, and any true watchman would have surely known better than to blaspheme the Father by calling the Most High an angel of light deceiver. Sorry for your left handed billy goat luck. :crackup:


Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
How do you not know that I am the watchman? Your logic is flawed friend.

True that I think God has driven me to see parts of his truth. That truth does not agree with the doctrines of our early forefathers who were part pagen, part Christian. The thoughts I received were light, a searchlight in the dark sky. So simple not to many see it, including myself for many years. God created his exact image and used it to create the Universe and all that is in it.

Traditional churches preach a three piece God, scripture does not. Every person must decide for themselves what is right. I do what I do to please the creator, not man. I have proven that Jesus is a man and Christ is a spirit. I also have proven that Christ is a created form of God, given the fullness of the Father. This spirit entered Jesus at his anointing. That is when Jesus became the Christ.

We have only one God, the Father, and one Lord, Jesus Christ. That is what I post. Jesus Christ is not my God, he is my Lord. Your trying to trample on the truth that there is only one true God, you call your Lord a liar when you call Christ God.

That how I see it lifeisgood
I'm sorry to see that you have not come to know the truth. Ask the Father for guidance and he will give it to you.

Jeremiah 33:3 King James Version (KJV)

3 Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.


Well-known member
I'm sorry to see that you have not come to know the truth. Ask the Father for guidance and he will give it to you.

Jeremiah 33:3 King James Version (KJV)

3 Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

He has already done that BR. His light is what I have been reflecting to you. God created all through his Christ. He made Christ Lord of all creation.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
KP, you have created your own cult. Your "theories" are truly unorthodox
and strange. Do you realize that? Or, are you in complete denial?


Well-known member
KP, you have created your own cult. Your "theories" are truly unorthodox
and strange. Do you realize that? Or, are you in complete denial?

They are not strange to the God of the scriptures friend.

God created his likeness, you must learn more about that. Remember that God is a spirit.


New member
You now do the same things that Stan was doing just before you right here in this very same thread. Why do you not understand analogies? Like father, like son, because you followed on his heels and now, like him, you also have blasphemed the Father with your insults, accusations, and attacks, (because you say that he has been deceived by an angel of light). This is one of the great delusions of trinitarian dogma, that is, in that because you must surrender up your own mind, so as to allow it to be swept clean by a false idea of what you have been told is "faith" to believe in something that cannot be explained, you cannot now even understand the logic in the most basic father and son analogy because in your programming you have been taught that they are both Gods, both equal, and therefore both eternal. Your paradigm from the very start defies all logic, common sense, and basic reasoning function of the mind, because the mind has been swept clean by whoever it was that proselytized you in the beginning. You are apparently not even capable of thinking logically any more because your programming has you hamstrung and your heart and mind locked up in a prison. A father always comes BEFORE his own son, "eternal son" is a completely oxymoronic statement in itself because the one word, "son", immediately defies the other word, "eternal", because sons of fathers are born from fathers and therefore cannot possibly have been eternally unproduced. Neither is keypurr alone in what he has come to understand, as you have said, because the very reason I asked him to bump one of his threads when I arrived here was because we two brethren agree, and we especially agree in what things he has been posting throughout this entire thread. You should have read, but now you are dead, and any true watchman would have surely known better than to blaspheme the Father by calling the Most High an angel of light deceiver. Sorry for your left handed billy goat luck. :crackup:


I have NEVER called the Most High an angel of light.
You, however, just did.

If you do not know who the angel of light is, you've got a problem.


Well-known member
I have NEVER called the Most High an angel of light.
You, however, just did.

If you do not know who the angel of light is, you've got a problem.

So now you add lying on top of your blasphemy? I did not call the Father an angel of light, nor anyone else, YOU have done that here in at least two occasions. I quoted you the passage from Matthew where Yeshua tells his disciples that the Spirit of their Father will speak through them. It is YOU who said keypurr is deceived by the angel of light. Lying about others and bearing false testimony is not going to make you "undead" but rather simply "more dead" if that is possible. :crackup:

Ben Masada

New member
Christ means anointed one. Are you saying that Jesus was not Christ until his baptism. If so, explain this;

Luke 2:11 Modern English Version (MEV)

11 For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

You are right. "Christ" means the anointed one. It means that whoever in the Tanach is referred to as the anointed one of the Lord, he is "Christ." If you want to know who is called the anointed one of the Lord, read Prophet Habakkuk 3:13 and you will know who is the anointed one of the Lord. "The Lord goes forth to save His People; to save His anointed one." (Hab. 3:13) That's what the Messiah is, the anointed one of the Lord. The People of Israel.