What is the express image of God?


Well-known member
If you only knew how much I sob/weep when I read your outlandish
theories and illogical thought processes! You need to start your own
cult. Why, you could be another L.Ron Hubbard if you were to put
some effort into it? All you need is a sponsor. Then, purchase a funny
hat and a long flowing robe.

Or another Apostle Paul as it is his words that I base my thoughts on.


New member
There is only on God, why are you having a problem with that?
Christ is Lord, he is a servant of his Father who is God.
Christ is our high priest, not our God.

God is not in three pieces. The Father answers to no one. Christ answers to his Father and I do not see the Holy Spirit as a separate person, it is the tool that God uses.

How sad that you do not follow the commandment of the one you say is your Lord:
Jn 5:23 That all men should honour the Son, just as [exactly as] they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son [just as, exactly as, they honour the Father] honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.


New member
Or another Apostle Paul as it is his words that I base my thoughts on.

The Apostle Paul must be turning over in his grave.
You have rejected the words of the Apostle Paul and picked up a lie of your own imagination given to you by an angel of light.


New member
There is only one God,

Correct. God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).

why are you having a problem with that?

None whatsoever.

Christ is Lord,

Jesus the Christ is Lord.

he is a servant of his Father who is God.

Jesus the Christ while on Earth was a servant of His Father in Heaven.

Christ is our high priest,

Jesus the Christ is our High Priest.

not our God.


God is not in three pieces.

Correct. God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).

The Father answers to no one.


Christ answers to his Father

Jesus the Christ answered to His Father who is in Heaven while Jesus the Christ was here on Earth.

and I do not see the Holy Spirit as a separate person, it is the tool that God uses.

And here is the crux of your problem.

The Jesus the Christ, whom you say you believe in, said Himself that He was going to send the Holy Spirit and you reject the gift of the one you say is your Lord (Jn. 14:26).

No wonder Jesus the Christ said:
Jn 5:23 That all men should honour the Son, just as [exactly as] they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son [just as, exactly as, they honour the Father] honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.

By the words of Jesus the Christ, the one you say is your Lord, you NEITHER honor the Father NOR honor Jesus the Christ.


Well-known member
What is the express image of God?

Correct. God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).

None whatsoever.

Jesus the Christ is Lord.

Jesus the Christ while on Earth was a servant of His Father in Heaven.

Jesus the Christ is our High Priest.


Correct. God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).


Jesus the Christ answered to His Father who is in Heaven while Jesus the Christ was here on Earth.

And here is the crux of your problem.

The Jesus the Christ, whom you say you believe in, said Himself that He was going to send the Holy Spirit and you reject the gift of the one you say is your Lord (Jn. 14:26).

No wonder Jesus the Christ said:
Jn 5:23 That all men should honour the Son, just as [exactly as] they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son [just as, exactly as, they honour the Father] honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.

By the words of Jesus the Christ, the one you say is your Lord, you NEITHER honor the Father NOR honor Jesus the Christ.

Your half truths distort the what they tell you.

Christ came to do the will of his God, and he did.
He did the will of his God when God created all through him.

Your stuck in tradition. If you do not open your mind you will not grow in wisdom.

The comforter comes from the Father through Christ just like everything else. Christ is the mediator, our door, our priest to our God. Only the Father is greater than Christ. I do not reject the gift of the Holy Spirit, I see it as a gift, not a person. It is a spiritual power from the most high to empower us to see and love our creator and the son he sent.

You are far away from understanding God and his true son. There is a lot more to the story than what you learn in church.
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New member
God has made it very clear to me that keypurr is apostate and incapable of seeing the truth he once knew, therefor he and a few others of his ilk are now on my ignore list.

I will look in but as the majority of the posts are telling them the same things time after time, I see no expectations of them EVER confessing the REAL God and Savior, Jesus Christ.


Well-known member
God has made it very clear to me that keypurr is apostate and incapable of seeing the truth he once knew, therefor he and a few others of his ilk are now on my ignore list.

I will look in but as the majority of the posts are telling them the same things time after time, I see no expectations of them EVER confessing the REAL God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Great, thanks, your running away again. Run Stan, run.


New member
God has made it very clear to me that keypurr is apostate and incapable of seeing the truth he once knew, therefor he and a few others of his ilk are now on my ignore list.

I will look in but as the majority of the posts are telling them the same things time after time, I see no expectations of them EVER confessing the REAL God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Who knows if something we say will ever ding their enemy's armor and the light of the True Gospel shine into them and they might see and be saved.

Our God and Lord Jesus Christ never stopped throwing the seeds. We ought to do the same. I do not expect, keypurr, to understand, that is between him and God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit); however, the Lord tells us to go and preach. And that is what I intend to do.

I won't give in and I won't give up.

Greater is the Holy Spirit that is in me than the devil in the World.


New member
Great, thanks, your running away again. Run Stan, run.

Trust me, keypurr, StanJ is NOT running. I know you wish he would, but nah. He'll be back when his batteries are charged again by His God and Savior Jesus the Christ.

Sad that you having had the Truth in your hands, tasted it, volitionally have rejected it for a lie of your own machination brought about by an angel of light.

No, my dear friend, keypurr, not running at all, simply recharging batteries.


Well-known member
Trust me, keypurr, StanJ is NOT running. I know you wish he would, but nah. He'll be back when his batteries are charged again by His God and Savior Jesus the Christ.

Sad that you having had the Truth in your hands, tasted it, volitionally have rejected it for a lie of your own machination brought about by an angel of light.

No, my dear friend, keypurr, not running at all, simply recharging batteries.

I hope you are right and he comes back. He is not a bad person just stubborn like me. I want him to answer to display why he thinks the way he does. There has to be a better reason than tradition to control what a person thinks.

I have the truth in my hands now friend. My faith is much stronger than what it was when I was a Trin. My foundation is solid and strong. God has blessed me with some of his truth. He has taught me that there is only one true God and he sent his spiritual son to bring us light. I feel that I have that light. I see my God and the son with whom he created all. I understand how and why Christ was sent to us. I see Jesus as the Holy One born to be the Saviour, and I see Christ speaking through him.

I finely have no past to chain my mind to the limitations of the early church fathers who distorted God's words. I am free of tradition, free to see God as he is, not how the folks from the third and fourth century portray him. Lifeisgood, it is my desire for all to feel the love and understanding that I do.


Let's get real: we can never directly speak of God but can only "get at" God through myth and metaphor.

We can, of course, say some formal things about God but being finite prostrate before the infinite we will always fall short.

Check our arrogance and false humility and holiness at the door, folks.

The Bible speaks of God in very ordinary language, from an eagle or a storm to a woman giving birth. God is bread. God is clothing.

To me this suggests that what I wear and what you eat, and how I experience the universe has something to offer me about the divine.

God chooses to reveal who God is through language of the ordinary, the everyday. everyday. God desires to be intimately related to us.


Well-known member
Who knows if something we say will ever ding their enemy's armor and the light of the True Gospel shine into them and they might see and be saved.

Our God and Lord Jesus Christ never stopped throwing the seeds. We ought to do the same. I do not expect, keypurr, to understand, that is between him and God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit); however, the Lord tells us to go and preach. And that is what I intend to do.

I won't give in and I won't give up.

Greater is the Holy Spirit that is in me than the devil in the World.

I don't agree with you all the time but I respect you.


Well-known member
The expression image of God is in the personification of His attributes.

Ben, there is so much more to the express image than that friend.

Hebrews 1:3 from the Aramaic English New Testament.

3. who is the splendor of His glory and the exact image of His nature,.......

God created His exact image, a spirit like himself and gave it power.


New member
Just trying to keep his heart and mind clean.

Exactly...I was feeling ill in my spirit because of all the negativity I was also a part of. In the case of these unbelievers, the best thing to do is ignore them. Keypurr was doing this same thing over 3 years ago when I was on here and he still does it. ALL they have is this lie to hold onto, as they CANNOT see the truth.


New member
Who knows if something we say will ever ding their enemy's armor and the light of the True Gospel shine into them and they might see and be saved.

Our God and Lord Jesus Christ never stopped throwing the seeds. We ought to do the same. I do not expect, keypurr, to understand, that is between him and God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit); however, the Lord tells us to go and preach. And that is what I intend to do.

I won't give in and I won't give up.

Greater is the Holy Spirit that is in me than the devil in the World.

I was here three years ago and he was the same. Sadly once someone becomes apostate they hold onto it with a passion. I will spend my time spreading the good news on fertile soil, not soil choked out by weeds, thorns and thistles. IT yields NOTHING.


New member
Trust me, keypurr, StanJ is NOT running. I know you wish he would, but nah. He'll be back when his batteries are charged again by His God and Savior Jesus the Christ.

Sad that you having had the Truth in your hands, tasted it, volitionally have rejected it for a lie of your own machination brought about by an angel of light.

No, my dear friend, keypurr, not running at all, simply recharging batteries.

That's right, just ignoring that whole group of liars, and will probably add to them day by day.