What is the express image of God?


Well-known member
I wonder how often others just come through and quietly read what is posted in most of the threads and boards in this place. If I had not started posting here I would quickly have been long gone. Often times, like here in the last few pages, it seems almost as if having entered into a nightmare where devils are trying to get someone to kill himself so that they can laugh it off and continue feeling justified in their fallen state. Sick, really sick, in both the heart and in the head. No wonder Amorite Amalekite Amerika is collapsing from within.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I wonder how often others just come through and quietly read what is posted in most of the threads and boards in this place. If I had not started posting here I would quickly have been long gone. Often times, like here in the last few pages, it seems almost as if having entered into a nightmare where devils are trying to get someone to kill himself so that they can laugh it off and continue feeling justified in their fallen state. Sick, really sick, in both the heart and in the head. No wonder Amorite Amalekite Amerika is collapsing from within.

If ya can't take the heat, get outta Dodge.

Ben Masada

New member
Not so...God said He did in Gen 1:26-27. What is necessary is to understand what the image is that is being referred to. As man is tripartite and having been created by God, then God is tripartite.

Here is the truth about Gen. 1:26,27:

Impersonation of God's Attributes - Genesis 1:26

"Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over... the whole earth."

The above passage of Genesis has been for years the trump card in the hands of Trinitarians to drop at the right time in the assumed thought that it will guarantee them to clean up the table, so to speak. Well, let them think again, because I have news. It's no longer that an easy.

Elohim is incorporeal, and incorporeality reflects no image. But then again, how to harmonize the use of the pronouns in the plural form? The attributes of God, which are part of His essence, were impersonated in the attributes of God as the formation of man took place.

Bear in mind that only in the creation of man was the statement issued: To make man at God's image. Since God has no visible image, and man does, it's only obvious that man's image would be according to God's attributes. Therefore, His attributes in a relative portion, were the active agent in the formation of man.

Now, it's imperative to focus on the pronouns used by the sacred writer, since the pronouns are anyways what Trinitarians use to think they have made their day. "Let US make MAN in OUR image and likeness. And let THEM have dominion over everything on earth."

Now, focus on the word MAN. It is in the singular form. Nevertheless, the purpose is for THEM to dominate the earth. If THEM were a reference to man, a clarification would be in order to explain the discrepancy in the Grammar. I mean, that it would be a reference to all men. This lack of clarification was not a lapse of the author, but intentional will to direct our minds to the attributes of God, which took part in the formation of man.

It's interesting and just convenient for Trinitarians to rapidly refer "us" and "our" to God Himself and hide any word of explanation on the plural pronoun "them," which could not be a reference to man. I hope they do not do this on purpose because it would be spiritual cruelty to hide the truth.

I hope we have settled this issue. Since "them" is not a reference to man but to the attributes of God, it's only obvious that "us" and "our" are not references to God Himself but to His attributes. Therefore, the Creator of the Universe is He Who has dominion over the whole of the Universe through man by way of His attributes.


It's more than obvious that Israel could not uphold the banner of absolute Monotheism in God, and start the Scriptures with statements of plurality in God. The whole issue therefore, was impersonation of attributes.


Well-known member
If ya can't take the heat, get outta Dodge.

Not very good with analogies, parables, and allegorical thinking are you? The place you have created for yourself here is only "Dodge" in your own heart and mind. However you apparently never stop to think what a passerby might think when reading your verbal assaults and hate filled tirades. How do you know that your hate speech in the eyes of a passerby is nothing more than "Dodge" as it seems to be for you? Are you the only one who matters? I already told you what I see but it does appear that you at least got the part about the "heat" right, and that was also somewhat of my point too, whether you understood it or not: why would I want to take part in your own personal hell on earth? I desire to discuss the Scripture but it almost becomes impossible amidst the constant barrage of verbal assaulting, insulting, slandering, character assassination, and all around general slaughtering of fellow human beings treating others as if they are less than human. This is not a "Christian Forum" just because you see a cross or a fish every once in a while. In fact this is no christian forum at all but rather a meat grinder for self proclaimed "Warriors of the Lord" and pseudo-prophets to test their latest theories and slaughter their perceived enemies on the "battle field royale" like Roman Gladiators. :crackup: :eek:

:salute: :carryon:


Well-known member
Not very good with analogies, parables, and allegorical thinking are you? The place you have created for yourself here is only "Dodge" in your own heart and mind. However you apparently never stop to think what a passerby might think when reading your verbal assaults and hate filled tirades. How do you know that your hate speech in the eyes of a passerby is nothing more than "Dodge" as it seems to be for you? Are you the only one who matters? I already told you what I see but it does appear that you at least got the part about the "heat" right, and that was also somewhat of my point too, whether you understood it or not: why would I want to take part in your own personal hell on earth? I desire to discuss the Scripture but it almost becomes impossible amidst the constant barrage of verbal assaulting, insulting, slandering, character assassination, and all around general slaughtering of fellow human beings treating others as if they are less than human. This is not a "Christian Forum" just because you see a cross or a fish every once in a while. In fact this is no christian forum at all but rather a meat grinder for self proclaimed "Warriors of the Lord" and pseudo-prophets to test their latest theories and slaughter their perceived enemies on the "battle field royale" like Roman Gladiators. :crackup: :eek:

:salute: :carryon:

They should go join the Westboro Baptist Church then they can slander and march around in a huge group as being in a holier than most group.

Forgive them friend for they do not have a clue as to what they do.


Well-known member
They should go join the Westboro Baptist Church then they can slander and march around in a huge group as being in a holier than most group.

Forgive them friend for they do not have a clue as to what they do.


Well of course I do that friend: if we do not forgive others neither will our heavenly Father forgive us, period. But forum trolls will eat you alive if you tell them this . . . (oops, did I say that out loud?). :)




Well-known member

Well of course I do that friend: if we do not forgive others neither will our heavenly Father forgive us, period. But forum trolls will eat you alive if you tell them this . . . (oops, did I say that out loud?). :)



They have been after me for years now. I guess what they are doing is not working for them.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Not very good with analogies, parables, and allegorical thinking are you? The place you have created for yourself here is only "Dodge" in your own heart and mind. However you apparently never stop to think what a passerby might think when reading your verbal assaults and hate filled tirades. How do you know that your hate speech in the eyes of a passerby is nothing more than "Dodge" as it seems to be for you? Are you the only one who matters? I already told you what I see but it does appear that you at least got the part about the "heat" right, and that was also somewhat of my point too, whether you understood it or not: why would I want to take part in your own personal hell on earth? I desire to discuss the Scripture but it almost becomes impossible amidst the constant barrage of verbal assaulting, insulting, slandering, character assassination, and all around general slaughtering of fellow human beings treating others as if they are less than human. This is not a "Christian Forum" just because you see a cross or a fish every once in a while. In fact this is no christian forum at all but rather a meat grinder for self proclaimed "Warriors of the Lord" and pseudo-prophets to test their latest theories and slaughter their perceived enemies on the "battle field royale" like Roman Gladiators. :crackup: :eek:

:salute: :carryon:

Blah blah blah! You consider yourself an "Other" and refuse to
acknowledge what THAT means. So, you might be a Mormon,
a cultist, a Lutheran, etc? So, until we know, you're just some
"oddball" on this forum. Oh, why don't you stop "belly-aching"
or put those you don't like on ignore? Otherwise, you're just
another gripper/troll.


New member
I honor him as Lord for that is what he is.

I can not honor him as God for there is only one God, his Father.

But He Himself said:
Jn 5:23 That all men should honour the Son, just as [exactly as] they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son [just as, exactly as, they honour the Father] honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.

You, keypurr, should read Jesus Christ's words very slowly so that they can sink into your spirit because by the words of the one you say you honor as Lord own estimation you are neither honoring the Son NOR the Father.

Do you honor the Father as God, keypurr?
Then you MUST honor the Son as God just as [exactly as] you honor the Father, keypurr; otherwise, your Lord Jesus said you are not honoring the Father at all, even though you insist that you are honoring the Father and obviously by the words of the one you say you honor as Lord, you also are not honoring Him.

You should listen to your Lord Jesus, keypurr, and say, 'My Lord AND my God' so that you can honor the Father and the Son, exactly the same; otherwise, your Lord Jesus said that you are neither honoring your Lord Jesus neither are you honoring His Father.

For the record, I am not JW and the NT is only one of thirty plus translations I have.

Yeah, I have, at last count, 64 translations. Big deal. The Father is not going to accept you or me in His house by the number of translations we own and YES, you're JWs, :think: maybe Mormon, for them, as for you, Jesus is simply a CREATED being.

There is only one TRUE God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) for there is no need for another.

How sad that having had the truth in your hands, you instead of worshiping the Truth, have put the Truth aside to worship a lie of your own machination.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
But He Himself said:
Jn 5:23 That all men should honour the Son, just as [exactly as] they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son [just as, exactly as, they honour the Father] honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.

You, keypurr, should read Jesus Christ's words very slowly so that they can sink into your spirit because by the words of the one you say you honor as Lord own estimation you are neither honoring the Son NOR the Father.

Do you honor the Father as God, keypurr?
Then you MUST honor the Son as God just as [exactly as] you honor the Father, keypurr; otherwise, your Lord Jesus said you are not honoring the Father at all, even though you insist that you are honoring the Father and obviously by the words of the one you say you honor as Lord, you also are not honoring Him.

You should listen to your Lord Jesus, keypurr, and say, 'My Lord AND my God' so that you can honor the Father and the Son, exactly the same; otherwise, your Lord Jesus said that you are neither honoring your Lord Jesus neither are you honoring His Father.

Yeah, I have, at last count, 64 translations. Big deal. The Father is not going to accept you or me in His house by the number of translations we own and YES, you're JWs, :think: maybe Mormon, for them, as for you, Jesus is simply a CREATED being.

There is only one TRUE God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) for there is no need for another.

How sad that having had the truth in your hands, you instead of worshiping the Truth, have put the Truth aside to worship a lie of your own machination.

Good post


Well-known member
But He Himself said:

Jn 5:23 That all men should honour the Son, just as [exactly as] they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son [just as, exactly as, they honour the Father] honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.

You, keypurr, should read Jesus Christ's words very slowly so that they can sink into your spirit because by the words of the one you say you honor as Lord own estimation you are neither honoring the Son NOR the Father.

Do you honor the Father as God, keypurr?

Then you MUST honor the Son as God just as [exactly as] you honor the Father, keypurr; otherwise, your Lord Jesus said you are not honoring the Father at all, even though you insist that you are honoring the Father and obviously by the words of the one you say you honor as Lord, you also are not honoring Him.

You should listen to your Lord Jesus, keypurr, and say, 'My Lord AND my God' so that you can honor the Father and the Son, exactly the same; otherwise, your Lord Jesus said that you are neither honoring your Lord Jesus neither are you honoring His Father.

Yeah, I have, at last count, 64 translations. Big deal. The Father is not going to accept you or me in His house by the number of translations we own and YES, you're JWs, :think: maybe Mormon, for them, as for you, Jesus is simply a CREATED being.

There is only one TRUE God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) for there is no need for another.

How sad that having had the truth in your hands, you instead of worshiping the Truth, have put the Truth aside to worship a lie of your own machination.

There is only on God, why are you having a problem with that?
Christ is Lord, he is a servant of his Father who is God.
Christ is our high priest, not our God.

God is not in three pieces. The Father answers to no one. Christ answers to his Father and I do not see the Holy Spirit as a separate person, it is the tool that God uses.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There is only on God, why are you having a problem with that?
Christ is Lord, he is a servant of his Father who is God.
Christ is our high priest, not our God.

God is not in three pieces. The Father answers to no one. Christ answers to his Father and I do not see the Holy Spirit as a separate person, it is the tool that God uses.

If you only knew how much I sob/weep when I read your outlandish
theories and illogical thought processes! You need to start your own
cult. Why, you could be another L.Ron Hubbard if you were to put
some effort into it? All you need is a sponsor. Then, purchase a funny
hat and a long flowing robe.