The yoga of the Spirit......
The yoga of the Spirit......
I think this is a good summary of the whole duty of man.
Ecclesiastes 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
Sure, this was the preacher's view of 'God' and sense of 'duty', but we can impersonalize this concept of 'God', and call it the laws of nature and/or the laws of Spirit. If we walk in harmony with these universal laws,...then all goes well with us because there is no conflict or transgression of these laws. It is only when we strive against the law of God that we suffer the consequence of transgressing such laws. Its not a personal 'God' somewhere in heaven that is punishing us,
for we reap what we sow, according to the law of karma (seed-time/harvest, action/consequence). Therefore, the 'duty' of man is to love God and live in harmony with his laws, following His ways, living in harmony with universal truths and principles.
I DO SQUIRM at the word "obey".
Its just a 'word', subject to translation
I was born wanting to do my own thing.
"Obedience" is totally contrary to my nature.
I guess it depends on what "your own thing" is, and what law or principle you are honoring by your thought, word and actions. The universal law shows that actions carry consequence,
for so is the law. If you discover that following your own true will, IS the same as following divine will,
then you recognize your own essential nature and will is not different or separate from Gods. In this unity of Spirit you can say with Jesus "not my will, but thine be done"...and you will rejoice to know true your will IS God's will, since it is the life-principle and will itself having the pre-eminence over the ego's desire and vain-glory.
You then naturally will to do His will (because the inspiration of love and light predominates),...and this becomes the law that you live by,
and willingly OBEY. - this 'obedience' is not slavish, coerced or contrived,...
it flows out of the heart of love. Love is the fulfilling of the law, the supreme law
itself....and only 'God' who is LOVE can fulfill the law in you.
You are that (love personified).
To subject yourself to anything or anyone is the greatest sacrifice a person can make, even when that sacrifice is to God.
Yes, it is the sacrifice of one's total being to God, an immersion into Spirit. It would appear that Jesus taught and lived this law of sacrifice, but it was the surrender of his own temple and 'ego' to the divine will. Therefore, from a relational point of view,...our greatest joy and service to God is living in continual-communion with his life-giving and directing Spirit, for such is the law of the Spirit of life, spoken of by Paul, he using his own 'terms' to describe universal law by way of being "in Christ".