Originally posted by smaller
A Christian fundamentalist is a person who will defend the Deity of Christ to the extent that the fundamentalist will condemn another person to be burned in fire forever for not believing in the Deity of Christ,
....and in the process completely and totally IGNORE the Command of said "Deity" to "Love Your Neighbor As Yourself."
go figure
What folly!
For even if a man DID condemn another to hell.
He could not do so for it is only God we should fear that not only can kill the body but send the sould to hell also.
Why then should you be so concerned by anothers (in your perception) condemning men to hell.
If God has opned a door of salvation then none can close it.
Likewise if God closes it none can open it.
Thus if a man rejects the truth concerning the diety of CHRIST then it is not man they contend with but God.
is it not true that the LORD JESUS CHRIST was GOD and the WORD made flesh?
Then how then can THAT be changed?
What then can man do ?
For if he believes NOT the truth what hope has he?
and if he does beleiev the truth he ahs a "SURE AND CERTAIN HOPE"
yOU ON THE OTHER HAND SEEM TO BELIVE that no matter WHAT a person belives there is ALWAYS the SAME conclusion!
But how can this be?
Jesus said I am the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE"
He that eateth My flesh and drinketh My blood hath LIFE ,it folows then that they who do not have not!
Or do you say that thye who do NOT recieve the SAME things that those who do do?
Are you saying that thye who believe and loveth a LIE will receive HIM who is the truth?
How may I ask can this be so?
Is God not RIGHTOUS?
and a s ABRAHAM found out "the JUST JUDGE and the MORAL GOVENER of the WHOLE earth"?
Are yuu saying that there were NOT men IN sodom? WHO WERE as MEN the same as LOT?
Yet where as they FOLOWED the lusts and the desires of their sinfull flesh.
AND they who yeiled thier members unto UNRIGHTOUSNESS condemned him who yelided hsi members unto rightousness.
Do you then say that either they did NOT deserve thier condemnation and judgement?
or that they were NOT MEN?
Why do you fail to see that ALL have sinned and have come short of the glory of God?
and that if NONE should REPENT ALL should PERISH!?
More that if God had "not made a way where therte was no way"
Then there would be NO HOPE for ANY!
bUT IN THAT God in the garden gave a PROMISE of a savior and therefore HOPE and then a COVERING for sin.
It was then as always GODS intention that men have the LIBERTY to do what is RIGHT AND GOOD.
the FIRST thing then is to REPENT!
AND BELIEVE ON HIM whom God promised and fullfiled in CHRIST.
Able believed God CAINE DID NOT.
Able then was "COUNTED RIGHTOUS"
Caine manifested his wickedness.
and found no place of repentance for he believed not and rejected the BLOOD SACRAFICE of CHRIST
You therefore DENY the JUST AND RIGHTOUS judgements of God.
By saying that ALL men are saved wether they repent or not.
and also DENY men any TRUE HOPE and HINDER them if they believe you; from EVER finding the truth and getting saved.
For you give them a false hope thta has NO basis in the scripture.
Yous ay God has failed if not all are saved?
That is YOUR reasoning not Gods.
fOR THE SEED THAT IS FRUITFULL will produce more fruit and seed than the one which does not .
God is intersted in FRUIT and that"which remains"!
and to THAT end HE Has SOWN.
"For it is for the joy that was set before Him He endured the cross"
Thus though the CALL is to ALL it is the WHO SOEVERS that ANSWER that call will receive the promise.
For GOD so loved the WORLD (that is ALL.)
That WHOSOEVER (that is PERSONAL and INDIVIDUAL_) believeth on Him shall NOT perish but have everlasting life"