Were The Nazis Left Wing?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
No, I care about how people are treat. What consenting adults do in their private lives should be their business alone, away from religious zealots and puffed up busybodies. If people want to get married or not then fine either way. If people are gay then they should be free to have homosexual relationships. You're as "right" about anything as you are with your dingbat nonsense about people like me wanting to silence people like you and your opinions about "right and wrong" can be given all the credence they deserve. I'm sure you can do the math on that one.

What people do in private tells you what sort of people they are. It is not and cannot be kept behind closed doors. If you had any real concept of right and wrong, you'd know that. Take a sign to a pervert parade in the nearest city that says "Keep it in the bedroom!" and see how long it takes for you to get beaten up or thrown in jail or both. People who are evil in their bedroom are evil everywhere and it's precisely how homosexuals treat themselves and other people (including other homosexuals) that is the problem. Their "alternative lifestyle" leads to an average life expectancy that is a full thirty years less than people who aren't perverted and that's not because of AIDS which at it worst only took an extra three years or so off their lives. It is drug abuse and alcohol use (another thing the left wants to legalize) and domestic abuse that are chiefly responsible for the lower life expectancy among homosexuals. Domestic abuse is at at least five times greater among lesbians than among the regular population. It is, in fact, the leading cause of death among lesbians. Homosexuality leads to death. And that's what makes it evil! The more evil, the more death.

And of course you want me silenced. According to you, I'm a Nazi (or the equivalent), after all!

Proverbs 11:19 As righteousness leads to life, So he who pursues evil pursues it to his own death.

"The standard of value of the Objectivist ethics—the standard by which one judges what is good or evil—is man’s life, or: that which is required for man’s survival qua man.

Since reason is man’s basic means of survival, that which is proper to the life of a rational being is the good; that which negates, opposes or destroys it is the evil." - Ayn Rand

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
What people do in private tells you what sort of people they are. It is not and cannot be kept behind closed doors. If you had any real concept of right and wrong, you'd know that. Take a sign to a pervert parade in the nearest city that says "Keep it in the bedroom!" and see how long it takes for you to get beaten up or thrown in jail or both. People who are evil in their bedroom are evil everywhere and it's precisely how homosexuals treat themselves and other people (including other homosexuals) that is the problem. Their "alternative lifestyle" leads to an average life expectancy that is a full thirty years less than people who aren't perverted and that's not because of AIDS which at it worst only took an extra three years or so off their lives. It is drug abuse and alcohol use (another thing the left wants to legalize) and domestic abuse that are chiefly responsible for the lower life expectancy among homosexuals. Domestic abuse is at at least five times greater among lesbians than among the regular population. It is, in fact, the leading cause of death among lesbians. Homosexuality leads to death. And that's what makes it evil! The more evil, the more death.

Uh, most people keep their private and sexual lives private Clete. I dunno where you live but people generally don't broadcast that they're having sex where I'm at...Where you've got these stats is anyone's guess but unlike you I don't encapsulate a person based on their private life or orientation. You're in no position to talk about concepts of right and wrong when you make silly statements about people being evil in the bedroom are evil everywhere. According to you a committed, non married couple are being "evil" if they have sex.

And of course you want me silenced. According to you, I'm a Nazi (or the equivalent), after all!

I don't consider you to be a Nazi yourself. Some of what you advocate isn't far removed but what I consider you to be is either intellectually lacking or a flat out liar. I have no wish to see you or anyone else on the far right silenced. Far from it. I prefer extreme views to be out in the public domain for all to see, not hidden. If I really wanted you silenced then why on earth would I join a forum where such views are aired? I'd be petitioning for forums like these to be shut down if I really wanted censorship as you say. You don't get to determine what anyone with differing politics and views advocate Clete and if you maintain this nonsense then you most assuredly are a liar. Up to you.

Proverbs 11:19 As righteousness leads to life, So he who pursues evil pursues it to his own death.

"The standard of value of the Objectivist ethics—the standard by which one judges what is good or evil—is man’s life, or: that which is required for man’s survival qua man.

Since reason is man’s basic means of survival, that which is proper to the life of a rational being is the good; that which negates, opposes or destroys it is the evil." - Ayn Rand

Reason and rational are good, hence why extremism of any stripe is bereft of them.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Uh, most people keep their private and sexual lives private Clete. I dunno where you live but people generally don't broadcast that they're having sex where I'm at...
Fagots broadcast their sexuality all over the place you silly idiot.
Their entire identity is wrapped up in their septic sex fetish.

Where you've got these stats is anyone's guess but unlike you I don't encapsulate a person based on their private life or orientation.
It's their own numbers. No homo denies it. If anything they're proud of it. They take it to mean that they're brave or something.

You're in no position to talk about concepts of right and wrong when you make silly statements about people being evil in the bedroom are evil everywhere.
So you're allowed to make moral judgments based on people's sexual behavior but I'm not?

Typical leftist cattle brained stupidity.

First of all I'm not the one who said they're evil. No one consulted me about what is and is not evil. I am however quite capable of thinking it through and can easily understand God's wisdom in the matter.

According to you a committed, non married couple are being "evil" if they have sex.
You are truly stupid.

I don't consider you to be a Nazi yourself.
No, just the moral equivalent of one.

Some of what you advocate isn't far removed but what I consider you to be is either intellectually lacking or a flat out liar.
That's a laugh!

If either were true you'd make some effort to refute what I've said.

You're the idiot who's standard of right and wrong are how easy life is made for perverts who opposed every premise upon which a civilized society is built.

I have no wish to see you or anyone else on the far right silenced.

Far from it. I prefer extreme views to be out in the public domain for all to see, not hidden.
That's the way conservatives think. Wouldn't it be a gas is you discovered that you were so completely confused that you only think you're a liberal.

It wouldn't be too far a stretch based on the backward and flat out stupid nonsense you've said in this thread.

If I really wanted you silenced then why on earth would I join a forum where such views are aired?
Liberalism is, without any doubt, a mental disorder! Don't try to get me to explain why liberal contradict themselves. I'm not nearly smart enough to begin to explain that one. All I know is that rational thought has nothing whatsoever to do with the left.

I'd be petitioning for forums like these to be shut down if I really wanted censorship as you say. You don't get to determine what anyone with differing politics and views advocate Clete and if you maintain this nonsense then you most assuredly are a liar. Up to you.
You're fooling no one. You're attempts to deflect will not work on me.

Reason and rational are good, hence why extremism of any stripe is bereft of them.
Contradict yourself much? :bang:

How is it even possible for a breathing human being to state such utter stupidity! I mean, can you seriously not keep more than one single thought in your head at a time? How brain dead does a man have to be to contradict themselves inside of one single sentences?!


Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
I'll take that to mean that I was right! You really do not have any idea the difference between right and wrong.

I knew that mere days after joining the forum.

Uh, most people keep their private and sexual lives private Clete

You lie as usual. Gay people whole identity is about their sodomy. They have parders about it, tv shows about it. How can you tell such huge lies.


Religiously, sodomites and sodomy is pure evil.

Medically: Homosexuals suffer from a condition that attracts them to grave acts of degenerate depravity and perversion.

There's no discussion on that subject. Those are facts.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Fagots broadcast their sexuality all over the place you silly idiot.
Their entire identity is wrapped up in their septic sex fetish.

So, just assertion without substance then. Figures...

It's their own numbers. No homo denies it. If anything they're proud of it. They take it to mean that they're brave or something.

What absolute bunk. This is ridiculous even for you.

So you're allowed to make moral judgments based on people's sexual behavior but I'm not?

Typical leftist cattle brained stupidity.

First of all I'm not the one who said they're evil. No one consulted me about what is and is not evil. I am however quite capable of thinking it through and can easily understand God's wisdom in the matter.

Who said you're not allowed to make your own judgements? I certainly didn't.

You are truly stupid.

How so? You believe sex out of wedlock to be a sin don't you?

No, just the moral equivalent of one.

Not overall.

That's a laugh!

If either were true you'd make some effort to refute what I've said.

You're the idiot who's standard of right and wrong are how easy life is made for perverts who opposed every premise upon which a civilized society is built.

A lot of what you write is simply assertion in want of support or outright falsehoods as you to continue to demonstrate in this post.

No, that mantle is all yours Clete so wear it with pride. There'll doubtless be some left of centre who would like to censor the far right but it's not general by any stretch and I'm certainly not one of them. So you have no excuse for continuing to bear false witness about me and the Bible doesn't look too fondly on that either, does it?

That's the way conservatives think. Wouldn't it be a gas is you discovered that you were so completely confused that you only think you're a liberal.

It wouldn't be too far a stretch based on the backward and flat out stupid nonsense you've said in this thread.

You're really not in a position to describe how anyone "thinks" after some of the baffling ignorance you've displayed on here. An honest and rational person would address their flawed preconceptions after being shown to be in error instead of doubling down on them. Such as the bizarre delusion you labour under that people on the left wan to silence people on the right.

Liberalism is, without any doubt, a mental disorder! Don't try to get me to explain why liberal contradict themselves. I'm not nearly smart enough to begin to explain that one. All I know is that rational thought has nothing whatsoever to do with the left.

Then given some of the bonkers stuff that you've come out with here, one can only conclude that you must be a "liberal" yourself.

You're fooling no one. You're attempts to deflect will not work on me.

I'm not trying to and ironically it's you who's fooling yourself. I used to moderate on another forum with Town Heretic and between us we banned a number of...zero people. It's not like there's certain people I'd have missed to be quite honest but they deserved the right to air their views and opinions as much as I strongly disagreed with them on occasions. An honest man would acknowledge his mistake at this point. Up to you if you want to continue in your lies.

Contradict yourself much? :bang:

How is it even possible for a breathing human being to state such utter stupidity! I mean, can you seriously not keep more than one single thought in your head at a time? How brain dead does a man have to be to contradict themselves inside of one single sentences?!


Well, another predictable rant there but you didn't get around to pointing out what this supposed contradiction actually is. Extremism lacks reason, no contradiction there. It's usually borne out of abject ignorance, indoctrination, mindless hatred, political and religious zealotry etc. When I see the likes of the Phelps clan holding up "God Hates Fags" placards and picketing soldier's funerals then it's pretty obvious that there's no reasoned position for such actions but that they're simply extremist wingnuts.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I knew that mere days after joining the forum.

You lie as usual. Gay people whole identity is about their sodomy. They have parders about it, tv shows about it. How can you tell such huge lies.


Religiously, sodomites and sodomy is pure evil.

Medically: Homosexuals suffer from a condition that attracts them to grave acts of degenerate depravity and perversion.

There's no discussion on that subject. Those are facts.

What absolute horsefeathers.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
What absolute horsefeathers.

There you go. If you are going to lie then at least keep the lie to a three-word maximum.

Sorry Felicia, everything I said was true:

Religiously, sodomites and sodomy is pure evil.

Medically: Homosexuals suffer from a condition that attracts them to grave acts of degenerate depravity and perversion.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
There you go. If you are going to lie then at least keep the lie to a three-word maximum.

Sorry Felicia, everything I said was true:

Religiously, sodomites and sodomy is pure evil.

Medically: Homosexuals suffer from a condition that attracts them to grave acts of degenerate depravity and perversion.

What absolute horsefeathers.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Well, another predictable rant there but you didn't get around to pointing out what this supposed contradiction actually is. Extremism lacks reason, no contradiction there. It's usually borne out of abject ignorance, indoctrination, mindless hatred, political and religious zealotry etc. When I see the likes of the Phelps clan holding up "God Hates Fags" placards and picketing soldier's funerals then it's pretty obvious that there's no reasoned position for such actions but that they're simply extremist wingnuts.

I said exactly what the contradiction is. I feel like I'm literally talking to a child.

Look, I'm finished with this. You're just entirely too stupid to waste any more time with.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I said exactly what the contradiction is. I feel like I'm literally talking to a child.

Look, I'm finished with this. You're just entirely too stupid to waste any more time with.

No, you didn't, you just ranted away as per usual without specifying anything. Please don't project your utter lack of maturity onto me either. I'm not surprised you didn't address the rest of my post as that would require an acknowledgement and a retraction of your false claims. Only those mature and honest hold their hands up when they've made a mistake.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
you just ranted away as per usual without specifying anything. Please don't project your utter lack of maturity onto me either

You are talking about yourself, not Clete. He spoke the truth, as did I. You just keep lying.

Having said that I am going to reframe this whole thing:

Behaviors over labels:

Those who have been labelled Nazis, Communists, American Democrats & Liberals & Progressives, all exhibit the same behaviors:

They limit religious freedom for the people, they will murder entire classifications of humans if they deem it necessary, they are anti semites, they promote socialism over capitalism, they have some sort of violent street enforcers (brownshirts, antifa, Bolsheviks), they limit speech, they suppress opposing opinions by any means,

Little Arthur Himmler wants to play word games. When all of these behaviors are exhibited by people in power, they are evil and need to be destroyed. Call them Nazis, Communists, Leftwingers, Far Right, Democrats, whatever. Today in America, these are the practices of Democrats, and they need to be wiped out.

Those are the facts, and Arthur's rants be damned.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I said exactly what the contradiction is. I feel like I'm literally talking to a child.

Pretty close Clete. As it turns out you're talking to an adult whose intellectual development stalled at emotionality. Artie never learned to reason with logic and fact - he relies on emotion to manage his way through the world. And so you're interacting with an adult with the mind of a child. An adult who will never admit to it and you'll never be able to break through to the adult that never developed within his intellectual ability.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You are talking about yourself, not Clete. He spoke the truth, as did I. You just keep lying.

Having said that I am going to reframe this whole thing:

Behaviors over labels:

Those who have been labelled Nazis, Communists, American Democrats & Liberals & Progressives, all exhibit the same behaviors:

They limit religious freedom for the people, they will murder entire classifications of humans if they deem it necessary, they are anti semites, they promote socialism over capitalism, they have some sort of violent street enforcers (brownshirts, antifa, Bolsheviks), they limit speech, they suppress opposing opinions by any means,

Little Arthur Himmler wants to play word games. When all of these behaviors are exhibited by people in power, they are evil and need to be destroyed. Call them Nazis, Communists, Leftwingers, Far Right, Democrats, whatever. Today in America, these are the practices of Democrats, and they need to be wiped out.

Those are the facts, and Arthur's rants be damned.

Sorry TG but you don't get to rewrite definitions and make up your own "facts". Ironic that you go on about rants given your track record on here too. I suppose you think neo nazis are left wing as well? They don't btw.

Oh, and I'm not interested in stifling opposition or limiting freedom of speech either. As far as I'm concerned you are a gullible loon who swallows anything that fits into your bizarre preconceptions but I fully support your right to air it in public.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Sorry TG but you don't get to rewrite definitions and make up your own "facts"

Sorry Mr. Himmler, I spoke ACTUAL facts. You would not know a fact if it it bit you. You can post your usual childish nonsense, but you cannot refute one single thing I said specifically.

Go ahead, pull out one nugget and refute it bigmouth:

Those who have been labelled Nazis, Communists, American Democrats & Liberals & Progressives, all exhibit the same behaviors:

They limit religious freedom for the people, they will murder entire classifications of humans if they deem it necessary, they are anti semites, they promote socialism over capitalism, they have some sort of violent street enforcers (brownshirts, antifa, Bolsheviks), they limit speech, they suppress opposing opinions by any means,

When all of these behaviors are exhibited by people in power, they are evil and need to be destroyed. Call them Nazis, Communists, Leftwingers, Far Right, Democrats, whatever. Today in America, these are the practices of Democrats, and they need to be wiped out.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Sorry Mr. Himmler, I spoke ACTUAL facts. You would not know a fact if it it bit you. You can post your usual childish nonsense, but you cannot refute one single thing I said specifically.

Go ahead, pull out one nugget and refute it bigmouth:

Those who have been labelled Nazis, Communists, American Democrats & Liberals & Progressives, all exhibit the same behaviors:

They limit religious freedom for the people, they will murder entire classifications of humans if they deem it necessary, they are anti semites, they promote socialism over capitalism, they have some sort of violent street enforcers (brownshirts, antifa, Bolsheviks), they limit speech, they suppress opposing opinions by any means,

When all of these behaviors are exhibited by people in power, they are evil and need to be destroyed. Call them Nazis, Communists, Leftwingers, Far Right, Democrats, whatever. Today in America, these are the practices of Democrats, and they need to be wiped out.

So, you blather on about childish nonsense and open with calling me Mr Himmler. Hmm, real mature. You don't speak facts, you invent them. Your bizarre claim that liberals and Nazis exhibit the same behaviours is sheer lunacy. People on the left, or even moderates and conservatives don't support exterminating people because of race, orientation etc. Your religious freedom and speech is being limited how exactly? You're free to vent your opinions on here without threat of persecution, unlike those under the Nazi regime. You do realize that Hitler despised liberalism and democracy as well, right?

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Sorry Mr. Himmler, I spoke ACTUAL facts. You would not know a fact if it it bit you. You can post your usual childish nonsense, but you cannot refute one single thing I said specifically.

Go ahead, pull out one nugget and refute it bigmouth:

Those who have been labelled Nazis, Communists, American Democrats & Liberals & Progressives, all exhibit the same behaviors:

They limit religious freedom for the people, they will murder entire classifications of humans if they deem it necessary, they are anti semites, they promote socialism over capitalism, they have some sort of violent street enforcers (brownshirts, antifa, Bolsheviks), they limit speech, they suppress opposing opinions by any means,

When all of these behaviors are exhibited by people in power, they are evil and need to be destroyed. Call them Nazis, Communists, Leftwingers, Far Right, Democrats, whatever. Today in America, these are the practices of Democrats, and they need to be wiped out.

So, you blather on about childish nonsense and open with calling me Mr Himmler. Hmm, real mature. You don't speak facts, you invent them. Your bizarre claim that liberals and Nazis exhibit the same behaviours is sheer lunacy. People on the left, or even moderates and conservatives don't support exterminating people because of race, orientation etc. Your religious freedom and speech is being limited how exactly? You're free to vent your opinions on here without threat of persecution, unlike those under the Nazi regime. You do realize that Hitler despised liberalism and democracy as well, right?

For the record: I asked this retard to pull out just one tiny piece of my post and disprove it, and he could not. As has been said many times by many people, the man (?) is a liar. Period.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
For the record: I asked this retard to pull out just one tiny piece of my post and disprove it, and he could not. As has been said many times by many people, the man (?) is a liar. Period.

I did and as predictably as Clete you don't address anything and act like a juvenile instead. To claim that liberals and Nazis exhibit the same behaviours is just moronic as explained. You need to grow up because you're only embarrassing yourself.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
I did and as predictably as Clete you don't address anything and act like a juvenile instead.

My God, you are literally a broken record sitting and spinning on the Planet Stupid, repeating your hapless accusations over and over.

So I will ask yet again: Go ahead, pull out one nugget and refute it:

Those who have been labelled Nazis, Communists, American Democrats & Liberals & Progressives, all exhibit the same behaviors:

They limit religious freedom for the people, they will murder entire classifications of humans if they deem it necessary, they are anti semites, they promote socialism over capitalism, they have some sort of violent street enforcers (brownshirts, antifa, Bolsheviks), they limit speech, they suppress opposing opinions by any means,

When all of these behaviors are exhibited by people in power, they are evil and need to be destroyed. Call them Nazis, Communists, Leftwingers, Far Right, Democrats, whatever. Today in America, these are the practices of Democrats, and they need to be wiped out.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
My God, you are literally a broken record sitting and spinning on the Planet Stupid, repeating your hapless accusations over and over.

So I will ask yet again: Go ahead, pull out one nugget and refute it:

Those who have been labelled Nazis, Communists, American Democrats & Liberals & Progressives, all exhibit the same behaviors:

They limit religious freedom for the people, they will murder entire classifications of humans if they deem it necessary, they are anti semites, they promote socialism over capitalism, they have some sort of violent street enforcers (brownshirts, antifa, Bolsheviks), they limit speech, they suppress opposing opinions by any means,

When all of these behaviors are exhibited by people in power, they are evil and need to be destroyed. Call them Nazis, Communists, Leftwingers, Far Right, Democrats, whatever. Today in America, these are the practices of Democrats, and they need to be wiped out.

Wow, like Clete, you make baseless assertions and expect the ridiculous to be given credence.

I'm left of centre, a "liberal" if you need a label. I'm not anti semite, I'm anti violence and don't believe in the suppression of religious expression or opposing opinions. I despise what the Nazi regime did with its butchering of people from Jews to homosexuals. So what exactly am I exhibiting that has anything in common with the Nazis? You made the claim, you substantiate it. Or act like a brat, your call.