Well? We're Waiting...........

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Remember this post by the Gay Boogeyman Hunter?

Allegations about Donald Trump being a child rapist will be backed by evidence in civil court. Testimony from witnesses, circumstantial evidence showing Donald Trump's sexual deviant past.........

That was almost 2 months ago. We're all still waiting for this amazing evidence and testimony.

It must be a drag playing God and Judge all the time, and ending up being wrong every time.


Well-known member

Remember this post by the Gay Boogeyman Hunter?

That was almost 2 months ago. We're all still waiting for this amazing evidence and testimony.

It must be a drag playing God and Judge all the time, and ending up being wrong every time.

Post something about Bill Clinton's visits to Pedo Island. That'll get him back into Distraction mode as he tries getting attention away from it.

Gotta get HRC in the White House, you know. It's his stated goal.
You know something? I am the last to go for conspiracy theories, hold most all of them in contempt for being absurd after some simple scrutiny and analysis, the worst of them these so-called secret conspiracies that require a cast of hundreds or thousands. So, it's really saying something, for me, to believe there's, no doubt, something quite evil surrounding the Clinton body count.

You who know statistics know how probabilities of randomness run. The more events you have of a low probability happening within some given universe, set, the more astronomically impossible it is all those events happen, probability numbers increasing to gargantuan in a multiplicative fashion. In other words, under normal circumstances of life, one murder or weird accident in your vicinity is tragic, two a real run of bad fortune. Three, and the police start to think of exhuming bodies, etc. Just for example, if the probability were 1 in 50 of one strange death, the probability of three strange deaths would be 50x50x50, or 1 in 125,000. Whatever actual probability for each death, and obviously much less likely than 1 in 50, you can see, if you have 30 suspicious deaths, the number would get a tad high to say it's just random, coincidence? You think?

I recall being struck by one article sometime back where it was pointed out most people know nobody around them who has died in suspicious circumstances, much less even two. Statistically, a Clinton body count north of 30 makes it absolutely impossible it could be random chance. It's like saying you smashed your car into a telephone pole 30 times, due to a steering column failure, which would normally never happen to people. And it's also certain somebody making such claims it was the steering column (it would never get to 30 such accidents) is either in prison for insurance fraud or a mental institution. If people had any sense, the body count alone would disqualify a Clinton from being the dog catcher, that is, having any sort of critical interactions with animals, either, much less humans, that seem to drop like flies around them. Even if we considered the impossible, that all those bodies are the strangest coincidence in recorded history now or that ever shall be, this would still make a Clinton too dangerous for humans to be around, until science finds a way to reverse the curse.

If you consider the polls, that Hillary has half the country with her, it's a breeze to see how the antichrist will rise to power, because, when you consider the evils of modern liberalism, whose Muslim and homo loving, antichrist and generally degenerate fangs are now quite bare, people may as well be supporting Satan's election bid. It’s an absolute fact they promote the things of Satan, in peoples’ faces these recent years. Just in my lifetime, Hillary would have gone to prison and be unthinkable as a leader, this just a few decades ago. We have fallen very, very far, in a very short time.

Sort of a trashy website, but it has a good list of the bodies: http://www.govtslaves.info/comprehensive-clinton-body-count-list/



Remember this post by the Gay Boogeyman Hunter?

That was almost 2 months ago. We're all still waiting for this amazing evidence and testimony.

It must be a drag playing God and Judge all the time, and ending up being wrong every time.

Post something about Bill Clinton's visits to Pedo Island. That'll get him back into Distraction mode as he tries getting attention away from it.

Gotta get HRC in the White House, you know. It's his stated goal.

You know something? I am the last to go for conspiracy theories...

First I would like to make a heartfelt apology to Catholic Crusader as he, like so many others, seems to be taking my 4 part thread on the recriminalization of homosexuality rather hard. While I do mock those who proudly and unrepentantly engage in homosexual behavior and thus promote the child indoctrinating/molesting/anti Christian/jack booted thug 'gay' agenda, I make it very clear frequently that I'm not mocking those who are struggling with same sex desires and attempting to overcome them. I link in the index of my thread 30+ organizations that help people with unwanted sex same desires and gender identity confusion. In fact I pray that sexual deviants like Terry Bean (who is an accused pederast and founded the most powerful homosexual organization in the world: HRC) and child indoctrinating and avid Christian hater sex columnist Dan Savage accept Jesus Christ into their lives and do good works to help the people and society that they've destroyed before it's too late.

Yep, I'm a real hater aren't I boyz?

Now if you fellas would pay closer attention to that 4 part thread that obviously gives all of you tremendous heartache, musterion would see that I've posted numerous times information about Jeffery Epstein's "Lolita Express", where Bill Clinton and other rich and powerful people flew to an island where underage prostitution was taking place.

If Catholic Crusader, who posts somewhat regularly in that 4 part thread would quit comparing having same sex sodomy with a eating disorder (I'm not sure how many people compare having a 2nd piece of apple pie for dessert with sodomy, I sure don't), he would see that on page page 241, post #3613 I addressed the upcoming civil trial of Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and Jeffery Epstein (of Lolita Express fame), which will be heard in December of this year, a little over a month past the general election.

Federal Judge Orders Status Conference in Trump Rape Lawsuit
Proceedings in a civil suit against Donald Trump alleging he raped a 13-year-old girl are not scheduled to take place until after the election

Oct. 11, 2016

Proceedings in a federal lawsuit filed in New York, accusing Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump of repeatedly raping a 13-year-old girl over 20 years ago at several Upper East Side parties hosted by convicted sex offender and notorious billionaire investor Jeffrey Epstein, have been scheduled but will not take place until after the November 8 election date.
Federal Judge Ronnie Abrams has ordered a status conference to be held at 11:30 AM on 16 December 2016 (more than a month after Election Day) at the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, calling for both sides to provide information that might assist the Court in advancing the case to either settlement or trial — including "a brief description of the nature of the actual and the principal defenses thereto, a brief explanation of why jurisdiction and venue lie in this court, a brief description of all contemplated and/or outstanding motions, a brief description of any discovery that has already taken place, and a brief description of prior settlement discussions":

Read more: http://www.snopes.com/2016/10/11/status-conference-in-trump-lawsuit/



I too am "waiting" Catholic Crusader, but I'm waiting to see if an accused CHILD RAPIST is elected to the most powerful office in the world: The President of the United States.


Well-known member
If Trump should not be President because he allegedly made trips to Pedo Island (and I don't argue that he might have), should Clinton be President because she allowed her husband to allegedly make trips to Pedo Island? How does gander/goose not apply here?

The Horn

You can call me stupid if you like , but I'm NOT GAY !!! I really couldn't care less if you think I'm stupid and gay, but it's so amusing the way you idiot homophobes always assume that people who support gay rights must automatically be gay themselves .
"Intelligent homophobe " is an oxymoron !