Welcome to Stage 3


Well-known member
I envision you saying that with an Italian accent and looking like Bob Saget..... :think: Happy Vacation :wave2: :D :mock:

No, more like this:



New member
Hall of Fame
At the risk of being banned (I'm going on vacation anyway), one of the unbreakable rules of life, phrased so even the dimmest of TOL's dim can comprehend it:

Sex is for make baby. Fun is bonus, but is for make baby.

Butthole not make baby.

End this and all pro-homo threads.

The floor is now open for questions from the usual psycho-emotional retards who still can't grasp it.

You homophobes all seem to have a one-track mind.:yawn:


Well-known member
Since I made an observation, you dipstick, you should know the answer to your own half-witted question.:yawn:

So you just want to be heard though you have nothing of value or substance to say. Get back to us with that evidence life arose from inert rock, then you can have a seat at the grownup table.


New member
Hall of Fame
So you just want to be heard though you have nothing of value or substance to say. Get back to us with that evidence life arose from inert rock, then you can have a seat at the grownup table.

No one here takes you seriously and you're in no position of authority, pal, so pretending otherwise makes you look like a bigger dope than usual. You're a typical bigot hung up on anal sex. Grow up.


New member
You Christophobes steal, kill and destroy (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). We clean up after your messes (Jn 10:10, Jas 1:26).
Wait wait wait, a Christophobes? A fear and hatred of all Christians? Quite an assumption you made there. By the way, if you played that word in Scrabble I would challenge you.


Well-known member
No one here takes you seriously

Argumentum ad populum. Also unverifiable without a poll.

and you're in no position of authority, pal,
I have the authority of the Word of God, fool. You have all the authority of the magic rock ape you fancy yourself to be, which is nil.

so pretending otherwise makes you look like a bigger dope than usual.
You're an emotion-driven juvenile punk who has been shut right down more times and by more people on TOL than I ever have so what you boasting about, boy?

You're a typical bigot hung up on anal sex.
Straw man. Pointing out the true face of homosexuality =/= hung up. It's a necessary public service.

Have a seat, son.


New member
Let me know when the Word of God wants to run for president. Then, we can have a discussion about authority.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
At the risk of being banned (I'm going on vacation anyway), one of the unbreakable rules of life, phrased so even the dimmest of TOL's dim can comprehend it:

Sex is for make baby. Fun is bonus, but is for make baby.

Butthole not make baby.

End this and all pro-homo threads.

The floor is now open for questions from the usual psycho-emotional retards who still can't grasp it.

Well, thanks for that bit of sex-ed there cos I'm sure everyone here thought that anal and oral sex etc could lead to pregnancy otherwise...



New member
Hall of Fame
Argumentum ad populum. Also unverifiable without a poll.

Pick the stuffing out of your shirt. I'll wait.:rotfl:

I have the authority of the Word of God, fool. You have all the authority of the magic rock ape you fancy yourself to be, which is nil.

Whenever you guys try to talk tough you sound like a grade-B comic book villain. What are you, the Christinator?;)

You're an emotion-driven juvenile punk who has been shut right down more times and by more people on TOL than I ever have so what you boasting about, boy?


You've imagined a lot in your whole big one year here. Can we have a reality check real quick? You're trying to act like a tough guy and a big deal on a bulletin board. You're a walking caricature.

Straw man. Pointing out the true face of homosexuality =/= hung up. It's a necessary public service.

You strike me as the sort of person who'd be more than happy to "study" pornography to see about its true evil. Funny how you never mention lesbians, but boy howdy do you like mentioning what guys can do.