Welcome to Stage 3


New member
This world is ripe for the tribulation:

1. Homosexual agenda
2. Fascination with humans and non-humans having relations (books, movies)
3. Fascination with various natural disasters (movies)
4. Fascination with zombies and apocalypse (movies)

what agenda?


New member
Morality should not be thought of as a moving target, but as an absolute ideal unchangeable over time. I'm sure the people of Sodom had a different definition of immoral than God.

'Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things* before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.” Ezekiel 16:49-50

*Detestable things - shiqquts; sheqets; shiqqutsim - a term always applied to idol-worship or to objects connected with idolatry


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
How about you musterion, do you believe that people "deserve legal protections" (housing, employment, civil contracts, etc.) based on their immoral yet changeable behavior?

Of course it depends on how one defines immoral, as the concept as a whole is being forced into obsolescence

Immoral as seen through the Eyes of God.

...but to answer the question, no I don't but that won't stop those things happening anyway. They already are.

So you don't believe those who engage in homosexuality, a behavior that is changeable, should be given special rights, but righteous laws and cultural mores' won't stop those things from happening anyway?

Explain please.


New member
The three stages of the homosexual movement's long-term goal of complete normalization:

1) Plead for Acceptance

2) Have Advocacy enforced by law (bakeries, bed-and-breakfasts, etc)

3) Annihilate all remaining opposition

Isn't this exactly what you wish would happen with the Christian movement too?


New member
Hall of Fame
Those trying to promote hate love quoting Michael Swift's "Homosexual Manifesto"

But for some reason hey never include the introduction to his essay where he states that the "Homosexual Manifesto" is a parody of right wing anti gay garbage and paranoia.

Correct. It continues to make its point years after it was written, and the joke is (as usual) on the bigots. Not that they notice or care.


This world is ripe for the tribulation:

Don't you Dispensationalists ever get tired of predicting the rapture/tribulation?



The three stages of the homosexual movement's long-term goal of complete normalization:

1) Plead for Acceptance

2) Have Advocacy enforced by law (bakeries, bed-and-breakfasts, etc)

3) Annihilate all remaining opposition

Homosexuals are not tolerated by Islam.

Muslims kill homosexuals.

al-Tirmidhi, Sunan 1:152 - "Whoever is found conducting himself in the manner of the people of Lot, kill the doer and the receiver."

Yet, you hate Muslims.

Aren't Muslims doing to homosexuals what you wish you could do to homosexuals?


New member
Hall of Fame
Homosexuals are not tolerated by Islam.

Muslims kill homosexuals.

al-Tirmidhi, Sunan 1:152 - "Whoever is found conducting himself in the manner of the people of Lot, kill the doer and the receiver."

Yet, you hate Muslims.

Aren't Muslims doing to homosexuals what you wish you could do to homosexuals?

Exactly. (Maybe they're just envious.)

Now they'll quibble that ISIS and the rest may not be going about it quite the right way, but the actual killing in and of itself? No, to be consistent Musty and company wouldn't be able to oppose that.


New member
Yes, there is no denying it. Opposition is simply not tolerated. Kind words that in the '80s or '90s would have been appreciated (e.g., "I believe in your right to privacy and rights, but don't want to see marriage redefined") are now instantly labeled hate speech and the speaker, a bigot. Then loss of job, popularity, revenues ensue. The movement is victorious. Absent a sudden and massive , unexpected backlash, the victory will remain.

Churches have been almost too eager to embrace the agenda.

there is no kind way to say "go to the back of the bus"


New member
basic PR is not an agenda

I see, so now, a planned course of action (speaking of which, do you equate propaganda with "PR" ?), an agenda for future action ... isn't an agenda. :dizzy:

1.1A plan of things to be done or problems to be addressed: he vowed to put jobs at the top of his agenda the government had its own agenda

Here's the book that the linked article was expanded into: http://www.amazon.com/After-Ball-America-Conquer-Hatred/dp/0452264987


Well-known member
At the risk of being banned (I'm going on vacation anyway), one of the unbreakable rules of life, phrased so even the dimmest of TOL's dim can comprehend it:

Sex is for make baby. Fun is bonus, but is for make baby.

Butthole no make baby.

End this and all pro-homo threads.

The floor is now open for questions from the usual psycho-emotional retards who still can't grasp it.
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New member
At the risk of being banned (I'm going on vacation anyway), one of the unbreakable rules of life, phrased so even the dimmest of TOL's dim can comprehend it:

Sex is for make baby. Fun is bonus, but is for make baby.

Butthole not make baby.

End this and all pro-homo threads.

The floor is now open for questions from psychological retards who still can't grasp it.
I envision you saying that with an Italian accent and looking like Bob Saget..... :think: Happy Vacation :wave2: :D :mock: