ECT "...we shall be saved, even as they."-Acts 15:11 KJV

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I did answer.

The Levites were the teachers of the law.

The Shema doesn't tell the parents to teach their children every law in the the law of Moses.

The topic of discussion is whether or not John the Baptist and Jesus preached the law.

The Bible says the law and prophets were preached until JTB. Since that time, the kingdom of God has been preached.

You don't like that because your 2P2P theory falls apart. You have to have the "kingdom believers" observing the law after the cross.

"The Bible says the law and prophets were preached until JTB. Since that time, the kingdom of God has been preached."-satanist Tetellalie

No, that is your satanic "interpretation," you wicked demon, which has been refuted, time and time again, pervert, but your father the devil keeps telling you to spam that demonic "doctrine."

You' re the one that satanically asserts that onlv,the Levites , the Christ rejecting Jews, taught the law, but the LORD God did not.

You vile demon.

And not one person, besides you, and other heathen, has ever taught that. Therefore, by your "argument," it is false, and you have suffered another "death knell." You taught us that, wimp.

Name one person, besides yourself, satanist, that ever taught that onlv the Levites , the Christ rejecting Jews, taught the law, but the LORD God did not.

Not peep.

Tetellalie aserted that once, "God" taught the law, meaning, God the Father, but His Only Begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ never did, as Craigie the Pervert "pitts" God the Father, against His Only Begotten Son, and even though the bible asserts that the Lord Jesus Christ, as "the prophet," spoke only His Father's words.

Fabricated, satanatic dung, for all to see, to support his perverted Preterism


New member
I did answer.

The Levites were the teachers of the law.

The Shema doesn't tell the parents to teach their children every law in the the law of Moses.

The topic of discussion is whether or not John the Baptist and Jesus preached the law.

The Bible says the law and prophets were preached until JTB. Since that time, the kingdom of God has been preached.

You don't like that because your 2P2P theory falls apart. You have to have the "kingdom believers" observing the law after the cross.

Nope, the sense of that passage and its companion passages is that the Kingdom that the Law and the Prophets had prophesied they had Prophesied about until John, for here was its Prophesied King within their midst.

It is why He is often being asked if He is the One that Moses and the Prophets did say should come.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Nope, the sense of that passage and its companion passages is that the Kingdom that the Law and the Prophets had prophesied they had Prophesied about until John, for here was its Prophesied King within their midst.

It is why He is often being asked if He is the One that Moses and the Prophets did say should come.

Bingo. And he is shown, in the passage he quotes, verses that follow, where the Saviour is teaching straight from the law.

He is a scammer, besides being a pathetic, habitual liar.

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
"For by works of the law no human being will be justified in His sight, since through the law comes knowledge of sin....For there is no distinction: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God....For we hold that one is justified by Faith apart from works of the law. Or is God the God of the Jews only? Is He not also the God of the Gentiles also? Yes of the Gentiles also, since God is one--who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through faith. Do we then overthrow the law by this faith? By no means on the contrary, we uphold the law. Romans 3:20, 22-23, 28-31

"The one who has loved another has fulfilled the law." Romans 13:8

Love fulfills the Spirit of the law, all rest customs were relegated to just customs, Paul knew that, but still practiced some for only customary reasons. There is one way for all!


Nope, the sense of that passage and its companion passages is that the Kingdom that the Law and the Prophets had prophesied they had Prophesied about until John, for here was its Prophesied King within their midst.

It was more than just a kingdom.

A new covenant was also prophesied.

JTB and Jesus preached about the kingdom of God that was near. They did NOT preach the law of Moses.

It was all about the kingdom of God and the new covenant that was going to be put in place.

(Luke 16:16) "Until John the Baptist, the law of Moses and the messages of the prophets were your guides. But now the Good News of the Kingdom of God is preached, and everyone is eager to get in.

MAD teaches that the "kingdom believers" of the first century (after the cross) continued to adhere to the law of Moses until they died.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Peter taught about the cross, and what Christ Jesus accomplished.

(1 Peter 2:24) “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”

That's the same thing Paul preached.

MAD is a mess.


New member
Bingo. And he is shown, in the passage he quotes, verses that follow, where the Saviour is teaching straight from the law.

He is a scammer, besides being a pathetic, habitual liar.

Yep. Heck, all one need do is resd Matthew 17 or John chapter 1.

By the way, a belated but happy good to see you back; you were greatly missed.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
They did NOT preach the law of Moses.

Made up. demon. You were given chapter, and verse, that shows they did, demon.

Peter taught about the cross, and what Christ Jesus accomplished.

Peter was taught the law by the Saviour, followed it, both pre-cross/post cross, as did all of his followers, as did the "early Acts" believers. You were shown the verses, you demonic punk, but your father the devil keeps telling you to deny it, and assert, on record, that God the Father taught the law, but told His only begotten Son, not to follow the law, and not to teach the law.

That is from the pits of hell, devil boy.

Craigie asserts that the Saviour was not the satisfactory sacrifice(propitiation), the "lamb without blemish," as he asserts that the Saviour did not follow the law.

Who taught you the law,pervert?

Who taught Peter, the law, to bring him to Christ?

Who taught Peter, to follow the law, by observing Pentecost, keeping the hour of prayer, observing separation?

Who taught Paul, the Galatians, the law, to bring them to Christ?

Who taught the early Acts believers, to follow the law, including going to Jerusalem, to observe Pentecost?

Let me guess: Christ rejecting Jews, the Levites, Josephus, and Pentecost was actually a Led Zepelin concert, not one of the "appointed times," according to the law.


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Yep. Heck, all one need do is resd Matthew 17 or John chapter 1.

By the way, a belated but happy good to see you back; you were greatly missed.

Thanks, D.

I came back, partly to protect the babes, sheep, from the wolves, scammers, perverts, habitual liars, like satantist Tetellalie.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Ask your fellow MADists if John the Baptist was Elijah?

Satanic misdirection.

-Who taught the law, in the OT, to the children of Israel?
-Who taught the law, in Matthew-John, which was OC, prior to the dbr?
-Who taught the "early Acts" believers, to adhere to the law, including the feasts, "the appointed feasts," such as Pentecost?
-Who taught the OC/"Old Testament,"from the cross, until AD 70, since you say that the OC did not end until AD 70-"transition period...God did not flip a lightswitch"?
-Who taught the law to Paul, the Galatians.............per:

Galatians 3:24 KJV Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

Josephus? Wikipedia?
-The Lord Jesus Christ spoke only the words of God the Father(as all prophets did-God's spokesman)-he taught the Savior, what to say. Go on record, and assert that God the Father did not teach him to teach the law.
-Tell us why the Lord Jesus Christ kept the law, a law, that He never taught. Go ahead.

"The law brought me, and brings others to Christ..."-Craigie

Who taught you the law, satanist?

I thought it was "nailed to the cross?"

Does the law serve to bring others to Christ today?

-Who taught the law to Paul, the Galatians.............per:

Galatians 3:24 KJV Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

Who taught Peter, the law, to bring him to Christ?

"God didn't flick a lightswitch that in a split second switched the entire planet from OC to NC.Hebrews tells us that the OC was "waxing" and would soon be obsolete. We know that the OC was completely gone in 70AD."-Tet.

"But, remember, the Law of Moses was still in place."-Tettie

Whose directive was to keep the OC, still in place, which included the law, post dbr?

Why do you lie, when you asserted that the law was "nailed to the cross...abolished at the cross," when you assert that it lasted until 70 AD?

Rhetorical-children of the devil, are taught to lie habitually, like you.

Who taught the Acts believers, the law, to bring them to Christ?

Who taught the thousands, to observe Pentecost, in Acts?

Again, who taught you, if you are saved, the law, to bring you to Christ?

Who taught Paul, to go into the synagogues, reserved only for Torah/law keeping, followers?

Who taught Peter, John, to go to the temple,reserved only for Torah/law keeping, followers?

Who taught those that were "zealous of the law," in Acts?

Acts 22:12 KJV

And one Ananias, a devout man according to the law, having a good report of all the Jews which dwelt there,

Who sent this "devout man according to the law," to Saul/Paul?

Acts 21:20 KJV

And when they heard it, they glorified the Lord, and said unto him, Thou seest, brother, how many thousands of Jews there are which believe; and they are all zealous of the law:

Who taught these thousands of Jews, which believed, to be zealous of the law?

Wikipedia? Flavey Joe?


Name one teacher, who ever taught, that the law was not observed by Peter, John, the other 10, the masses, in early Acts? Names, please. Specifics.

You are going to answer these questions, you satanic dirt bag.

Am I clear?

Watch the wimp


Well-known member

and then HE will save them.

Hi and I believe that you are thinking of the Great Tribulation and Jews are being saved , even today is what Acts 15:11 means !!

dan p

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
If you mean He guides one into truth via the written Word, Rom. 10:17, then okay.

But if you mean via some supposed still small voice or some notion that pops into your head as you are reading or whatever, then no.

The Spirit came, guided them unto all truth, they wrote it down, and now we have said Word to guide us, 1 Cor. 3.

The Spirit leads through Words He inspired them to write down, 2 Peter 1.

This is what I mean. His very real Spiritual presence.
"Even the Spirit of truth, whom the world can not receive, because it neither sees Him or knows Him. You know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you." John 14:17


New member
This is what I mean. His very real Spiritual presence.
"Even the Spirit of truth, whom the world can not receive, because it neither sees Him or knows Him. You know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you." John 14:17

And what exactly does "very real Spiritual presence" mean to you?

I mean, you know what you meant by that. But you are now sharing it with someone other than just with yourself.

How you go about communicating your intended meaning to another will largely determine whether or not you will fail to communicate your intended sense to them, every bit as much as how they process it unaware of their own process when attempting to sort out another's intended meaning.

Most people just go by what they conclude. They don't really have an objective standard for examining their conclusions before allowing themselves to settle on their conclusions.

At this point, I suspect you are referring to a feeling of some sort. I may be off on this.

But I am basing that on your use of the wording "very real presence."

It is that that needs to be examined as to whether or not it is a sound standard or means, of concluding "the Spirit's presence."

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
And what exactly does "very real Spiritual presence" mean to you?

I mean, you know what you meant by that. But you are now sharing it with someone other than just with yourself.

How you go about communicating your intended meaning to another will largely determine whether or not you will fail to communicate your intended sense to them, every bit as much as how they process it unaware of their own process when attempting to sort out another's intended meaning.

Most people just go by what they conclude. They don't really have an objective standard for examining their conclusions before allowing themselves to settle on their conclusions.

At this point, I suspect you are referring to a feeling of some sort. I may be off on this.

But I am basing that on your use of the wording "very real presence."

It is that that needs to be examined as to whether or not it is a sound standard or means, of concluding "the Spirit's presence."

His supernatural transcendental pressence that fills us bringing His fruit, love, joy, peace and hope. He also gives us discerment, wisdom, counsel, He does communicate and you are right He does use His word to do most of the communicating, He also communicates through our conscience guiding us into His Holiness. He never contradicts His word. You are right you can physically feel His presence. I experience Him in worship, prayer, His word, doing acts of love and in discipleship efforts.

Lazy afternoon

Ah, the unemployed sodomite sissy boy Tetelalie Craigie is back, after having a pleasant few weeks with his boyfriend, the perverter that says, on record, that you can deny the work of the Lord Jesus Christ, and still be saved.

"Little," you say, you effeminate sissy boy? You would not say that to my face, now would you, sissy boy?

No, you would not.

"Future tense Little Johnny"-sissy boy


"The Greek....Spelling was never one of my strong points.."-Craigie pie


The above spam of your has been refuted for years on TOL, devil boy, but your father the devil keeps telling you to spam it, you wicked, disgusting, unemployed sap.

Have a seat, punk. And get a job, you leach.

You are on the wrong section of TOL, devil boy-this section is "Exclusively Christian Theology," reserved for members of the boc, which excludes you, universalist, Preterist pervert.

Sit, sissy..

Sick .