Was Lazarus A 'Bum'?


Well-known member
What you're doing is portraying an extreme case and using to to justify squabbling over a bit of your money- which has no real effect on your livelihood- going to the welfare of other people.

Of all things a Christians should be concerned with the government taking, that is not supposed to be one of them. What's affecting you is the money going to overly expanded government factions and military.

Definitely - but that's not the topic of this thread.
Anyway, isn't it too worldly for you or I to care about that?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Your last reply was that the welfare system doesn't do that. I agree.

I proposed this idea as a solution to poverty. Just allow impoverished people to steal money from unimpoverished people.

Why would that be unjust?

So you agree that the welfare system isn't stealing off people yet continue with the obvious analogy that it is?


An anarchic law like that would spread chaos, not to mention the immorality of it.

Here's a better suggestion; have a welfare system instead.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Not if it was legalized! :dizzy:

That was a strange thing to say.
No, it wasn't. Say what you mean. You used the word "steal". That's against the law or its a meaninglessly subjective bit of rhetoric. Since no one can argue what's true subjectively for anyone else, your posit only has traction and meaning in a larger sense, in a way that allows response, if I accept it as an objective truth. When I do that it's a violation of law.

And so my response.

Do you truly believe no one has ever been justified in breaking the law?
Of course I do. It doesn't follow that because you want this to be one of those times that it's so. That's the case you'll have to make.

... Has there never been an unjust law? Come on.
Sure. That's not the counter. Supra. Make the case you're talking about one of those.

There are people stomping around here who'll tell you any taxation is theft. The Amish don't want a military, feel it's sinful. And so on.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It would be illegal, which by definition makes it unjust.

this is legal:


by your "reasoning" it is also just


Well-known member
There's something that's, not quite right with you.

Your wrong, there isn't just something not quite right, there are many things that are not right about me, thankfully by the grace of God those things are decreasing and Christ is increasing and the power of the holy spirit is giving me the strength to overcome my flesh, I am dying daily through Christ by the spirit, so that seed of Christ can live and grow, producing the fruits of the spirit replacing the lusts of my flesh that are dying.

My flesh is filth, and I'm a disgrace, I know what I was like without God, and I'm ashamed. But thankfully God has blessed me and he's changing my heart to be more like that of his holy son. And that's all that God sees, his son in me, he wants my flesh dead. And through Christ I am justified by faith and I am sanctified by the holy spirit who is cleansing my heart and helping me to overcome the world.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Your wrong, there isn't just something not quite right, there are many things that are not right about me, thankfully by the grace of God those things are decreasing and Christ is increasing and the power of the holy spirit is giving me the strength to overcome my flesh, I am dying daily through Christ by the spirit, so that seed of Christ can live and grow, producing the fruits of the spirit replacing the lusts of my flesh that are dying.

My flesh is filth, and I'm a disgrace, I know what I was like without God, and I'm ashamed. But thankfully God has blessed me and he's changing my heart to be more like that of his holy son. And that's all that God sees, his son in me, he wants my flesh dead. And through Christ I am justified by faith and I am sanctified by the holy spirit who is cleansing my heart and helping me to overcome the world.

One of your problems is, you believe the Holy Spirit can leave you when you're not being good, correct? You said something to that effect.


Well-known member
One of your problems is, you believe the Holy Spirit can leave you when you're not being good, correct? You said something to that effect.
What if someone turns away and becomes an atheist and says that they don't believe in God anymore and go back to their old life?

Are they still saved and will the holy spirit still remain in their hearts?

Or how about someone who belongs to your church, saved as you put it, and you find out that they are abusing children. Will they have the holy spirit in their hearts? Are they sealed and the spirit won't leave them?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
What if someone turns away and becomes an atheist and says that they don't believe in God anymore and go back to their old life?

Are they still saved and will the holy spirit still remain in their hearts?

Or how about someone who belongs to your church, saved as you put it, and you find out that they are abusing children. Will they have the holy spirit in their hearts? Are they sealed and the spirit won't leave them?

They were NEVER a member of the Body of Christ in the first place.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
So how do you know who is and who isn't saved? Many say they are, how do you know who is?

Those who have heard the "Grace Gospel" as preached by The Apostle Paul and placed ALL their faith in Christ as their Savior, been sealed, indwelt by The Holy Spirit, and baptized (not by water) into The Body of Christ have eternal life. If anyone lacks this process, they're not saved and are headed for Judgement and The Lake of Fire.