Trump's spontaneous rise to power will surprise even him.


Active member
Well, WikiLeaks has proven the election IS rigged. The mainstream media is in cahoots with Team Hillary, coordinating the propaganda they feed to low information voters under the disguise of "news". So Trump is right, and you're a fool.

A free press saying things and doing things you don't like does not a rigged election make. You really should learn about the components of a liberal democracy, freedom of the press, and free speech.


New member
Lol, the only "Christ Consciousness" that Trump has is the one he learned from the so called "church" he was brought up in - the so called "church" the late Norman Vincent Peale "pastored" his New Age Gen. 3 "YOU Can if YOU think YOU can..." herecy to...

They actually considered that fool and his assembly "church."

And then off little Donald would go with his infamously corrupt father to be personally mentored by him in on the spot mastery of the fine art of one corrupt real estate deal after another.

The man has been corrupt all his life.

Sex scandals?

Tip of the iceberg...

A White House; should he win, that will make Nixon's look like Carter's life of service after Carter left office.

Heaven help us in the aftermath of the election of either Clinton...or Trump.


Well-known member
Heaven help us in the aftermath of the election of either Clinton...or Trump.

Why do you doubt that heaven is helping us. Have some faith. Don't try to rationalize every thing on your terms. The average human would not recognize help from Heaven.

Be sure you know scriptures (i.e. the KJV N.T.) accurately. Then you would know the mysteries of God's kingdom of heaven and when you have adapted the mysteries of God's kingdom of heaven as your life style, you would have no doubt that heaven is on your side and helping you.

Remember heaven will not help everyone. It is likely that heaven will help only a chosen few:

Matthew :22 King James Version (KJV)
14 For many are called, but few are chosen.

The best that you can do is to be among the chosen few. Crying about the many counts for absolutely nothing.

Is not the Old being challenged and even breaking down, more or less everywhere among Abraham's descendants. Judgment is at hand for all of Abraham's generations on earth, both from the stream of Ishmael and Isaac.

Ishmael and his generations remained under the ten commandments, up to this day. They remained O.T. people.

Isaac and his generation embrace the promise of the Spirit. They dropped and routinely transgressed the ten commandments so as to serve spirit and Spirit. They became N.T. people. God's kingdom of heaven is being handed to only N.T. people.

Romans: 9 KJV N.T.
7 Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called.
8 That is, They which are the children of the flesh (Ishmael and his generations), these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise (Isaac and his generations) are counted for the seed.

Galatians: 4 KJV N.T.
22 For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman.
23 But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise.
29 But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.
30 Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.

Christ consciousness is now strong enough (through recent new heavenly bodies alignments) and is making the separation and dispatching (casting out). 'Children of God' will inherit the surface of earth, in God's kingdom of heaven. 'Children of the flesh' will be cast out to another place.

. . . indeed heaven is helping those who have earned heaven's help. It is not a free for all . . . it never was. Neither is everyone a child of God, because of the blood or death on the cross of Jesus.

Children of God are the chosen and they are few. They are the few who found the straight gate and narrow way that leadeth onto eternal life and heaven. They are not the billion strong traditional Christians:

Matthew: 7 King James Version (KJV)
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Matthew :22 King James Version (KJV)
14 For many are called, but few are chosen.

A billion strong traditional Christians are in a sad and totally unfortunate state. They were genuinely seeking to be Christians. However they have been pampered and tricked into a false sense of security and complacency. They never actually became Christians. They were never shown the straight gate and narrow way that leadeth to eternal life and heaven because:

Matthew: 24 King James Version (KJV)
11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

The above has happened. A billion strong traditional Christians have been deceived by false prophets. They were fooled into being 'make believe' Christians. They are not Christians at all.
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Well-known member
Christians, please embrace change. Change is inevitable.

Christians, please embrace change. Change is inevitable.

Well, as we can see the last couple of weeks, free media ain't necessarily good media.

And, the New Your Times? Give me a break. I'd get more truth from a North Korean paper.

Some kind of progress is unfolding.

Americans are awakening to the wholesale 'bought and paid for' proper-gander of their own leaders . . . and the fact that their media is bough and paid for by self serving private interests.

Most media employees do not know how to be fair about their jobs. Their reporting is always tainted by their own perceptions of morality. And their ideas of morality are conditioned into their heads by their cunning bosses.

They are not Christians. Fact is the Christian stand alone position on morality is:

Romans: 14 King James Version (KJV)
14 I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean.

The above is the moral position for Christians and democratic countries. The only moral compass for Christians and democratic countries are the laws of their land, as determined democratically and as administered by an independent judicial system. And not by 'here-say' accusation, judgment and conviction . . . as openly promoted by the employees in media.

Most U,S,A. media persons are still stuck in the old O.T. dictator type mode and model. They seem incapable of reporting fact without tainting their reporting with their own moral ideas (which can be and is, relevant to only them). They are totally enslaved people under the foolish and arrogant belief that they are a free people . . . and they want to sell their brand of false 'freedom' to the world.

They are bought and paid for people by their cunning owners. They are selling the ideas of their owners and they foolishly believe that it is their ideas. And they are doing this either to be the 'crab' who craw over other 'crabs' (in their 'bucket') so as get on top and/or for a few pieces of silver.

The above defined the modes-operand under the Old, O.T. system. It rules more or less every where. That system is now being dismantled by the 'not seen' Christ consciousness', N.T. Force/Spirit.

Most people in the U.S.A. want change. This ground swell is due to the direct and independent effect of the now very powerful 'not seen' force/spirit of Christ consciousness. It is activating intuitively/spiritually actualized people. It is their time, under Grace of God through now powerful and ruling Christ consciousness.

Most people in the U.S.A. recognize that the Old is flawed and broken. At the least Trump represent change, although he could be the the same old in seemingly new clothing.

It does not matter that he might be the Old. The old is dead. Those who hold onto the old will inevitably be dismissed, even destroyed by the new 'not seen' spirit and spirit based ruling Christ consciousness.

The fact is if the U.S.A. want change they must have the courage to trust faith and make the move to change. Heaven help only those who help themselves. There is no risk in change at this time. However there is serious risk in staying with the Old in this new age of the New.

Transformation to the New is inevitable. Continuing to support and empower the Old would only lead to (civil and other) unrest and serious displacement, in one's country.

This is the Christian position. Jesus is now here and ruling (through His 'not seen' consciousness), in full glory. The old is on its way out, any which way. Your choice is limited to which way is the old to be thrown out . . . by your peaceful vote or by other less peaceful means.
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Well-known member
This is yet another transition like the previous one when the long standing Roman empire fell in spite of all human effort.

The above was under a weaker force/spirit of Christ consciousness.

History is repeating itself. This time the once might power O.T. empire as represented in the U.S.A. by Clinton & co. has fallen, but is simply refusing to 'lie down'.

This more recent fall was under a much more powerful force/spirit of Christ consciousness. The age of O.T. and 'power rule' is ended. We are now in the Age of intuition/spirit and Spirit which is the anchor of the N.T. and Christ.

Citizens of the U.S.A. are well advised to go with change.
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Well-known member
The U.S.A. must be returned to its authentic Christian moorings by the people.

The U.S.A. must be returned to its authentic Christian moorings by the people.

This means banishing all O.T. people and O.T. things from the U.S.A.

This was started with the removal of the ten commandments from the precincts of a U.S.A. court.

Romans: 14 King James Version (KJV)
14 I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean.

The above is the moral position for Christians and democratic countries. The only moral compass for Christians and democratic countries are the laws of their land, as determined democratically and as administered by an independent judicial system.

However under the above Christian and democratic system judges must be authentic spirit and Spirit based, N.T. Saints . . . not Catholic physically oriented O.T. people who cannot be authentic saints.

Judges must not be Satan. They must be people who have no interest in the things of man and all the interest in the things of God.

Matthew: 16 KJV N.T.
23 But he turned, and said onto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan, thou art an offense onto me: for thou sauourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.

For indeed under the Christian system of self and democratically determined morality, authentic Christian/Saints (not O.T. people) were given to be judges in the courts.

1 Corinthians: 6 KJV N.T.
2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?

Saints are intuitively/spiritually actualized people who are in Christ. They are few, they are the chosen few.

The above is Christianity. This was the ideology of the Founding Fathers. The above anchored the original U.S.A. and lasted until the U.S.A. was infiltrated by O.T. people.

. . . as you should realize now, the ten commandments have no use in or place near, a Christian (and/or a democratic country's) court of justice.

. . . at least Trump recognized and mentioned the need to appoint good and appropriate judges . . . this is the second leg on which Christianity stand.

The first leg is self, democratically determined morality as the laws of one land. Trump also recognized and mention this first leg of Christianity. He confirmed that any form of correction starts and finishes only through changing the laws of the land.

Clearly Trump is on top of the current ruling Christ consciousness requirements. He is intuitively/spiritually actualized and relevant to the New Christian order. This is the only way that he can focus on these two basic things that are truly every thing.

Indeed not much else need to be said, once these two legs are covered. Trump is the and your, Christian candidate.

It is time, for the people, by the people, to return the U.S.A. to its authentic Christian moorings. Failing this it will be returned by Christ consciousness, any which way.
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Well-known member

If so. Beware. It is nothing for the ruling status quo to sink a couple of billions to make Trump appear to be as tainted as Clinton. Or even to actually make Trump as tainted as Clinton (i.e. with respect to getting financing from private interests).

However nothing they do can or will work to support their Old agenda. Trump simply represent an idea. Trump is simply verbalizes an (his) intuition of the change that is well on the way in the U.S.A.. Trump has and uses this intuitive capacity which is spirit and Spirit based. This is very evident from his public speeches.

Many people are like Trump, in this regard. People are informed differently now. Their decisions and actions are also intuitively informed. These are the discontented people. No tradition approach to appeasing current discontent will work.

President Obama, himself said that talking and tradition appeals are not working to appease his discontent populations. Even traditional diplomatic efforts at the level of the U.N. is not working as before.

Also the old tradition of using leverage to bring opposing countries 'in line' can no longer work. Countries and people who are 'boxed in', in the old traditional ways used by the U.S.A, are now arming themselves and/or turning to terrorism and/or prepared to go to war. Take a look out there. Nothing Old is working or will work.

A new level of increased heart/spirit commitment is driving people. The world has changed.

Leverage, power and force are not the tools for this New Age of Intuition, spirit and Spirit . . . certainly not the Old kind.

Clinton is clearly outdated.
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New member
It is time, for the people, by the people, to return the U.S.A. to its authentic Christian moorings. Failing this it will be returned by Christ consciousness, any which way.

So if Trump is not elected president, what do you expect this expelling of us "old testament" types to look like as the nation is returned to "Christ consciousness".

Will your true Christians prove their freedom from the law by transgressing "You shall not murder" on our outdated bodies? Or will natural calamity wipe out those of us still clinging to the old way? Or will it be something more mystical?


Well-known member
Why get the U.S.A. into nuclear Armageddon?

Why get the U.S.A. into nuclear Armageddon?

What indeed is Armageddon?

Armageddon is war, related to a particular end. All wars are forth between people, on each side, fighting for what they perceive to be good and against what they perceived to be evil. Armageddon is a different kind of war.

Armageddon is related to the 'any which way' separation of Old Testament/Mosaic esteeming people and their Old Testament/Mosaic ideas and beliefs from New Testament/Christian esteeming people and their New Testament/Christian ideas and beliefs.

At the end of Armageddon, Old Testament/Mosaic esteeming people and their Old Testament/Mosaic ideas and beliefs will be totally depleted on earth. None will be left on earth.

Separation was predicted only for the generations of Abraham. This is the separation of Ishmael generation from Isaac generation.

Galatians: 4 KJV N.T.
22 For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman.
23 But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise.
29 But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.
30 Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.

Ishmael and his generation remained under the Old Testament/Mosaic system. They are the war mongers.

Isaac and his generation threw out the Old Testament/Mosaic system. In fact they routinely transgressed the ten commandments so as to serve spirit/Love unconditionally and always. Isaac and his generation are the authentic Christians. They do not get into wars. They are the 'turn the other cheek' kind of people.

Armageddon is the tool of Ishmael's generation. And they (O.T. people) are fighting wars constantly.

Final separation is at hand.

The impending election in the U.S.A. is an opportunity for their citizens to make this separation (between Old and New) civilly and peacefully.

Trump's ideas are anchored on the two basic pillars of Christianity. He represent the New Testament/Christian esteeming people and their New Testament/Christian ideas and beliefs. A vote for Trump is a vote for Christianity and a deliverance of the U.S.A. from active participation in Armageddon.

Clinton (who according to media reporting) is prepared to escalate wars to the use of nuclear weapons. This is not the Christian way. This is the Old Testament way. Clinton represent Old Testament/Mosaic esteeming people and their Old Testament/Mosaic ideas and beliefs. A vote for Clinton seems to be a vote for U.S.A. unnecessary participation in O.T. people's Armageddon.

Your best priests have been misguiding the U.S.A. and other citizenry about what constitute Christian morality. Ignorance of the fact will not excuse anyone.
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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
So if Trump is not elected president, what do you expect this expelling of us "old testament" types to look like as the nation is returned to "Christ consciousness"..........
If you expect crooked Hillary to return the nation to "Christ consciousness", then you are either drunk, on drugs, or severely retarded. That filthy liar is the most corrupt, criminal, crooked, lying sleazebag to ever run for president. She makes Nixon look like Mother Theresa. In fact, what Nixon did - create a coverup for the crime of his operatives - Hillary has done multiple times over. What the hell is wrong with you people.


There's been some damning revelations about the Clinton campaign, which didn't get much attention because people thought it was more important to focus on things like a women allegedly being groped thirty years ago.

This society is stupid, so so stupid- this is where one really sees who the sheep are.


New member
If you expect crooked Hillary to return the nation to "Christ consciousness", then you are either drunk, on drugs, or severely retarded. That filthy liar is the most corrupt, criminal, crooked, lying sleazebag to ever run for president. She makes Nixon look like Mother Theresa. In fact, what Nixon did - create a coverup for the crime of his operatives - Hillary has done multiple times over. What the hell is wrong with you people.

You really are having trouble with reading comprehension.

I haven't advocated Hillary anywhere in there, nor anywhere on this site. Your determination to swallow the world's insistence that we must choose one or the other makes you incapable of hearing people.

"Christ consciousness" is a repeated phrase of Gurucam's new age, sin-that-grace-may-abound, distortion of gospel liberty. Guru has repeatedly said that Trump is going to usher us into a new era, and hinted that if he doesn't get elected all of us "old covenant" types (read people who still think there are moral absolutes) are going to be purged in some other way.

I was trying to figure out how Guru thought that was going to go down.
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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
If you expect crooked Hillary to return the nation to "Christ consciousness", then you are either drunk, on drugs, or severely retarded. That filthy liar is the most corrupt, criminal, crooked, lying sleazebag to ever run for president. She makes Nixon look like Mother Theresa. In fact, what Nixon did - create a coverup for the crime of his operatives - Hillary has done multiple times over. What the hell is wrong with you people.
You really are having trouble with reading comprehension........
Save your snotty crap for someone else. You support that filthy liar, the most corrupt, criminal, crooked, lying sleazebag to ever run for president. COMPREHEND THAT


New member
What indeed is Armageddon?

Armageddon is war, related to a particular end. All wars are forth between people, on each side, fighting for what they perceive to be good and against what they perceived to be evil. Armageddon is a different kind of war.

Okay, I just want to paraphrase what I'm hearing here so you can tell me if I'm getting it right.

You expect the Old Testament types to kill each other off in wars, and eventually only the New Testament people will be left? We can either vote for peaceful New Testament Trump and avoid being part of that, or we can vote in Old Testament Hillary the Warmonger and participate in the extinction of ourselves in the fray?


New member
Save your snotty crap for someone else.

But there are so few here that deserve it quite so much as you.

You support that filthy liar, the most corrupt, criminal, crooked, lying sleazebag to ever run for president. COMPREHEND THAT

I don't. I can't support any of the four most prominent candidates in this election, though I expect you won't believe me. You're too caught up in the lie of expediency sold by the spirit of this age. Our Savior consistently calls us to the righteous choice that looks like weakness and warns us against running to the strength of Egypt for our protection. Our Father has chosen the foolish things to confound the wise.

The choice before us is not "Who will most likely hold back the darkness?" but "Which flavor of anti-christ would you prefer?"