ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
Commonsense: It's a normal mammalian function...
so is intercourse and elimination of bodily waste
Commonsense: It's a normal mammalian function...
When my wife breast fed our children, I never associated it with an act of urination, it was a beautiful act of feeding a beautiful human being.
....Commonsense: It's a normal mammalian function...What's the big deal? You and Drumpf are, socially and intellectually, reptilian......
Who was dumb enough to marry you......When my wife breast fed our children, I never associated it with an act of urination, it was a beautiful act of feeding a beautiful human being.
Look - I repeat - the only way to prevent abortion is to prevent unwanted pregnancies .
horn said:You can enforce laws against, murder, rape, physical assault etc .
The Gorn does not grasp that concept.......and yet we still have murders, rapes, physical assaults, right?
Commonsense: It's a normal mammalian function...What's the big deal?
yeah, but their self-delusional voting last fall at least earned them the prettiest prime minister in the free world:
Look - I repeat - the only way to prevent abortion is to prevent unwanted pregnancies
I'm ugly but you call that pretty? That photo looks like a cross between Judd Hirsch and Andre the Giant. Must've used a fisheye lens on that boy.
You anti-choicers just don't get it.
horn said:If abortion becomes illegal again, an enormous number of back-alley abortionists will instantly open up shop, and it won't be pretty .
There will be no way to stop this.
You anti-choicers just don't get it......
We have capital punishment here in the US (which you Catholics are obviously against).
They do. We have capital punishment here in the US (which you Catholics are obviously against).
How do you bring someone to repentance if you kill them first?
penitentiary - a place for imprisonment, reformatory discipline, or punishment, especially a prison maintained in the U.S. by a state or the federal government for serious offenders.
Origin of penitentiary - 1375-1425; late Middle English penitenciarie priest who administers penance, prison < Medieval Latin pēnitēntiārius of penance
How soon people forget the very meanings of the words they use. The Catholic Church states that the death penalty is acceptable to protect societies, but if a modern society has the ability to build modern prisons that protect society just as well, then the Christian thing to do is to not put someone to death,they they too might come to repentance.
But look who I am talking to, a man who would judges people for being sinners when he himself is one of the biggest sinners of all.
... where he wants to take the country in the 21stC!
back to greatness :duh:
How can a candidate who is on his 3rd campaign manager in 2 months convince the rest of us that he knows what he's doing?back to greatness :duh: