Trump's Position On Abortion


Trump found it "disgusting", obviously you do as well.

There is a time and place to pass bodily fluids, not smack in the middle of a room of people an business.

Breast milking is no more a 'beautiful' thing than urinating. It is a bodily process that people don't want to see.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Trump found it "disgusting", obviously you do as well.

There is a time and place to pass bodily fluids, not smack in the middle of a room of people an business.

Hence the reason the woman asked to be excused so that she could pump milk in a private setting.

Breast milking is no more a 'beautiful' thing than urinating. It is a bodily process that people don't want to see.

Spoken like a true misogynist. When my wife breast fed our children, I never associated it with an act of urination, it was a beautiful act of feeding a beautiful human being.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

When my wife breast fed our children, I never associated it with an act of urination, it was a beautiful act of feeding a beautiful human being.

Did you raise your children to follow your values and beliefs? Are they straight?

While I would love to take credit for Judeo/Christian doctrine, full credit goes to God.

patrick jane

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

When my wife breast fed our children, I never associated it with an act of urination, it was a beautiful act of feeding a beautiful human being.

While I would love to take credit for Judeo/Christian doctrine, full credit goes to God.
You think you have the correct answer for everything don't you?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I do. That's why I can see right through you, you're a gay basher -

Heck, ACW is an EVERYBODY-basher.
Conservative, Liberal... ..Republican, Democrat... ..Protestant, Catholic, Other.. ..Male, Female...

....nobody is what ACW thinks they should be. That is the sign of a true sociopath. He is sick in the head.


"The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That's why a little hyperbole never hurts." ("Trump: The Art of the Deal," 1987)

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
"The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That's why a little hyperbole never hurts." ("Trump: The Art of the Deal," 1987)

And how exactly does that differ from other politicians


Spoken like a true misogynist. When my wife breast fed our children, I never associated it with an act of urination, it was a beautiful act of feeding a beautiful human being.

That's plain stupid, from a plain stupid person. You're indoctrinated into insanity- there has never been a point in human history where breastfeeding or pumping a breast in public has been acceptable.
Stop laboring under delusions- if you want to be a monkey, then go be a monkey. Otherwise, accept the fact that mankind has discretion on such matters.


And how exactly does that differ from other politicians

Exactly! Trump is just another politician pretending to be something new, an outsider! He's making promises that he cant keep in order to appeal to angry people. He will loose huge unless Hillary gets arrested.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Exactly! Trump is just another politician pretending to be something new, an outsider.......
Wrong! For a politician, politics is their life and the White House is Nirvana! Neither of those is true for Trump. Trump already has his empire and his millions and his fame, and anything else he wants. He is 70 years old. He does not need this crap he's getting from pinheads like you. His motivation is totally different.


Wrong! For a politician, politics is their life and the White House is Nirvana! Neither of those is true for Trump. Trump already has his empire and his millions and his fame, and anything else he wants. He is 70 years old. He does not need this crap he's getting from pinheads like you. His motivation is totally different.

Sorry mate, its just an ego thing, nothing new. Men crave power weather they have "politician" tattooed on the butt or not! Trump is a classic greedy egotist who is all about Trump! Trump is >self< centered not God centered. How can you not see that??????? Same goes for Hillary! We are in a world of poop with these choices!


Do you think Kleptomaniacs are disgusting?

Sodomites are a whole different bunch. God was so DISGUSTED with them that He ordered the Jews to put them to death.

God was so DISGUSTED with them that He destroyed two cities.

That's not to say that these sick degenerates aren't capable of getting help through spiritual and psychological counselling. The guy who wrote the above post truly is in need of both. I hope that he gets it before it's too late.

The Horn

Look - I repeat - the only way to prevent abortion is to prevent unwanted pregnancies . Just making it illegal never works. There were countless illegal abortions in America before Roe v Wade, and only an infinitesimally tiny fraction of them were criminally prosecuted .
There was no way to enforce the law and there won't be if it become illegal again . You can enforce laws against, murder, rape, physical assault etc . But laws against abortion are totally unenforceable. Even with all the advances in recent years in technology, there will be no way to enforce laws against abortion.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Look - I repeat - the only way to prevent abortion is to prevent unwanted pregnancies . Just making it illegal never works.......

Good grief! Nobody ever said that passing a law will make it disappear you half-wit!

BUT: Because it is murder it MUST be illegal, and by being illegal a lot of it will go away. What part of that is so hard for you to grasp.