

New member

For one party to take control of the White House, House, Senate and Supreme Court in America doesn't ocur very often and usually for only a 2 year term!

Faced with Trump and his Cabinet's lack of political experience and his erratic behaviour, some Republicans in the Congress must be "tearing their hair out" for having frittered away 40 days of valuable time before starting to tackle the big ticket items on their legislative agenda!

Repealing and replacing "Obamacare" seems like a strange place to start - given that it is probably the most complex of all legislation to enact, while generating the least amount of general consensus within the Party on how to proceed.

One would have thought that introducing the infrastructure/jobs package would have had more of an immediate impact and generated far more approval from their base.

Republicans could just let Obamacare fall into a death spiral and let millions of Americans suffer or they could do what they are doing now which is repealing and replacing before a death spiral takes place


New member
Do tell - how, specifically; PJ?

the partial replacement bill is pretty good but there are a lot rebulicans that want to end the Obamacare subsides using a cold turkey approach and others that want to grandfather in these subsides. another point of contention is the use of means tested refundable tax credit to entice both poor and healthy into buying insurance vs tax deductions with more use of high risk pools at the state level.


Republicans could just let Obamacare fall into a death spiral and let millions of Americans suffer or they could do what they are doing now which is repealing and replacing before a death spiral takes place
That's the conservative narrative but the reality is the Republicans don't have enough votes to replace Obamacare with this or any other plan.

Moderate Republicans won't support the future cuts in Medicaid for their state and the right-wing of the party, who oppose all state involvement in healthcare on philosophical grounds, refuse to vote for "Obamacare Light!"

If the Republicans show that they can only repeal, but not replace Obamacare, despite having control of the White House, Senate and House, why should they expect American voters to provide support for more of the same in the 2018 Midterms?


Literal lunatic
That's the conservative narrative but the reality is the Republicans don't have enough votes to replace Obamacare with this or any other plan.

Hog wash.

Moderate Republicans won't support the future cuts in Medicaid for their state and the right-wing of the party, who oppose all state involvement in healthcare on philosophical grounds, refuse to vote for "Obamacare Light!"

Once the Illegal immigrants are deported there will be plenty of Medicaid for poor legitimate Americans.

Since it's inception no Republican controlled government has completely done away with Medicaid.

Knock off the Leftist lying scare tactics.

If the Republicans show that they can only repeal, but not replace Obamacare, despite having control of the White House, Senate and House, why should they expect American voters to provide support for more of the same in the 2018 Midterms?


Simply wishful fantasy on your part.:chuckle:


New member
Hog wash.

Once the Illegal immigrants are deported there will be plenty of Medicaid for poor legitimate Americans.

Since it's inception no Republican controlled government has completely done away with Medicaid.

Knock off the Leftist lying scare tactics.


Simply wishful fantasy on your part.:chuckle:

But for the Native American and their various modern day cousins; everyone else is an illegal.

patrick jane

If the Republicans show that they can only repeal, but not replace Obamacare, despite having control of the White House, Senate and House, why should they expect American voters to provide support for more of the same in the 2018 Midterms?
Since the demoncrats have offered nothing good and they have done nothing in Congress, why would anyone vote demoncrat in 18 or 20. The left simply cries and whines and lies, not conducive to getting elected. They will spend 4 years blocking and obstructing Trump and have nothing to run on.


Since the demoncrats have offered nothing good and they have done nothing in Congress, why would anyone vote demoncrat in 18 or 20. The left simply cries and whines and lies, not conducive to getting elected. They will spend 4 years blocking and obstructing Trump and have nothing to run on.
1. The Democrats did not tweet at 6:00 on a Saturday morning that the previous Republican president had them wiretapped - without providing any evidence!

2. The Democrats did not introduce healthcare legislation and cap Medicaid that will leave 10-15 million Americans without medical insurance!

3. The Democrats didn't appoint a national security advisor who was fired for lying to the Vice President and was also serving as an unregistered foreign lobbyist without informing the president.

4. The Democrats weren't elected with the help of the Russians who hacked the DNC and attempted to subvert the 2016 Election - according to America's 17 intelligence agencies

5. The Democratic president didn't withhold his tax returns or refuse to place his personal assets in a blind trust to prevent the perception of conflict of interests.


patrick jane

1. The Democrats did not tweet at 6:00 on a Saturday morning that the previous Republican president had them wiretapped - without providing any evidence!

2. The Democrats did not introduce healthcare legislation and cap Medicaid that will leave 10-15 million Americans without medical insurance!

3. The Democrats didn't appoint a national security advisor who was fired for lying to the Vice President and was also serving as an unregistered foreign lobbyist without informing the president.

4. The Democrats weren't elected with the help of the Russians who hacked the DNC and attempted to subvert the 2016 Election - according to America's 17 intelligence agencies

5. The Democratic president didn't withhold his tax returns or refuse to place his personal assets in a blind trust to prevent the perception of conflict of interests.

All that is why the Republicans are in charge - soak it up. . . . drink it in !!!
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All that is why the Republicans are in charge - soak it up. . . . drink it in !!!
When you go up against America's 17 intelligence communities and the national media, be prepared to reap the whirlwind!

When you slash the budgets of every branch of government except the military, there will be a price to be paid!

The Democrats will be the least of Trump's worries - the real threat will come from those very institutions that the Trump Administration needs to govern!
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patrick jane

When you go up against America's 17 intelligence communities and the national media, be prepared to reap the whirlwind!

When you slash the budgets of every branch of government except the military, there will be a price to be paid!

The Democrats will be the least of Trump's worries - the real threat will come from those very institutions that the Trump Administration needs to govern!
Yes, more obstruction and inaction


Medical Tourism Statistics & Facts

What are the top destinations?
Costa Rica, India, Israel, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United States

How big is the market?
... we believe the market size is USD 45.5-72 billion, based on approximately 14 million cross-border patients worldwide spending an average of USD 3,800-6,000 per visit, including medically-related costs, cross-border and local transport, inpatient stay and accommodations.
- We estimate some 1,400,000 Americans will travel outside the US for medical care this year (2016).

Is the market growing?
We estimate the worldwide medical tourism market is growing at a rate of 15-25%, with inbound patient flows highest in Mexico, Southeast and South Asia.

How much can you save?
•Brazil: 20-30%
•Costa Rica: 45-65%
•India: 65-90%
•Malaysia: 65-80%
•Mexico: 40-65%
•Singapore: 25-40%
•South Korea: 30-45%
•Taiwan: 40-55%
•Thailand: 50-75%
•Turkey: 50-65%
Although Americans represent less than 5% of the world's population, they represent approximately 10% (1.4 million) of the world's medical tourists in 2016.

Unlike many other medical tourists unable find a high standard of level of medical care in their country, medical tourism in America is cost driven.

With the introduction of "Trumpcare" which does nothing to address the skyrocketing costs of medicine and prescription drugs, Americans will continue go abroad to get a bigger bang for their healthcare buck!
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patrick jane

The only people that will be without healthcare are those that don't want it. The poor and destitute get Medicaid or Medicaire