Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Whose to say that perhaps only the middle east and its surrounding areas will be left, to be held in control by the Anti-Christ and his/her two other companions? We seem to be living in the last days. We have wars and rumors of wars. We have earthquakes in many places, etc. It appears as if the signs are appearing?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
North Korea is "giddy" over the prospect of stockpiling "ICBMs" to bombard the U.S. with. Perhaps war is imminent? If N.Korea should attempt to fire off one of their missiles, that would start a war. That war would escalate rapidly into a "World War", such as the world has never seen. Russia and China would automatically be drawn into the conflict.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I remember when I was twelve years old in 1962 during "The Cuban Missle Crisis." I remember being scared to death of a nuclear war with Russia over their desire to place nuclear missiles in Cuba. That was a scary situation. Today is even scarier than in 1962.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

patrick jane

Whose to say that perhaps only the middle east and its surrounding areas will be left, to be held in control by the Anti-Christ and his/her two other companions? We seem to be living in the last days. We have wars and rumors of wars. We have earthquakes in many places, etc. It appears as if the signs are appearing?
I would rather face the end times with Donald Trump

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
This country is about twenty Trillion Dollars in debt. If Hillary gets in office, that will double or triple. She claims she's gonna invest in the "Middle class." What does that even mean? Print more money, perhaps? In all actuality, she's NOT gonna do anything more than Obama has done all these years. She's not gonna help the poor, the Women, the minorities or do anything of any worth. Democrats always promise GREAT and MIGHTY things, then, they do NOTHING. My family were Democrats and believed the Democrats stood for the poor of our country and the Republicans stood for the rich. The first time I voted was for a Republican: Ronald Reagan. Since then, I have always voted Republican because, I don't like liberal Democrats whose pet issues are: The right to abortion on demand,(Murder) gun bans, no death penalty, and Gay rights. They are the "Non-Christian Party of America." How anyone that calls themselves a "True Believer" can vote Democrat is beyond me? To be honest, these days, sometimes the Republicans are just as bad. But, those are our only two choices, rationally speaking. So, I vote Republican just to play it safe.

Some of my family members are voting Democrat and we can't have a decent discussion without hard feelings, so we have to avoid such discussions, in order to keep the peace.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Trump choosing a Christian as a running mate, is a wise decision. That way, we have some Christion input and influence. I'm not voting for Trump because he's a Christian (Most likely he's not) I'm voting for him because of the issues, his business background, the countries safety, and to keep the dishonest and apparently evil Clinton's out of the highest office in the land. The kind of people who vote for the Clinton's (You get two for the price of one) don't care how wicked, evil, and dishonest they are. They couldn't care less. Like I said: I have family members voting for the Clinton's. If you ask them why they don't have a direct answer? If you ask people: What has Hillary done for the country, you'll hear a "Cricket Choir."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Hillary likes to blame her favorite "Scapegoats" the Russians for things that happen to her. She has no proof. She's even threatened the Russians with a possible U.S. Military intervention if the Russians are found "Cyber-Attacking" us. A lot of "Saber Rattling" going on with her. It's as if she is trying to provoke an all-out war with Russia before she gets into office?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Positive opinions of Trump grow after second debate, NBC/SurveyMonkey poll says


More respondents in a new NBC News/SurveyMonkey online poll changed their opinion of Donald Trump for the better after the second presidential debate on Sunday.

This, despite his aggressive tone and body language toward Hillary Clinton and the release two days earlier of lewd remarks about women he made on tape in 2005.

After Sunday's faceoff, 23 percent of respondents changed their opinion of the New York businessman for the better compared with the 13 percent who did so after the first debate. Clinton saw the opposite result with just 17 percent of respondents saying they had a more positive opinion of her after the debate, less than the 26 percent that did so after the first debate...