Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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Hall of Fame
Because the Dems fielded Hillary and land counted more than hands? :eek:

You forgot the Russians. He won due to the Russian interference (which he asked for). This is why he is currently seen and will go down in history as an illegitimate president.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Because the Dems fielded Hillary and land counted more than hands? :eek:
The Dems 'fielded' her? You mean they played baseball with her,:idunno:
Because she was called Hillary:sam:

There can only be a chance at winning if it were Clinton and Trump, not Hillary and Trump. What would we have, President Hillary? It will not do,:nono: it does not work.

I know some people call Trump, 'The Donald', but no one called him Donald unless it is me saying, "Donald Duck":carryon:

He is a real pain at this point.:( We need a president who will do what he is told, we need Mike Pence.:cigar:


Well-known member
Didn't know this was a thing.

Politico said:
Russian spy plane trolls Trump with flight over D.C., New Jersey
By KATHRYN A. WOLFE and BRYAN BENDER 08/09/2017 04:14 PM EDT Updated 08/09/2017 05:39 PM ED

A Russian military spy plane cruised the skies over Washington and New Jersey on Wednesday — in a perfectly legal bit of aerial reconnaissance that nonetheless appeared to be an attempt to troll President Donald Trump.

A 1992 agreement known as the Treaty on Open Skies allows each country to conduct surveillance flights over the other's territory, something the U.S. and Russia have done a combined 165 times over the past 15 years, according to the State Department.

But Russia's choice of targets this go-round have a decidedly Trumpian flavor, taking the spy plane over Trump's current hometown of Washington, D.C., and past Bedminster, N.J., where the president is vacationing at one of his golf clubs, according to a flight-tracking website monitored by POLITICO.

"I don't know of any military facilities there," remarked a Pentagon official, who confirmed the mission.

On Wednesday, the plane also flew at low altitude over Dayton, Ohio, near Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, before vanishing from a live flight-tracking website in the afternoon. It later resumed its flight, crossing back over the D.C. area and Philadelphia before zigzagging over New Jersey.

The Russian air force's Tupolev Tu-154M — similar to a medium-sized airliner — appeared to have left Moscow early Wednesday and flown through Reykjavík, Iceland, before entering U.S. airspace around Virginia’s Chincoteague Island. The plane then made several passes around the D.C. metro area for about an hour at lunchtime.

It also veered into Virginia, West Virginia and Pennsylvania, often at low altitudes.

"The missions happen on a semi-routine basis," said the Pentagon official, explaining that the Russians gave the required notice of at least 72 hours and that the mission has American personnel on board as observers.

The official could not publicly discuss the flight plans or the duration of the mission, though they commonly last at least several days.

The Russian air force flight appears to be the 10th so far this year.

"They usually come in and they list out what locations they want to fly over," the official said. "We put together the flight plan and with a few exceptions — safety-wise or weather-wise — they are allowed to fly over pretty much the entire territory."

"It is very controlled and very proscribed," he added, including "when they are allowed to take sensor readings."

The flight came at a tense time in U.S.-Russian relations, and on a day when jitters were especially high because of nuclear brinkmanship between Trump and North Korean leaders.

But the Russian spy flight was, in fact, fairly routine, flown under the auspices of the Treaty on Open Skies, signed by the United States, Canada, Russia and dozens of other countries. The arrangement is intended to help promote openness among nations and their militaries.


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China warns North Korea: You’re on your own if you go after the United States

Wapo said:
BEIJING — China won’t come to North Korea’s help if it launches missiles threatening U.S. soil and there is retaliation, a state-owned newspaper warned on Friday, but it would intervene if Washington strikes first.

The Global Times newspaper is not an official mouthpiece of the Communist Party, but in this case its editorial probably does reflect government policy and can be considered “semiofficial,” experts said.

China has repeatedly warned both Washington and Pyongyang not to do anything that raises tensions or causes instability on the Korean Peninsula, and strongly reiterated that suggestion Friday.

“The current situation on the Korean Peninsula is complicated and sensitive,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said in a statement.

“China hopes that all relevant parties will be cautious on their words and actions, and do things that help to alleviate tensions and enhance mutual trust, rather than walk on the old pathway of taking turns in shows of strength, and upgrading the tensions.”

In an editorial, The Global Times said China should make it clear to both sides: “when their actions jeopardize China's interests, China will respond with a firm hand.”

"China should also make clear that if North
Korea launches missiles that threaten U.S. soil first and the U.S. retaliates, China will stay neutral,” it added. “If the U.S. and South Korea carry out strikes and try to overthrow the North Korean regime and change the political pattern of the Korean Peninsula, China will prevent them from doing so.”


Good. I would expect China to get involved if we nuked North Korea cuz proximity.


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Trump said nothing about military invasion of Venezuela . . .



“They have many options for Venezuela — and, by the way, I'm not going to rule out a military option,” Trump told reporters.

That's the thing we have learned about Trump you can't take what he says at face value. Trump supporters are fast to interpret it whatever suits them. Trump haters the same. And since he says opposing things it is easy to read what you want in the Trump tweet bible.

Trump: "We're all over the world, and we have troops all over the world in places that are very, very far away. Venezuela is not very far away, and the people are suffering, and they're dying. We have many options for Venezuela, including a possible military option, if necessary."
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The Barbarian

It's clear that China has had it with the criminals in North Korea. That has to be a sobering thought for Kim:

"If I start a war with South Korea or the United States, China will do nothing to help me."
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