Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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What will be interesting is the next leak from Wiki Leaks. Who Trump LOVES. I suspect that Trump may be the next target of his good buddy due to his failure to deliver on his end of the bargain.
The distrust of Trump by his fellow congressional Republicans runs so deep that a few elected members have been assigned to remain in Washington during the August break such that the House and Senate technically remains in session.

Apparently a President can take advantage of a bureaucratic "loophole" and make appointments when Congress is not in session - this measure would prevent Trump from replacing the Attorney General Sessions, without congressional oversight, in favour of someone designated to fire Mueller!

patrick jane

All 17 of America's intelligence agencies are guilty of the same "sick fantasy" because thet've agreed that the Russians hacked the DNC and other organizations in an effort to influence the 2015 Election in favour of Donald Trump.

In a rare example of bipartisanship, the House and Senate vote 417-3 and 98-2 respectively in favour of imposing sanctions on Russia for interfering in the 2016 Election - the "sick fantasy" that "patrick jane" claims never happened.

This sanction legislation, that the President characterized as "deeply flawed" and "unconstitutional," received veto proof majorities from both the Republicans and the Democrats!
That's the problem with nothing burgers, they never fill you up, leaving you starving for more. Only 4 intelligence agencies think Russia meddled, not 17 - You live off of Fake News and Nothing Burgers :rotfl:


That's the problem with nothing burgers, they never fill you up, leaving you starving for more. Only 4 intelligence agencies think Russia meddled, not 17 - You live off of Fake News and Nothing Burgers :rotfl:

Demanding that all 17 agency conduct their own separate investigations is not practical, but that doesn't prevent each agency from analysing the data gathered by other agencies and coming to their own conclusions.

The net result was that all 17 were in agreement that data revealed Russian interference, and that the leaks were orchestrated to benefit one, and only one, candidate!

It was "The Donald," not Hillary, who stated publically that "I love Wikileaks" because the released emails were always biased in his favour!
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Hall of Fame
The distrust of Trump by his fellow congressional Republicans runs so deep that a few elected members have been assigned to remain in Washington during the August break such that the House and Senate technically remains in session.

Apparently a President can take advantage of a bureaucratic "loophole" and make appointments when Congress is not in session - this measure would prevent Trump from replacing the Attorney General Sessions, without congressional oversight, in favour of someone designated to fire Mueller!

Indeed. I cannot think of another President (including those whose elections were legitimate) who had their own party babysit him via special legislation. Child-proofing the WH.


New member
I did not like him from the 1980s. He rubbed me wrong saying cheating on taxes is smart. As well saying he could kill someone and still win. Too many knobs liked him, I liked another Republican candidate


Dirt all the way back, and then some...

...and more dirt...

...and more...

The Trump name is unavoidably synonymous with dirt.


Well-known member

Demanding that all 17 agency conduct their own separate investigations is not practical, but that doesn't prevent each agency from analysing the data gathered by other agencies and coming to their own conclusions.

The net result was that all 17 were in agreement that data revealed Russian interference, and that the leaks were orchestrated to benefit one, and only one, candidate!

It was "The Donald," not Hillary, who stated publically that "I love Wikileaks" because the released emails were always biased in his favour!

I love WikiLeaks too :chuckle:

I bet a dollar to donuts you loved them when W was president...

patrick jane

Oh, I so hope Miller becomes communications director. I was bummed when the Mooch was fired. Trump should fire Kelly. He doesn't belong in the land of misfits. I fear Kelly may convince Trump to not hire Miller. SAD!
Miller used to get on my nerves, I thought, nobody talks like that, he's acting. After seeing him more I started liking his sharp tongue and insight


Well-known member
The Donald is exceedingly vulnerable because he is an insurgent outsider who will eventually end up alone in the Swamp in helpless isolation.

Trump’s impetuous tweeting is a case in point. Take a recent tweet about Germany, for example. It was essentially on point, but amounted to waving a red cape in the face of the already enraged establishment bull:

We have a MASSIVE trade deficit with Germany, plus they pay FAR LESS than they should on NATO & military. Very bad for U.S. This will change.

Of course, the establishment’s concerns have less to do with peace and security than raising sales, earnings and stock prices in the Atlantic-area’s military industrial complex.

And the establishment won’t abide any threat to its power.

In this vein, the Donald is also pulling America out of the Paris Climate Accords, an establishment totem.

“Climate denialism” is about as offensive to establishment sensibilities as is “creationism.” So the shrieks of outraged disbelief reached ear-splitting decibels after Trump’s announcement.

I’m glad the Donald takes on the greatest “environmental hoax” of the modern era — even if it does accelerate his downfall.

That’s because it is based on an expansion of government that knows no limits — including the deliberate and systematic distortion of climate data to fit a weak theory that defies common sense and the known facts of the planet’s history.
In any event, the Donald’s jail break from the Paris Accords has further isolated him in the Imperial City — even if it does win him plaudits in the Rust Belt.
What will be the trigger that finally sends the establishment after Trump?
Ultimately, the hammer of fiscal crisis and a crashing stock market will break any remaining loyalty of the GOP elders as they smell the 2018 elections turning into a replay of the rout of 1974.

And then the Donald will be gone, and well before August 2018, too. I told an audience in Vancouver last Friday that it could happen by February.
The bottom line is that the Swamp is so undrainable that it will end up making mincemeat of Donald Trump.

Needless to say, the ultimate causes of his demise are anchored deep in the failing status quo.

America is so addicted to war, debt and central bank driven false prosperity that even the most resourceful and focused challenger would be taken down by its sheer inertia.

But the Donald is so undisciplined, naïve, out-of-touch, thin-skinned, unfocused and megalomaniacal that he is making it far easier for the Swamp critters than they deserve. To a very considerable extent, in fact, he is filling out his own bill of indictment.

Moreover, he is totally clueless about how to manage his presidency or cope with the circling long knives of the Deep State which are hell bent on removing him from office.

Read whole article HERE


Well-known member
The debt-ceiling crisis will cause a thunderous panic among the clueless gamblers on Wall Street. And the resulting 40% plunge in the stock market will pave the way for the Donald’s eventual demise.

At that point the Donald will truly be friendless. For comparison’s sake, consider the fate of Richard Nixon.

Notwithstanding three decades of network building and the accumulation of vast IOUs from his relentless politicking and campaigning, the GOP establishment sent Nixon packing in August 1974 when the party’s demise stood just around the corner.

By contrast, the Donald has no GOP network, friends, IOUs or even history. A mere twelve years ago he was cavorting with the Clinton’s at Chelsea’s wedding.

When the S&P 500 drops below 1,500 there will be panic in the GOP precincts all around Capitol Hill. Then I expect Trump to be escorted to the South Lawn for his final trip aboard the Richard Nixon memorial helicopter.

What is different this time, however, is that America is in no shape to weather the ensuing storm.

patrick jane

The debt-ceiling crisis will cause a thunderous panic among the clueless gamblers on Wall Street. And the resulting 40% plunge in the stock market will pave the way for the Donald’s eventual demise.

At that point the Donald will truly be friendless. For comparison’s sake, consider the fate of Richard Nixon.

Notwithstanding three decades of network building and the accumulation of vast IOUs from his relentless politicking and campaigning, the GOP establishment sent Nixon packing in August 1974 when the party’s demise stood just around the corner.

By contrast, the Donald has no GOP network, friends, IOUs or even history. A mere twelve years ago he was cavorting with the Clinton’s at Chelsea’s wedding.

When the S&P 500 drops below 1,500 there will be panic in the GOP precincts all around Capitol Hill. Then I expect Trump to be escorted to the South Lawn for his final trip aboard the Richard Nixon memorial helicopter.

What is different this time, however, is that America is in no shape to weather the ensuing storm.
All you see is doom and gloom. Have fun with that

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
No problem talking to your ugly pug Jethro Bodine.

Put up your pic, loser. I thought so-a wimp, not having the b's to put up his "mug," yet critiques those who are not bashful, embarrassed like yourself, to do the same.

Quite impressive, loser-we know the type.
You are the fluff-nutter strutter who tricks all the church ladies EG style. The love-with-himself SJW spends all his time on the strut and a sprinkle of content seasoned afterwards. Lots of noise. He can't even comprehend what what his Cult...

Thanks for the psycho-babble.Oprah...."Cult?" Wow-took you how long to GOOG that original zinger? Please teach us, fraud, loser.

ex-minister? Right, you lying fraud, child of the devil.


Miller used to get on my nerves, I thought, nobody talks like that, he's acting. After seeing him more I started liking his sharp tongue and insight

The fact that Miller is even being considered for the job is evidence that Trump wants to further antagonize the White House media!

Miller could become a victim of his own success, inheriting Sean Spicer's travelling podium on Saturday Night Live could serve as his "death sentence" for a President jealous of anyone receiving more media exposure than him!
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It's just not "cool" anymore to vote for demonrats


How "cool" is it for a Republican dominated Congress to vote 530 to 5 to impose sanctions with a veto proof mandate that effectively takes Russian foreign policy out of the President's hands?
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New member
Hall of Fame
:idea: Maybe they didn't vote for Hillary because of her involvement ...or lack Bengazi....

Not because the Russians allegedly hacked into a DNC server.

Judge Nap was right..

"Every four years, we entrust awesome power to a person who swears to protect the Constitution. How could we give that power to a consistent public liar who, for personal political gain, midwifed terror and chaos in a country that was our ally and whose words and behavior have continually demonstrated that she is utterly unworthy of belief?"
:rotfl: The thought that someone could have voted for Trump because they wanted someone who cared about the Constitution.
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