Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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Well-known member
11 days? :rotfl: Spicer is laughing at this one too. The only thing Scaramucci managed to communicate was the ineptness of this administration.

Scaramouche (Scaramucci):

a stock character in commedia dell'arte and farce who is a cowardly braggart, easily beaten and frightened.
(lowercase) a rascal or scamp.

What more need be said? :chuckle:


Well-known member
I thought the Mooch would last 3 months. :rotfl:

Trump must think he still is on Celebrity Apprentice.

What a mess.

How long can Kelly hold his nose? I understand he is a man of integrity. Will be interesting to see how many days it will be before he has to support one of Trump's many lies. No way he will be able to tame Trump.


like marbles on glass
Trump dictated son’s misleading statement on meeting with Russian lawyer
On the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit in Germany last month, President Trump’s advisers discussed how to respond to a new revelation that Trump’s oldest son had met with a Russian lawyer during the 2016 campaign — a disclosure the advisers knew carried political and potentially legal peril.

The strategy, the advisers agreed, should be for Donald Trump Jr. to release a statement to get ahead of the story. They wanted to be truthful, so their account couldn’t be repudiated later if the full details emerged.

But within hours, at the president’s direction, the plan changed.

Flying home from Germany on July 8 aboard Air Force One, Trump personally dictated a statement in which Trump Jr. said that he and the Russian lawyer had “primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children” when they met in June 2016, according to multiple people with knowledge of the deliberations. The statement, issued to the New York Times as it prepared an article, emphasized that the subject of the meeting was “not a campaign issue at the time.”

The claims were later shown to be misleading.
. . . .

Trump, they say, is increasingly acting as his own lawyer, strategist and publicist, often disregarding the recommendations of the professionals he has hired.

“He refuses to sit still,” the presidential adviser said. “He doesn’t think he’s in any legal jeopardy, so he really views this as a political problem he is going to solve by himself.”

. . .​

Long article, good read. Those last couple lines illustrate (yet another time) how the biggest problem we have is Trump himself. And he's not going to get any better. What remains to be seen is if the people around him can hold everything together, and so far it's not at all reassuring.


like marbles on glass


like marbles on glass
Trump Totally Embarrasses Himself While Trying To Talk Tough On North Korea
Donald Trump was trying to talk tough to North Korea, but his response to a reporter’s question revealed a president without a plan who doesn’t appear to have the slightest clue of how to handle a looming potential crisis.

Trump said, “We’ll handle North Korea. We’ll be able to handle North Korea. It will be handled. We handle everything.”

North Korea recently tested missiles that could reach major US cities, and Trump’s response is nothing more than, ‘it will be handled.”

The problem is that this administration hasn’t handled anything. How is Trump going to handle N. Korea? What’s the plan? What does Trump even mean by “handling?” Trump can’t talk about North Korea in the same way that people talk about going to the grocery store and seriously believe that people will accept this as fine.
Presidents need to have strategies, plans, and goals. Trump appears to have none of these. We’ll handle it can mean anything from sanctions to an invasion.

The President’s response was embarrassing, and if Pyongyang is watching, they are laughing at Trump, because this is an expert in the art of self-humiliation.

Worth noting that Trump's dropped to 39% approval rating in the latest Rasmussen poll. Rasmussen.


The Barbarian

How so? What firewalls?

Why Jeff Sessions Won’t Give a Straight Answer

The attorney general and his deputy aren’t dodging questions to protect Trump. They’re protecting themselves.

Now, as special counsel Robert Mueller escalates his inquiry into possible obstruction of justice, there’s an extra reason to suspect that Trump is guilty: The two lawyers with whom the president collaborated in the firing, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, aren’t vouching for Trump’s innocence. They’re giving answers and nonanswers that seem carefully crafted to allow for the possibility that they were used.

Trump’s original story, distilled in his May 9 termination letter, was that he fired Comey based on written recommendations received that day from Rosenstein and Sessions. That wasn’t true, and Rosenstein’s anger at being portrayed as the prime mover quickly forced the White House to backpedal. In his NBC interview, Trump admitted that he had already made up his mind by May 8, a day before the memos were written.

Since then, Rosenstein and Sessions have gone further. Testifying on Tuesday before the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sessions said Trump had directly solicited the memos. Rosenstein, in a statement to Congress on May 18, denied that his memo was “a survey of FBI morale or performance” or “a statement of reasons to justify a for-cause termination,” as Trump and the White House had implied. Both men articulated arguments against Comey that were completely different from, and essentially contrary to, Trump’s public beefs with the director. They also noted that their arguments against Comey were long-standing, which leaves Trump to explain why he suddenly adopted them...If Mueller concludes that Trump fired Comey over the Russia investigation, nothing Sessions or Rosenstein said in their hearings will turn out to be false. Sessions denied any collusion with Russia, and Rosenstein said he’s leaving such questions to Mueller. But on the question of whether Trump fired Comey to obstruct justice, and whether the president orchestrated a cover story to conceal that obstruction, the two men Trump enlisted are taking care not to vouch for his innocence. Maybe that’s because they can’t. Maybe they know they were used, and they don’t want to get caught in a web of lies.

Sessions is very clearly avoiding anything that might pull him into an indictment.

patrick jane

Why Jeff Sessions Won’t Give a Straight Answer

The attorney general and his deputy aren’t dodging questions to protect Trump. They’re protecting themselves.

Now, as special counsel Robert Mueller escalates his inquiry into possible obstruction of justice, there’s an extra reason to suspect that Trump is guilty: The two lawyers with whom the president collaborated in the firing, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, aren’t vouching for Trump’s innocence. They’re giving answers and nonanswers that seem carefully crafted to allow for the possibility that they were used.

Trump’s original story, distilled in his May 9 termination letter, was that he fired Comey based on written recommendations received that day from Rosenstein and Sessions. That wasn’t true, and Rosenstein’s anger at being portrayed as the prime mover quickly forced the White House to backpedal. In his NBC interview, Trump admitted that he had already made up his mind by May 8, a day before the memos were written.

Since then, Rosenstein and Sessions have gone further. Testifying on Tuesday before the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sessions said Trump had directly solicited the memos. Rosenstein, in a statement to Congress on May 18, denied that his memo was “a survey of FBI morale or performance” or “a statement of reasons to justify a for-cause termination,” as Trump and the White House had implied. Both men articulated arguments against Comey that were completely different from, and essentially contrary to, Trump’s public beefs with the director. They also noted that their arguments against Comey were long-standing, which leaves Trump to explain why he suddenly adopted them...If Mueller concludes that Trump fired Comey over the Russia investigation, nothing Sessions or Rosenstein said in their hearings will turn out to be false. Sessions denied any collusion with Russia, and Rosenstein said he’s leaving such questions to Mueller. But on the question of whether Trump fired Comey to obstruct justice, and whether the president orchestrated a cover story to conceal that obstruction, the two men Trump enlisted are taking care not to vouch for his innocence. Maybe that’s because they can’t. Maybe they know they were used, and they don’t want to get caught in a web of lies.

Sessions is very clearly avoiding anything that might pull him into an indictment.
No crime. Have you looked up what it takes to rise to the level of criminal obstruction? Keep dreaming barb

patrick jane

Trump Totally Embarrasses Himself While Trying To Talk Tough On North Korea
Donald Trump was trying to talk tough to North Korea, but his response to a reporter’s question revealed a president without a plan who doesn’t appear to have the slightest clue of how to handle a looming potential crisis.

Trump said, “We’ll handle North Korea. We’ll be able to handle North Korea. It will be handled. We handle everything.”

North Korea recently tested missiles that could reach major US cities, and Trump’s response is nothing more than, ‘it will be handled.”

The problem is that this administration hasn’t handled anything. How is Trump going to handle N. Korea? What’s the plan? What does Trump even mean by “handling?” Trump can’t talk about North Korea in the same way that people talk about going to the grocery store and seriously believe that people will accept this as fine.
Presidents need to have strategies, plans, and goals. Trump appears to have none of these. We’ll handle it can mean anything from sanctions to an invasion.

The President’s response was embarrassing, and if Pyongyang is watching, they are laughing at Trump, because this is an expert in the art of self-humiliation.

Worth noting that Trump's dropped to 39% approval rating in the latest Rasmussen poll. Rasmussen.

What can he do about N. Korea that would meet with your approval

patrick jane

Here is a prime example of Fake News attacks on Trump which have been regurgitated for the past 18 months. Trump did not mock the disability of the man



Well-known member

What an embarrassment he is, but he gets the front page of the news and the police rebuttal or apology for our drunken uncle president gets the back page. I am glad the police stood up for right but would have missed that had you not posted this. I would have been left with the imagine that the police were in agreement by their laughter and applause.

Trump knows how to get crowds to "agree with him" when in REALITY that don't. Why do they call him and his ilk reality stars? It's a horrid reality.


Well-known member
Trump Totally Embarrasses Himself While Trying To Talk Tough On North Korea
Donald Trump was trying to talk tough to North Korea, but his response to a reporter’s question revealed a president without a plan who doesn’t appear to have the slightest clue of how to handle a looming potential crisis.

Trump said, “We’ll handle North Korea. We’ll be able to handle North Korea. It will be handled. We handle everything.”

North Korea recently tested missiles that could reach major US cities, and Trump’s response is nothing more than, ‘it will be handled.”

The problem is that this administration hasn’t handled anything. How is Trump going to handle N. Korea? What’s the plan? What does Trump even mean by “handling?” Trump can’t talk about North Korea in the same way that people talk about going to the grocery store and seriously believe that people will accept this as fine.
Presidents need to have strategies, plans, and goals. Trump appears to have none of these. We’ll handle it can mean anything from sanctions to an invasion.

The President’s response was embarrassing, and if Pyongyang is watching, they are laughing at Trump, because this is an expert in the art of self-humiliation.

Worth noting that Trump's dropped to 39% approval rating in the latest Rasmussen poll. Rasmussen.

He is not bright for sure. He cannot comment intelligently on what to do with North Korea. He delegates only. He said he knew all the best people. If only that had been true. He didn't know healthcare was complicated. He doesn't care any about it. He only has a pen to sign it as he kept repeating. Whatever happens is never his fault because he doesn't contribute or try to understand or really committed to anything.

I feared he may nuke North Korea, but lately am unsure. It would be his generals. He doesn't lead, he delegates. He has turned war over to the generals. And as we learned recently he didn't decide who to fire on the Celebrity Apprentice but the producers did. His whole presidency will be letting others do the work and he will stick his name on it. If the work doesn't go well he will blame them. The pattern is cast and has been for decades.

If he had become president after W he would be pushing a liberal agenda instead.

His approval hasn't budged all that much. It has been somewhere between 46 and 36 percent which with margin of error I think is pretty level. But believe it or not it has only been 6 months. A year from now it will be more interesting to see where it is.

patrick jane

What an embarrassment he is, but he gets the front page of the news and the police rebuttal or apology for our drunken uncle president gets the back page. I am glad the police stood up for right but would have missed that had you not posted this. I would have been left with the imagine that the police were in agreement by their laughter and applause.

Trump knows how to get crowds to "agree with him" when in REALITY that don't. Why do they call him and his ilk reality stars? It's a horrid reality.
You weren't imagining the laughter and applause supporting Trump's harmless statement. That's how the average officer feels, the PC police had to say something against it to appease the haters like you

The Barbarian

Hey, Maduro said the same thing about his police. "Don't be gentle with them."

The concept of the police officer as enforcer, judge and punisher is not unique to Trump. Every caudillo who ever ruled had the same idea.
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